The Revenue and Treasury Office undertakes and carries out the following tasks and responsibilities:
Collecting all university revenues resulting from the exercise of its activity, including the return of tuition fees, book sales, or invalid assets that have been decided to be disposed of by sale according to the approved disposition method.
Preserving insurance documents, letters of guarantee, and other documents of financial value and working to fulfill all their documents, register and renew them, and collect their value in accordance with the applicable conditions and systems, in a manner that guarantees the interest of the university and not exposing its rights to loss or any losses or fines.
Keeping records and books for recording the university’s revenues and debts with others, keeping and classifying all documents supporting those revenues, making authentications regarding them and working to collect them in coordination with the competent departments and offices.
Carrying out arrest and payment operations of any kind, issuing checks and writing them down, after completing their documents, following up on their signature from the legally authorized authority, and handing them over to beneficiaries in accordance with the established rules.
Preparing daily entries for the movement of the treasury, making settlement notes, reviewing payments through checks and vouchers, recording and confirming cash deposits or checks in banks.
Follow-up of the university’s bank balances, including receipt of checkbooks, follow-up of the approval of authorized signatures, issuance of account statements and the necessary settlements.
Follow-up on the trust and advances granted to the university’s employees and work to settle, restore or close them in accordance with the instructions and regulations issued in this regard.
Supervising the work of treasurers and sales secretaries, keeping records that ensure the review of their work, and participating in conducting periodic and surprise inventories for them.
Carrying out other works that fall within the functions of revenue and treasury or that are assigned to it.