Computerization of contracts for administrative staff and laboratory supervisors100% job done
Income standardization for all administrative employees70% completed task
Complete new assignments and update contracts electronically100% job done
Standardization of partnership ratios with deans of faculties80% completed task
Standardization of partnership ratios with center managers75% completed task
Amending the personnel system in accordance with the quality control laws.90% job done
Developing the university policy for fellowship and promotion100% job done
Automation of patents for previous cadres100% job done
Work on the sustainability of administrative automation systems at the university100% job done
Work on mobilizing academic contents on virtual platforms60% task completed
Responding to maintenance requests100% job done
Responding to the requirements of local, regional and international accreditation bodies75% completed task
Continuous management of human resources60% task completed
Organizing a schedule for employees in line with their external lives70% completed task
Develop the basic skills necessary for executive management100% job done
Consolidate self-motivation among employees100% job done
Work with the Information Technology Center to manage and sustain the university’s automated systems100% job done
Developing the system of rewards and income for university employees100% job done