A- The academic year consists of two compulsory semesters and an optional summer semester for graduates:
The first semester: Compulsory and regular, with a duration of 12-14 weeks, some of which are devoted to exams.
The second semester: compulsory and regular, with a duration of 12-14 weeks, some of which are devoted to examinations.
Summer Semester: Optional, 6-8 weeks long for graduate students.
B- The university calendar approved by the relevant university council annually determines the start date of studies in each semester, exams, midterm holidays, announcement of results and registration dates.
The student is evaluated in any course during the semesters through tests, assignments, and various activities that are consistent with the nature of the course and show the extent to which the student absorbs the scientific content of the course.
Grades are distributed among the elements of the semester calendar (examinations, assignments, activities, and practical work) in accordance with what is stipulated in the university’s internal system and the description of its courses, taking into account the following:
1. Theoretical courses:
a. Scientific faculties: A percentage of no more than 40% of the course grade is allocated for the semester work (examinations, assignments, and activities), provided that at least one test is conducted during one semester, and at least 60% of the final result is allocated for the final exam, which is written and comprehensive.
b. Theoretical faculties: no more than 35% of the course score is allocated for the semester work (exams, assignments, and activities), provided that at least one test is conducted during one semester, and 65% of the final result is allocated for the final exam, which is written and comprehensive.
It is not permissible to enter the final exam for those who did not obtain 15% of the semester work mark.
d. Those who do not obtain 35% of the final exam mark are not considered successful.
Courses of a practical nature or research seminars and applied projects:
The college councils indicate how the marks that are set for these decisions will be distributed, provided that this distribution is approved by the concerned college council.
B- The College Council issues a decision at the beginning of each academic year showing the distribution of marks for each of the theoretical and practical sections (exams, activities, and practical).
C- The final evaluation of a student in a course is determined by collecting all the scores of tests, exams, assignments and scientific activities, in addition to the practical score (if any). The sum of these scores constitutes the final total score for the student in the course.
D- A student may submit a request to review the mark of the final exam paper or the semester exams within a maximum period of three days from the date of the exam
A- The student must adhere to the complete platform system and attend all lectures, practical sessions and discussions according to the approved study plan.
B- The deans of the faculties, heads of departments, faculty members, and the Director of Admission and Registration are responsible for implementing the attendance provisions.
A student is not allowed to miss more than 20% of the number of hours prescribed for the course in colleges that require direct attendance.
– If the student missed more than 20% of the number of hours prescribed for the course without a satisfactory or compulsive excuse accepted by the supervising professor, he is prohibited from taking the final exam, and his result in that course is considered (zero), and he must re-register if it is compulsory, and in all cases the result is included That is failure in calculating the student’s semester average for the purposes of warning and dismissal from the program (major).
– If the student missed more than 20% of the number of hours prescribed for a course, and this absence was due to illness or a compelling excuse accepted by the supervising professor concerned with the decision, and approved by the Student Council, he is considered to have withdrawn from that course, and the provisions for withdrawal apply to him, and the supervising professor informs the Director of Admissions and Registration of that The word (withdrawn) against that course shall be recorded in the student’s academic record.
The student has the right to withdraw from the course in which he is registered during the semester, and in this case he is granted a withdrawal grade
– In the event that the student withdraws all his courses within the concerned semester, he is considered to have stopped for this semester and gets a withdrawal grade in all the withdrawn courses. This does not affect the cumulative GPA calculation.
The semester average is calculated for each student at the end of each semester, which is the sum of the points obtained in the courses he studied during the semester after multiplying each of them by the number of credit hours for the course divided by the total credit hours that the student studied during the semester.
A total cumulative average is calculated for each student at the end of the semester using the same semester average method, taking into account all the courses that the student has studied since the beginning of his studies, with the exception of the courses that have been repeated, where the highest mark is taken into account.
A student who is unable to complete the work required of him to avoid falling short in the course for a reason beyond his control is given an “incomplete” grade, based on a proposal by the College Council and a decision of the University Council, and the student who obtains this grade must complete the additional work that is required of him to remove this The grade is before the end of the third week of the next semester.
A student who obtained a failing or deprived grade in any course must re-register in the course and study it again if it is compulsory or its equivalent if it is optional, with payment of the approved fees and installments.
The student must apply for the final exam of the course, and he is considered to have failed the course if he obtains a mark less than 35% of the final exam mark, or if he is absent from it, regardless of his grades obtained in the evaluations previous to this course, and he gets a failing grade.