University's President

Job title: University’s President

Roles and responsibilities:
The university president manages the university’s affairs and is responsible for the proper functioning of the academic and administrative process and for the implementation of laws and instructions issued by the Board of Trustees and the university’s policies. He exercises the following powers:

1. Managing the scientific, administrative and financial affairs of the university in a way that achieves the goals and interests of the university.
2. Ensure the proper functioning of the university in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
3. Presiding over the University Council, organizing its affairs, and inviting its members to meetings.
4. Appointing deans of faculties and directors of programs.
5. Supervising the university centers and its affiliated institutions.
6. Supervising the strategic plans of the university components.
7. Supervising the university’s board of trustees and participating in its sessions.
8. Representing the university externally and with official and unofficial authorities and bodies.
9. Overseeing and implementing the university budget, and issuing disbursement orders in accordance with applicable policies.
10. Implementing the educational, administrative and academic policies it issues.
11. Submitting financial and administrative reports to the Board of Trustees.
12. Work with the Finance Department to prepare the budget.
13. Building cooperative relations with scientific and academic institutions and supporting the university’s links with the community

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards.
2. At least 15 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research

Job title:Vice President for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research

Roles and responsibilities:
The Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Scientific Research is responsible to the President of the University, and communicates with him closely and directly with regard to all practical and academic matters entrusted to him, and performs the duties and tasks of the President of the University in his absence. He exercises the following powers:
1. All matters related to study plans and the teaching and learning process at the university.
2. Supervising the procedures for securing the faculty and educational staff of the colleges and developing their career path at the university.
3. Recommendation to the university president regarding the appointment and promotion of faculty members in a manner that does not contradict the policies and regulations in force at the university and the standards of international accreditation bodies.
4. Setting plans and priorities for developing academic programs, attracting faculty members, and developing their capabilities and performance.
5. Coordinating procedures for reviewing academic programs and developing curricula and teaching methods in coordination with college deans.
6. Supervising the preparation of the academic aspects budget in the university faculties.
7. Participate in committees and councils or chair them in accordance with the procedures in force at the university.
8. Managing the quality control system at the university.
9. Supervising the work of the Vice President for Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs, and the Vice President for International Relations.
10. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the President of the University in a way that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards.
2. At least 10 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Vice President for Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs

Job title:Vice President for Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs

Roles and responsibilities:
In addition to the academic duties of research and teaching, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Student Affairs, does the following:
1. Supervising the university’s administrative and financial work and planning and development affairs.
1. Participate in the University Council and the relevant committees.
2. Discussing with the university president the management of administrative affairs, student affairs, and financial affairs at the university.
3. Consulting with unit managers in administrative and financial affairs related to them.
4. Follow up the administrative and financial activities at the university.
5. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university president that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards.
2. At least 10 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Vice President for Public and International Relations

Job title:Vice President for Public and International Relations

Roles and responsibilities:
In addition to the academic duties of research and teaching, the Vice President for International Relations does the following:
1. Supervise the international activities of the university and undertake planning and development.
2. Participate in the University Council and the relevant committees.
3. Discussing with the university president in managing the university’s international relations with higher education institutions at the university.
4. Communicate with international accreditation bodies and supervise accreditation processes.
5. Communicate with the vice presidents of the university and the administrative and academic units to develop study plans, implementation plans, and policies in force according to the standards of international accreditation bodies.
6. Department of marketing and public and international relations at the university in cooperation with the Director of the Information Technology Center.
7. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university president that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards.
2. At least 10 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Faculty's Dean

Job title:Faculty’s Dean

Roles and responsibilities:
In addition to his academic duties such as research and teaching, he exercises the following powers:
1. Department of academic affairs, including research and teaching, in the college that he supervises.
2. Managing the administrative affairs of the college in a way that facilitates the achievement of its objectives and the interest of the university.
3. Preparing academic, administrative, executive and strategic plans for the college and submitting its recommendations to the competent authorities.
4. Preparing the college budget project and the human and administrative needs plan and submitting it to the university presidency.
5. Ensure the proper functioning of academic and administrative work in the college.
6. Participation in university councils stipulated in university policies and regulations.
7. Discussing with the president, his deputies, and faculty members in the college about related matters.
8. Chairing the College Council and any committees stipulated in the university’s policies and regulations.
9. Doing any other work assigned to him by the university president or one of his deputies that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards. (The university presidency may issue an exceptional assignment if he holds the rank of associate professor)
2. At least 5 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Vice Dean

Job title:Vice Dean

Roles and responsibilities:
In addition to his academic duties, the Vice Dean performs the following tasks and responsibilities:
1. Assisting the dean in supervising the college and developing appropriate plans for its advancement.
2. Carrying out the duties of the dean of the college in the absence of the dean.
3. Supervising the semester and final exams in the college.
4. Organizing study schedules in coordination with scientific departments.
5. Coordinating with program directors inside and outside the college to serve the college and push it forward.
6. Reviewing course equivalencies made by program directors before being signed by the Dean of the College.
7. Follow up the attendance of students in the college, especially with regard to the attendance record of a faculty member.
8. Carrying out a questionnaire at the end of each semester to find out the progress of the academic process in the college.
9. Practicing his academic duty at the university and making every effort to advance its scientific mission and its high position in the fields of scientific research and the relationship with society.
10. Carry out all the work assigned to him by his direct supervisor, in a way that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship is in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards. A faculty member may be appointed at the rank of Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
2. At least 5 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Academic Program Manager

Job title: Academic Program Manager

Roles and responsibilities:
In addition to his academic duties, the academic program director performs the following tasks and responsibilities:
1. Supervise the proper functioning of the academic process in the programme.
2. Supervising the administrative work in the program.
3. Managing and organizing the meetings of faculty members in the program and submitting recommendations to the dean.
4. Preparing reports related to the work of the program and submitting them to the dean of the college.
5. Preparing the draft budget and program plan and its administrative and academic needs.
6. Participation in university, college and program committees.
7. Work with the Counseling and Guidance Center at the university to supervise the process of guiding and directing students in the program and solving their problems.
8. Organizing the study schedule and distributing materials in the program to serve the objectives of the program.
9. Work to attract faculty members with experience and competence, according to the needs of the program.
11. Develop a plan to attract students and market the specialization.
11. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the Deanship of the College and the Presidency of the University in a way that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. The rank of professorship in accordance with the policies and regulations of the university and meets the quality standards shall have priority, and a faculty member may be appointed at the rank of associate professor or assistant professor
2. At least 3 years of experience in the field of academic work.

Secretary to the University's President

Job title:Secretary to the University’s President

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Managing the affairs of the president’s office in terms of:
A- Following up the implementation of the decisions and instructions issued by the university presidency.
b- Organizing and arranging the dates of interviews and meetings held by the president.
C- Providing the office of the president with the required data and information in a timely manner.
2. Preparing the draft annual budget for the office.
3. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the President of the University.

Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline.
2. At least two years of experience in executive management

University General Coordinator

Job title:Secretary to the University’s President

Roles and responsibilities:

1. Preparing the agenda for councils/ university council, council of deans, appointment and promotion committee.
2. Preparing the minutes of each council and presenting them later at the beginning of each session.
3. Organizing and sequentially arranging the minutes of council sessions.
4. Preparing and approving the decisions issued by each council, and then distributing them.
5. Classifying the decisions issued by councils and committees according to the concerned authority.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline.
2. At least two years of experience in executive management

Student Affairs and Registration Unit

Job Title: Director of Student Affairs Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Managing and supervising student affairs.
2. Managing and organizing student relations with the university and the university with students.
3. Managing administrative affairs in a manner that facilitates the achievement of its objectives and the interest of the university.
4. Preparing the academic, administrative, executive and strategic plans for the unit and submitting its recommendations to the competent authorities.
5. Preparing a draft budget for the unit and a plan for human and administrative needs and submitting it to the university presidency.
6. Ensure the proper functioning of administrative work in the unit.
7. Participation in university councils stipulated in university policies and regulations.
8. Discussing with the president and his deputies related matters.
9. Doing any other work assigned to him by the university president or one of his deputies that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline, with at least 6 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.
2. A master’s degree in a related discipline, with at least 4 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.
3. A Ph.D. degree in a related discipline, with at least two years of experience in the field of student activities and services.

Job Title: Assistant Director of Student Affairs Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Assisting in managing and organizing the unit’s affairs and activities.
2. Carry out the work and tasks assigned to him by the unit manager.
3. Carry out the duties of the unit manager in the event of his absence, illness, or vacancy of his position.
4. Coordination between the unit and the various components and departments of the university.
5. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the unit manager that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline, with at least 3 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.

Job title: Director of theStudents Office and Alumni
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Managing and organizing the affairs and work of the office in the Student Affairs and Registration Unit.
2. Documenting graduate information electronically and continuously updating it.
3. Periodic follow-up of university graduates and maintaining communication with them.
4. Preparing special questionnaires to identify the requirements of the labor market.
5. Participate in organizing graduation activities.
6. Coordinating with the unit offices, administrative units, other academic units, and the university presidency to facilitate the work of graduates.
7. Guiding new students and organizing their university life.
8. Supervision of student affairs.
9. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline, with at least 3 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.

Job Title: Student Services Supervisor
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Managing and organizing office affairs in the Student Affairs and Registration Unit.
2. Issuing university cards for employees and students.
3. Issuance of documents granted by the university to students.
4. Issuing the necessary documents for graduate and withdrawn students.
5. Issuing and following up student accounts on the university’s virtual administrative and educational platforms.
6. Receiving applications for registration at the university and responding to them.
7. Issuing initial and final acceptance documents for students.
8. Provide colleges with lists of new students.
9. Supervising students’ academic records.
10. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
01. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.

Job Title: Data Entry
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Entering data from the electronic forms prepared in the Student Affairs Unit.
2. Doing printing and sifting work on the computer.
3. Checking the data entered and correcting errors (if any).
4. Make any modifications to the data.
5. Extracting information from the computer and coordinating with the rest of the data entry concerned.
6. Receiving applications for registration at the university and responding to them.
7. Issuing initial and final acceptance documents for students.
8. Issuance of documents granted by the university to students.
9. Issuing the necessary documents for graduate and withdrawn students.
10. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
01. A high school diploma with at least 3 years of experience in the field of student activities and services.

Job title: Director of the Registry Office
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Auditing the registration, withdrawal and addition processes.
2. Checking the study schedule sent by the colleges and preparing the final exams schedule.
3. Preparing the university calendar for the academic year.
4. Issuing daily lists of the numbers of students registered for courses and courses in all faculties to provide the faculties and counselors with them.
5. Follow up the implementation of study plans for students.
6. Follow up on completing the requirements for students’ graduation.
7. Preparing lists of outstanding students, warned students, and dismissed academically.
8. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work
Required Qualifications:
01. First university degree (Bachelor’s degree) with at least 3 years of experience in the same job field.

Job title: Director of the Admissions Office
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Supervising the receipt of student enrollment applications and checking the attached documents in accordance with the admission requirements.
2. Follow up on completing any deficiencies in the documents.
3. Ensure that the prescribed financial fees are paid based on the receipt vouchers.
4. Supervising the opening of files for new students and keeping documents in them.
5. Supervising the arrangement of files according to colleges, majors and university ranks.
6. Checking students’ transfers from one major to another in accordance with the approved admission principles.
7. Save files in safe ways to facilitate the process of referencing them.
8. Keeping any other documents of the student in his file.
9. Following up on the announcement of the date of admission and the specializations offered in the various media.
10. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. First university degree (Bachelor’s degree) with at least 3 years of experience in the same job field.

Job title: Registrar
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Receiving and coordinating enrollment applications and checking the required supporting documents.
2. Participate in preparing and saving files according to specialization and university number.
3. Checking student rates and results and preparing various tables and statistics.
4. Follow-up procedures for accepting new students.
5. Preparing lists of those who have been warned and dismissed at the end of each semester.
6. Reviewing study plans for students expected to graduate and checking their academic files and statuses.
7. Issuing documents and transcripts in both Arabic and English.
8. Participate in the registration processes for subjects in each semester and the subsequent withdrawal and addition processes.
9. Application of instructions for awarding bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
10. Follow up on the situation of students and transfer them from one college to another and from one specialization to another.
11. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
01. First university degree (Bachelor’s degree) with at least 3 years of experience in the same job field.

Job title: administrative employee
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Print and stamp the transcripts, ensuring the sequence of their numbers and the identity of the student.
2. Print and sign certificates, proofs, and transcripts of graduates, after confirming the identity of the student and completing graduation requirements.
3. Indexing the marks lists by year and season, following up on their automation and keeping them electronically in the folders designated for them.
4. Archive graduation documents.
5. Full responsibility for official papers.
6. Receiving, checking and archiving the files of new students, and verifying the receipt of all documents required for admission.
7. Keeping documents related to students in their own files and taking responsibility for keeping them.
8. Preparing student files for scrutiny by local and international accreditation bodies.
9. Carry out any other tasks assigned to him by his direct supervisor that do not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. First university degree (Bachelor’s degree) without experience
2. A high school diploma with at least 3 years of experience in the same job field.

Financial Affairs Unit

Job title: Director of the Financial Affairs Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Verifying the collection of available revenues according to its policies and regulations, as well as paying the obligations incurred therefrom.
1. Setting and defining the various financial policies for the university’s activities.
2. Checking the implementation of the financial policy approved by the university.
3. Follow-up insurance policies for the university’s movable and immovable assets.
4. Preparing the draft annual budget for the unit.
5. Contacting the banks that the university deals with and organizing bank accounts, including loans.
6. Organizing the unit’s relationship with other administrative units and with external parties.
7. Determine the tasks and responsibilities of the staff of the Financial Affairs Unit and supervise them.
8. Approve all administrative financial reports and transactions issued by the Financial Affairs Unit.
9. Monitoring and managing the university’s various accounts and ensuring that they comply with the university’s financial policies and the estimated budget.
10. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. Master’s degree with at least 10 years of experience in accounting and auditing.

Job Title: General Accountant
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Studying the proposal of the department’s work plans and financial policies in cooperation with the unit director.
2. Organizing and preparing university accounts according to the approved financial system.
3. Preparing registration and exchange vouchers supported by all supporting documents.
4. Checking the financial claims received for the unit before paying their value.
5. Following up on the various trust accounts and settling them periodically (income tax – guarantee…etc).
6. Preparing daily bank reconciliations and following up on transfers and financial transactions.
7. Checking the calculation of bank interest and matching it with the agreements related to borrowing contracts.
8. Follow up on the receipt and renewal of bank guarantees for suppliers, customers, and contractors’ contracts.
9. Providing the university presidency with the necessary data for preparing the annual budget.
10. Preparing periodic financial reports.
11. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree with a specialization in the field of accounting, with experience in the field of accounting and auditing of not less than 5 years.

Job Title: Student Accountant
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Applying the established instructions regarding tuition fees and the scholarship system.
2. Calculating the semester tuition fees revenue according to the established regulations and instructions.
3. Preparing students’ receivables statements periodically and comparing them with general balances
4. Follow up on students’ financial affairs and prepare financial settlements for scholarship holders.
5. Preparing the daily fund entry.
6. Preparing and monitoring students’ deposit sheets and updating it quarterly.
7. Preparing and following up daily correspondence with students.
8. Preparing and checking financial transaction records for students before deporting them.
9. Settlement of students’ financial dues resulting from graduation, withdrawal, or otherwise.
10. Follow up on returned checks from students and take the necessary measures to collect them.
11. Checking the academic schedule and settling errors resulting from registration processes.
12. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree with a specialization in the field of accounting, with experience in the field of accounting and auditing of not less than 5 years.

Job Title: Payroll Accountant
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Maintain data and details of salaries of all university employees.
2. Follow up on the receipt and audit of all employment contracts and supporting documents for hiring employees.
3. Transferring the employees’ dues at the end of each month after calculating and checking them, and determining the computer extracts of the data entered by Personnel Affairs and verifying their validity.
4. Calculating the extra work for the employees and part-time lecturers and passing it on for disbursement.
5. Preparing and calculating the daily wages for daily workers and students’ wages.
6. Preparing salary entries supported by all documents necessary to complete the registration and termination process.
7. Follow-up health insurance for employees, and prepare related entries.
8. Maintaining and monitoring the accounts receivables of employees and following up on the termination of the related entries on a timely basis.
9. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree with a specialization in the field of accounting, with experience in the field of accounting and auditing of not less than 5 years.

Job title: internal auditor
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Checking the exchange, entry, and receipt vouchers for a documentary check prior to the disbursement.
2. Auditing the workers’ monthly salaries after calculating them and before transferring them to banks.
3. Auditing bank accounts and ensuring the validity of periodic bank reconciliations.
4. Carrying out the periodic and sudden inventory of the general fund and subsidiary funds, and documenting the inventory.
5. Verify the validity of the delegation of financial powers granted to employees and officials.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the Information Technology Center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree with a specialization in the field of accounting, with experience in the field of accounting and auditing, with an experience of not less than one year.

Job title: Treasurer
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Receiving the university’s revenues and preparing its receipts according to the established instructions.
2. Deposit the money received daily in the university bank accounts according to the prescribed instructions.
3. Follow up on cash insurance policies of all kinds.
4. The daily balance of the fund and the preparation of the daily movement statement of receipts and deposits.
5. Payment of obligations from the Advance Fund in accordance with the rules.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
7. A first university degree with a specialization in the field of accounting, with experience in the field of accounting and auditing of not less than 5 years.

Personnel Affairs Unit

Job title: Director of Personnel Affairs Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Supervise the management of personnel affairs and supervise the unit’s work activities to ensure the proper functioning of work therein.
2. Implementation of the decisions issued by the university presidency regarding the appointment of employees and their financial relationship with the university.
3. Conclude work contracts with employees, appoint them and follow up on their annual renewal.
4. Follow-up and control the annual leave, sick leave and other leave of the employees.
5. Follow-up on the implementation of health insurance contracts and permanent coordination between the insured employees and insurance companies.
6. Monitoring the daily working hours of the employees and recommending deductions and penalties (if necessary).
7. Implementing the procedures for promotion and fellowship.
8. Preparing the draft annual budget of the unit.
9. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. Master’s degree with experience in management with at least 10 years of experience.

Job title: administrative employee
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Preparing and completing the employees’ personal files with all the necessary supporting data.
2. Following up and recording the various employees’ vacations and their departure.
3. Updating employee data and coordinating with the Finance Department regarding the effects on salaries and wages.
4. Organizing and monitoring the operations of the insured with medical forms and receiving them from them.
5. Follow-up of employees’ working hours.
6. Preparing the necessary correspondence related to the completion of transactions and checking them after printing them.
7. Receiving auditors and providing administrative services within the unit’s scope of work.
8. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) with at least 3 years of experience in the same field.

Arts and Culture Unit

Job title: Director of the Arts and Culture Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Organizing cultural and artistic activities for university students inside and outside the university and through the virtual events platform and the virtual university environment.
2. Receiving applications submitted by students regarding the organization of artistic and cultural activities and events.
3. Supervising the artistic and cultural events in the university.
4. Organizing competitions and events related to arts and culture for students and employees.
5. Supervising visual and visual productions issued by all components of the university.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree with a related major with experience in the field of not less than 3 years.

Job title: administrative employee
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Assistance in organizing cultural and artistic activities for university students inside and outside the university and through the virtual events platform and the virtual university environment.
2. Receiving and organizing requests submitted by students regarding the organization of artistic and cultural activities and events, and submitting them to the unit director.
3. Organizing and preparing for artistic and cultural events at the university.
4. Executive work in competitions and events related to arts and culture for students and employees.
5. Work experience in the field of visual and visual productions issued by all components of the university.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree in a related major with at least 3 years of experience in the field.

Business Development and Strategy Unit

Job Title: Director of Business Development and Strategy Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Preparing and developing feasibility studies at the university.
2. Managing and developing the university’s strategy in accordance with the policies in force.
3. Providing detailed studies for the projects launched by the university.
4. Reviewing operational plans and strategic plans for all university departments.
5. Submit periodic reports to the university presidency about market needs.
6. Work with the deans of faculties and program directors on the continuous development of the contents of the curriculum in line with the requirements of the labor market.
7. Supervise the updating and development of university policies as required.
8. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A Ph.D. degree in a related discipline with at least 3 years of experience in the field.

Job title: administrative employee
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Preparing all the necessary elements for the preparation of feasibility studies.
2. Collecting information about the elements and components required by the unit manager.
3. Preparation of templates and general structures.
4. Enter the data assigned by the unit manager or the director of the information technology center.
5. Entering the educational contents of the courses within the specified templates.
6. Preparing the necessary correspondence related to the completion of transactions and checking them after printing them.
7. Receiving auditors and providing administrative services within the unit’s scope of work.
8. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the director of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) with work experience of no less than 3 years.

Public Relations and Media Unit

Job title: Director of the Public Relations and Media Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Supervising the management of the unit’s affairs and activities and its employees, and setting procedures for the unit’s work to ensure the proper functioning of its work.
2. Work to show the civilized face of the university and its role in serving the local, regional and international communities.
3. Organizing contact with local scientific institutions and strengthening relations with them.
4. Daily news monitoring through what is issued by the various media outlets about the university and other universities.
5. Participate in following up on the university’s website and providing it with news in a timely manner.
6. Closer relations with external parties and local community institutions.
7. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the management of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline.

Job title: media officer
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Following up and covering various activities and events related to the university.
2. Preparing reports and press interviews held and supervised by the university.
3. Editing the news received from the various faculties and units of the university.
4. Providing news agencies, daily newspapers and websites with all news about the university’s activities and effectiveness.
5. Following up on university news published in newspapers and websites.
6. Follow-up of university news received from all news agencies.
7. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the management of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline.
2. A high school diploma (baccalaureate) with at least 3 years of experience working in a related field.

Job title: Translator
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Translating official books and publications received or issued by the university from Arabic into English and vice versa, as well as what appears on the university’s website.
2. Summarizing documents and reports of the university written in foreign languages and translating them into Arabic.
3. Interpretation of conversations between university officials and their guests when needed.
4. Carry out any other work assigned to him by the university presidency or the management of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university level certificate (BA) with a specialization in the English language.
2. An intermediate diploma with a certificate of proficiency in the English language, with at least 3 years of experience working in the field of translation.

Job title: Public Relations Officer
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Participate in the preparation and implementation of programs for university activities and events.
2. Participate in collecting media information related to the university.
3. Broadcasting news of university activities to news agencies, daily newspapers and websites.
4. Participate in preparing for the activities and events organized by the university.
5. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his president, the university presidency, or the management of the information technology center.
Required Qualifications:
1. First undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s degree) in a related discipline.
2. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of experience working in the field.

Legal Consultation Unit

Job title: Director of the Legal Consultation Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1) Providing legal advice on what is referred to the section by the general supervisor or assisting or any of the legal department sections.
2) Expressing a formal opinion on requests for opinion presented to the legal department by the university president or by university vice-rectors and various university departments.
3) Participate in the legal review of the internal regulations, contracts and agreements that are referred to the administration.
4) Participate in reviewing and preparing decisions and circulars that are referred to the administration by the authorized person.
5) Studying the issues referred to the administration related to the administrative, financial and legal aspects in accordance with the relevant rules, regulations and instructions, and expressing legal opinions regarding them.
Required Qualifications:
1) First university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in law, with a master’s degree in law and at least 10 years of experience.

Occupational health and safety unit

Job title: Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1) Identify risks in the workplace.
2) Helping faculty and university staff members to organize their own health affairs.
3) Providing health advice on creating a comfortable work environment.
4) Design and implement workplace processes and procedures that help protect workers from potentially hazardous working conditions.
5) Investigate accidents to determine their causes and develop plans to prevent them in the future.
6) Conducting exercises on a variety of topics such as emergency preparedness
Required Qualifications:
1) A first undergraduate degree (Bachelor) in a related field.

Internal Audit Unit

Job title: Director of the Internal Audit Unit
Roles and responsibilities:
1. Supervising the management of the affairs and activities of the unit to ensure the proper functioning of the unit.
2. Designing internal audit programs that ensure auditing and internal control over financial and administrative activities at the university.
3. Developing procedures for implementing control and internal audit programs.
4. Implementation of decisions and instructions issued by the university administration.
5. Preparing and selecting standards for internal audit elements and indicating deviations from established standards.
6. Organizing the inventory of cash and various assets.
7. Preparing observations related to the applied financial policies and indicating appropriate recommendations in this regard.
8. Preparing the draft annual budget for the unit.
9. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. First undergraduate degree (Bachelor) in a related field.

Quality Control System Manager

Job Title: Quality Control System Manager

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Follow up on developments and quality assurance procedures at the university level and other educational institutions locally, internationally and regionally.
2. Ensuring the effectiveness of the university’s programs and ensuring the continued quality of its inputs, processes, applications and outputs.
3. Quality Assurance Department of Academic Programs at the University.
4. Procedures for evaluating academic programs at the university and following up on their implementation.
5. Coordinating with the deans of the faculties to follow up the analysis of the results with regard to the results and quality analysis
6. Evaluation of academic materials and programs with a view to developing them.
7. Preparing the requirements for the external evaluation and following up on its procedures

Required Qualifications:
1. PhD degree, with previous experience of not less than 5 years.

Quality Control Coordinator

Job Title: Quality Control Coordinator

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Participate in the preparation of executive programs related to quality standards.
2. Communicate with higher education institutions to follow up on quality issues.
3. Follow up on the affairs of the quality control system with the administrative and academic units.
4. Preparing the deanship’s agenda and organizing the files of the various councils and committees.
5. Follow up the requirements of the workshops organized by the Deanship.
6. Receiving and preparing incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from the Deanship.
7. Carrying out archive work and organizing files.
8. Carrying out contacts inside and outside the university with the aim of organizing work and following up on its implementation.
9. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.

Required Qualifications:
1) Master’s degree, with previous experience of at least 3 years.

Quality Assurance Officer

Job Title: Quality Assurance Officer

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Assistance in following up the implementation of the academic agenda of the colleges.
2. Assistance in following up the application of quality matters in the administrative departments.
3. Assisting in writing and auditing the various reports and plans of the Deanship.
4. Assist in analyzing quality results.
5. Follow up the affairs of the quality control system and the website with the Information Technology Center.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor that does not conflict with the nature of his work.
Required Qualifications:
1. A first university degree certificate (Bachelor’s degree), with no prerequisite or quality of previous experience.

General Manager of Interactive ISU Community

Job Title: General Manager of Interactive ISU Community

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Supervising the management of the affairs and activities of the interactive system to ensure the proper functioning of it.
2. Implementation of decisions and instructions issued by the university administration.
3. Developing procedures for the work of the interactive community and the necessary plans for their implementation.
4. Preparing the draft annual budget for the interactive community.
5. Developing various databases needed by the interactive community.
6. The system follows the administration of the Information Technology Center
Required Qualifications:
1. PhD degree, with previous experience of not less than 5 years.

Technical Officer

Job Title: Technical Officer

Roles and responsibilities:
1. Implementing registration processes and supporting users in accordance with the provisions and controls in force in the community.
2. Monitoring user activity processes.
3. Calculating the earnings of active cadres.
4. Take the necessary procedures to clear the active cadres from liability.
5. Preparing overdue content lists and asking professors to commit periodically.
6. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his line manager or the management of the Information Technology Center

Required Qualifications:
1. First University Degree Certificate (Bachelor)
2. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of work experience.

Guidance Officer

Job Title: Guidance Officer

Roles and Responsibilities:
1. Guiding and training the interactors, teaching staff and community pioneers, and training them on ways and means of interaction within the community.
2. Guiding students and pioneers of the interactive community and training them to use the books, references and periodicals available in the interactive community.
3. Maintaining order within the components of the virtual community.
4. Browse the contents on a daily basis and correct the new contents in case of errors.
5. Adjust content attachments and raise their accuracy.
6. Carrying out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor or managing the Information Technology Center.
Required Qualifications:
1. First University Degree Certificate (Bachelor)
1. An intermediate diploma with no less than 3 years of work experience.

Supply Officer

Job Title: Supply Officer

Roles and Responsibilities:
1. Assisting the Interactive Community Manager in the process of selecting, organizing and supervising printed and non-printed intellectual materials.
2. Follow-up of the bibliographic description data for intellectual materials through the basic tools for provision.
3. Sending purchase orders to publishers, books selling centers and approved suppliers in accordance with the systems and policies in force in the Solomon International University interactive community.
4. Supervising the office materials that are purchased and registered according to the applicable system.
5. Supervising volunteer programs and exchanging knowledge with universities, academic institutions and external parties.
6. Recording and publishing the materials received in accordance with the publishing system used in the International Suleiman University community.
7. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor or the management of the Information Technology Center.

Required Qualifications:
1. First University Degree Certificate (Bachelor)
2. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of work experience.

Knowledge Organization Officer

Job Title: Knowledge Organization Officer

Roles and Responsibilities:
1. Technical and administrative supervision over the process of organizing knowledge for all lectures, contents, books, references, printed and non-printed periodicals, processing and developing them.
2. Participate in the classification and indexing processes using the latest international rules and regulations.
3. Supervise keeping the technically processed data (beak up) in the database periodically.
4. Contribute to the preparation of the monthly and subject bibliographic lists required by the university faculties.
5. Supervising training and qualification programs related to the organization and development of business via the Internet.
6. Developing plans and policies to develop work methods using modern technologies and preparing monthly and annual reports and the community budget.
7. Checking the registration of indexed and technically processed intellectual materials before publishing them to the public
8. Carry out any other work assigned by his direct supervisor or the Director of the Information Technology Center.

Required Qualifications:
1. First University Degree Certificate (Bachelor)
2. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of work experience.

Database Expert

Job Title: Database Expert

Roles and Responsibilities:
1. Participate in managing the database with the Information Technology Center.
2. Participate in the computerization of the library’s procedures and services through the automation system used in the interactive community, follow up on the development and maintenance of the system and activate its reports.
3. Preparing manuals to facilitate dealing with the automated system and databases.
4. 4. Holding training courses for employees on how to use the technical features in the interactive system and Suleiman’s virtual environment.
5. Helping the employees of the various departments to complete their work using computerized systems.
6. Supervising the interactive system and training the beneficiaries to use the technical features and services of Solomon’s virtual environment in which the interactive community participates.
7. Carry out any other work assigned to him by his direct supervisor or the Director of the Information Technology Center.

Required Qualifications:
1. First University Degree Certificate (Bachelor)
2. An intermediate diploma with at least 3 years of work experience.