Personal data

Full name: Mahmoud Alahmad

Place and date of birth: Idlib 1/9/1972

contact information:

Phone and WhatsApp:00962786311555

_He has a strategic future vision.
_ Lecturer, teacher, consultant and expert in Islamic law and family values، Economics, philosophy and psychology.

_ He obtained a master’s degree in psychology and a doctorate in Islamic studies, philosophy and economics from the American University in London.
_ He also served as advisor to the Arab-Brazilian Cultural Center in Brazil.
_He has been a guest on many well-known international TV shows.
_ Participated in many local, national and international conferences.
_He specializes in working with children, women and families, especially in refugee camps in Jordan, Syria and Turkey.
_ He wrote more than 60 books and research in various contemporary and traditional fields about women, children, family, culture, education, psychology, and Islamic values.
_He Provides consultations,
lectures regularly around the world regarding women, children, family affairs, and Islamic human values.
_ He is the founder and general director of the Helsinki International Finnish Academy in Amman, Jordan.
He currently holds the position of Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Sulaiman International University in Turkey