Personal data
Full name: Mussab Al-Jamal
Place and date of birth: Kafr Nabudah – Hama – Syria / 06/17/1968
contact information
Phone and WhatsApp: 00905539743497
Personal email:

Evidence of educational attainment
PhD in Constitutional Law and Political Systems
PhD in Arbitration and Settlement of Civil and Commercial Disputes
PhD in Criminal Sciences
Master’s in Administrative Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Criminal Sciences
Bachelor of Laws

Business and tasks
President of Solomon International University
Professor of Law at the Bar Association of the Syrian Arab Republic
Professor at Damascus University
Professor at the Judicial Institute at the Ministry of Justice – Syrian Arab Republic
Former Director of Al Sharq Virtual Open Academy – Damascus – Syria
Researcher in legal sciences
legal advisor
Director of the Center for Legal Studies – Damascus – Istanbul.
Preparing draft laws

Literature & Book
Constitutional Law and Political Systems (University Course)
Introduction to Law (University Course)
Comparative Criminal Law between Positive Law and Islamic Law (University Course)
An original study of the constitution (PhD thesis)
Comparative Penal Law between Positive Law and Sharia (PhD Thesis)
Arbitration in Limited Liability Companies (PhD Thesis)
Criminal protection of currency in counterfeiting a comparative study (PhD thesis)
Questionnaire study for securities (Master’s Thesis)
Public utilities between text and application (scientific research to obtain a diploma in public law)
Criminal protection of currency in counterfeiting (scientific research for obtaining a diploma in criminal sciences)
Judicial protection of the currency (thesis for obtaining the degree of professor in law)
Published peer-reviewed research
Currency protection in Syrian legislation
The crime of intentional murder in the Syrian Penal Code – a comparative study
An in-depth study in the history of law
White collar crimes
Forensic research
Criminal psychology and criminal behavior
Crime against commercial and industrial property
Copyright and related rights – a comparative study
In addition to a number of research published in periodical journals
Syria between the hammer and the anvil – a historical study
Languages: Arabic – English