The Purchasing Office undertakes the following tasks and responsibilities:
Implementing the university’s policy in the field of purchasing and obtaining services, by carrying out all procedures for publishing, advertising, bringing invoices and offers for materials to be purchased from the local and foreign markets, and presenting them to the committees formed for procurement and bidding.
Completion of procurement procedures after their approval, and taking all the work related to them, to ensure the provision of all materials and services with specifications, on time and in the required quantities, and within the limits of approved budgets.
Taking and executing all customs declaration works for the imported materials, filling out customs declarations, completing all their documents, and paying customs duties, to complete the procedures for withdrawing materials from customs sheds.
Receiving local and foreign purchases related to tasks, spare parts, furniture, stationery, and other tasks, according to the approved purchase and work orders, in coordination with the Examination and Receipt Committee, storing and classifying those purchases according to their nature, and disbursing them in accordance with the approved exchange orders and within the framework of the applicable systems.
Work to provide all departments, offices, sections and branches with the materials and needs they require with the quantities, specifications and dates indicated in the approved exchange orders issued in this regard.
Keep records, books and cards necessary to determine the movement of items in warehouses from the supply documents, record all data on added and dispensed quantities, and cooperate with the inventory committees in carrying out their tasks.
Take all safety precautions to ensure the preservation of the university’s stock, and promptly report any default, negligence, shortage, loss or damage that occurs to the stored items.
Carrying out other works related to warehousing and other works assigned to him.