About the Academic Track

Engineering management is a management specialization that is concerned with the application of administrative principles in engineering. During the academic study of this major, the student studies the following subjects: human resource management, quality management, strategic decision-making, scientific research methodology, engineering project management, engineering economics and finance, crisis management, risk management, research and development management, supply chain management, and purchasing management. Production management, and other elective courses according to market requirements.

Objective of the Academic Track
This academic track aims to qualify you to apply for high-profile engineering positions in key sectors in which engineering disciplines and engineering management are pivotal. Engineering majors are a driving force for the country’s economy, so graduates of this academic track are expected to lead and manage projects in the engineering industries, but also on a regional and international level.
Earning a master’s degree reflects your high level of knowledge in your chosen field. You can use it to enhance your ability to work, prepare for further academic research or as a means of vocational training.
The nature of the Master’s in Engineering Management poses challenges worthy of being a postgraduate degree . Graduates of this academic track will be able to fulfill the following:
Demonstrate in-depth competency in management areas of relevant engineering industrial bodies.
Develop competitive skills in problem-solving techniques, interdisciplinary teamwork, and critical analysis of engineering management problems.
Provide an engineering professional with the fundamentals of engineering management and the ability to learn for life.
To give students the knowledge necessary to measure and evaluate technology, business and people’s performance in engineering fields.
Provide an advanced understanding of engineering management practices and administrative functions.
Create a solid foundation in engineering management and engineering business practices.
Carrying out optimal data analysis for decision makers.

Study System

● The student studies eight courses, distributed as follows:
√ Six compulsory courses.
√ Two elective courses from among the courses offered by the college for master’s students.
● The study is conducted through research seminars in each course. The research seminar is based on multiple references and is in accordance with the methodology and standards of scientific research.
● The study of each of the eight courses takes four credit hours for a minimum of four weeks and may exceed that according to each student’s abilities. After that, the student’s competency and knowledge test is held in the course he completed, then he begins another course in the same manner, and so on.
● The student is assigned a hypothetical course that the college chooses from among the courses that the student has studied at the undergraduate level, and this is considered a practical training for the student to be evaluated with ten credit hours. The student must divide this course from twelve to fourteen brief lectures. The student presents each lecture in the form of a written summary of its topic in Word or PDF format, accompanied by a video recording of it in the student’s voice using the Power Point program, with a duration of not less than ten minutes and not more than About twenty minutes.
● Study courses in the first year, the student has the right to extend the study for a period not exceeding a second year.

The requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in various disciplines are sixty credit hours according to the study plan approved by the University Council, and these requirements are distributed according to the following programs:
1- Research courses of thirty-two credit hours.
2- A scientific thesis with eighteen credit hours.
3- A practical training of ten credit hours.

Requirements for registering a thesis topic for a master’s degree
● The student must pass the stipulated courses with a score of at least 70%.
● The student obtained a TOEFL certificate of at least 450, or its equivalent, or obtained an equivalent certificate in the French language, with the exception of those who obtained a first university degree in one of the two languages, or in one of the two languages.
● The student submits a request to the university administration to register a master’s thesis with a proposed topic in one of the subspecialty tracks.
● If the initial approval of the subject title is achieved, the college council will designate a supervisor to guide and follow up the student in preparing the plan.
● The research plan includes the importance of the topic and a critical presentation of previous studies in it, specifically the research problem, then defining the study’s curriculum and its main hypotheses or questions that you want to answer, and the division of the study and its sources.
● The student presents his proposed plan in a scientific seminar, discussing the plan as a topic and an approach.
● The student adjusts his plan based on the professors’ observations in the seminar if he is asked to amend.
● After the seminar, the plan is presented to the college council to take its decision regarding the registration of the subject.
● In the event of approval, the College Council’s decision is presented to the University Council to approve the registration, and the registration date is calculated from the date of the University Council’s approval.

Jury discussion and award of degree
● The minimum for preparing a master’s thesis is nine months, starting from the date of approval by the University Council to register the subject, and the maximum is two years, which can be extended for a third exceptional year upon the recommendation of the supervisor and the approval of the College Council, provided that the total period of student enrollment in the degree does not exceed four years.
● The supervisor submits a semi-annual report that includes what has been accomplished and what is required in the remaining period.
● After the student completes the thesis and the supervisor reviews it, the supervisor submits to the university administration a report stating its validity for discussion, including an evaluation of the student’s performance during the preparation period of the thesis of 140 degrees, with a full copy of the thesis signed by him, and a letter with the names of the discussion and judgment committee proposed by the professors of the specialty, for presentation to the college Council.
● At least fifteen days must pass before the student’s discussion from the date of the approval of the discussion committee by the college.
● The validity period of the committee formed to discuss the thesis is six months, which may be renewed for a similar period based on a report from the supervisor and the approval of the College Council.
● Each member of the committee writes a detailed scientific report on the validity of the thesis for discussion, and the thesis is evaluated out of 420 degrees, and the average of the three degrees is taken.
The student may not be discussed unless he/she gets at least 70% of the supervisor’s evaluation of his performance and the committee members’ evaluation of the message in the individual reports.
● A group report is submitted after the discussion, signed by all members of the committee, in which an evaluation of the thesis discussion is given on a scale of 140 degrees.

The thesis is passed after public discussion with one of the ratings shown in the following table:

Percentage of gradespointsappreciation symbolAppreciation
95 to 100%4A+A+Prominent
90 to less than 95%7 , 3aA
85 to less than 90%3 , 3b+BVery well
80 to less than 85%3BB
75 to less than 80%7 , 2c+C+Good
70 to less than 75%3 , 2cC

After the college approves the student’s results, the master’s degree is awarded at a rate calculated from the average total of the courses and thesis grades.
After obtaining the approval of the University Council to grant a master’s degree to the student, he is entitled to obtain insured certificates, authenticated by the university, stating that he obtained that degree, in order to present them to the various authorities.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a master’s degree in business and management is two years as a minimum, and six years as a maximum.
In the first year, the student studies at least eight subjects, and the study is through research seminars for each course. The research seminar is based on multiple references and is in accordance with the scientific research methodology and standards.
In the second year, the student attends a general seminar for the topic of the thesis, which he will prepare and submit for discussion
The general seminar is discussed by the scientific committee at the university, and the title of the thesis is approved
The student works to complete his thesis under the supervision of the supervisor decided by the Presidency of the University based on the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty
The student completes his scientific thesis and submits for discussion before the committee formed by the Presidency of the University in a public session and completes the conditions for a master’s degree
Courses of study in the first year The student has the right to extend the study in it for a period not exceeding a second year
The thesis prepared by the student during a period of time not less than 9 months and not exceeding two years

Conditions for success and graduation

1) The student is considered to have passed any of the program’s courses if he achieves a final score of no less than 65%. He is also considered successful in the master’s project if he obtains a mark (granted by the judging committee) not less than 75%.
After the student presents the results of his project before the committee, and discusses its technical content.
2) The student is not entitled to submit to discuss his thesis until a scientific research is published in an approved refereed journal.
3) The student obtains a master’s degree certificate after he has fulfilled all the scientific requirements for this degree.

Academic Track Structure
8 courses = 32 credit hours,
 practical training = 10 credit hours
 Master's thesis = 18 credit hours
Practical Training
Master's Thesis

Core Courses

Scientific Research Methodology

Course Code: FBA101
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course includes scientific research methods related to defining scientific research and clarifying its importance, types, steps and methods. It also deals with the sources and methods of data collection and methods of data analysis, as well as methods of sampling and estimation, and all statistical methods that can be used in the processes of analysis and scientific research in the fields of economics and management.

Engineering Management

Course Code: FBA102
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will expose students to the online business lab environment. During the course, students will be given the opportunity to integrate their understanding of various business disciplines by developing a business plan and implementing the plan over several sessions of simulated competition using computerized business simulation. This course will introduce students to the most important topics related to engineering management.

Accounting for Engineers

Course Code: FBA103
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course covers the process of financial reporting, the uses of accounting data, the links between accounting information and management planning, decision-making and control. Other topics include traditional cost accounting concepts such as product costing, cost terminology, budgeting, volume-cost and profit analysis, and standard costing, as well as non-traditional management accounting topics such as variable costing and activity-based costing.

Financial issues for engineers

Course Code: FBA104
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course presents an introduction to corporate finance, with an emphasis on project evaluation. We will review important insights from modern finance theory and develop the financial tools needed to evaluate investment projects. Topics covered include the time value of money, estimating cash flows, accounting for risk, performing sensitivity analysis, developing appropriate selection criteria, and evaluating projects as real options. The aim of the course is to apply basic ideas from corporate finance theory to real business decisions.

Marketing issues for engineers

Course Code: FBA105
Credit Hours: 3.00

Most engineers think marketing is more an art than a science and makes things more difficult than necessary. The phrase “a good product will sell” are very common words from an engineer. As we all know that is not the case. Our overall goal is to help you develop an in-depth understanding of marketing so you can better partner with future marketers. This class should enable you not only to understand marketing but also to allow you to challenge marketing strategies and ensure success in the market. We cannot turn you into an experienced marketer in one category, but we intend to expose you to a number of marketing concepts and challenges and allow you to discover solutions, as the most successful companies build multidisciplinary teams that include engineers and marketers.

Strategic management for engineers

Course Code: FBA106
Credit Hours: 3.00

Engineers play a major role in the progress of society. Undergraduate education for engineers is comprehensive, rigorous and understandable for Micronesia. At the graduate level, we try to connect the micro skills with the broader macro perspective or, in other words, the proverbial big picture. The management role requires engineers to be able to visualize, from a broader perspective, the operation of the organization and the market one serves. You must learn to think, act, speak and process from the “management mind”.
This graduation course is adopted by all functional areas of the organization to provide strategic direction to the organization. It also provides engineers with a management perspective as a complement to the engineering direction they currently have. Strategies are presented to ensure not only success in a competitive “for profit” environment, but continued success throughout the business cycle. A framework has been developed to understand the interrelationship between accounting, finance, operations, engineering, and marketing. The class format will be a lecture, case study analysis, open discussion, guest speakers and student presentation.

Elective Courses

Data Science for Smart Entrepreneurship

Course Code: FBA151
Credit Hours: 3.00

In a rapidly changing business environment, with global competition and mature markets, competitive advantage is very important. Businesses can harness the wealth of vast amounts of data collected through operational processes as well as from external sources. This course introduces data mining techniques and their use in various business applications to enable business intelligence. The course uses both training to work expertly with the latest data mining tools to model business problems and discover interesting patterns for decision support as well as several cases discussing strategies, outcomes, and impact on organizations when using data mining.

Organization and innovation

Course Code: FBA152
Credit Hours: 3.00

Organization and innovation
Companies grow to stay competitive for the long term. Innovation is the lifeblood of growth in companies and startups. But innovation is arguably the hardest thing any organization can attempt to do. And the challenge of innovative growth has become more complex. Product companies add software services. Service companies add products. Market value moves from products or services to ecosystems. Because ecosystems determine value in the marketplace, the profit accumulator can redistribute creating new winners and losers. How does the emergence of ecosystems change how we organize innovation? What innovation toolkit do participants in the modern ecosystem need to master? How can the organization develop a portfolio of innovation investments and implement programs effectively to achieve profitable growth? This course aims to provide a practical understanding of the sets of tools and structures that support profitable growth through innovation portfolio management.

Computer simulation for risk analysis and operations

Course Code: FBA153
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is a practical course on computer simulation of business, service, and manufacturing systems that are subject to uncertainty or risk. Spreadsheet simulation using risk and system simulation using Arena will be covered. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to develop complex simulation models, design a simulation experiment to run on the model, and analyze and interpret results. Simulation project management is also covered.

Negotiation for engineers

Course Code: FBA154
Credit Hours: 3.00

Negotiation is the art and science of securing agreements between two or more interdependent parties. It is a craft that must establish cooperation and competition under creative tension. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to understand negotiation theory and processes as they are practiced in a variety of settings. The course is designed to complement the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses. The basic premise of this course is that while a manager needs analytical skills to develop optimal solutions to problems, a wide range of negotiation skills is needed in order to accept and implement these solutions. A good analysis is of little value if you are unable to gain support for the procedure you are recommending.
The best way to actually learn and internalize negotiation skills is to negotiate in a place where insight is provided, abundant feedback is given, personal reflection is encouraged, and careful analysis is required.
The course is designed to enhance learning through experiential exercises. The exercises are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice new strategies and tactics in a low-risk environment. In addition, you will learn more about how you react in specific negotiating situations, and you will develop more effective response techniques. During the course you will receive feedback allowing you to adjust your skills. Furthermore the course is sequenced so that cumulative knowledge can be applied and practiced.

Supply Chain Management

Course Code: FBA155
Credit Hours: 3.00

Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management has become increasingly important in recent years and crucial to achieving a competitive advantage. At the same time, much of the economy has moved from manufacturing to services. This course will cover the latest methods for analyzing key issues in supply chain management and service operations. Problem areas to be examined include: site analysis, inventory management, vehicle routing, staff scheduling and management, multi-objective analysis, and scenario planning. Emphasis will be placed on real-world examples and applications as well as the development of modeling skills. EXCEL will be widely used as a modeling environment.
Learning Objectives:
1. Introduce students to the development of mathematical modeling and solutions tools for logistics and service operations management.
2. To teach students to use these tools to analyze strategic, tactical, and operational decisions including facility location, vehicle orientation, and inventory management.
3. To engage students in case studies based on real-world logistics and service operations decisions.

Project management

Course Code: FBA156
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed to provide an overview of the main concepts, models, project management tools, techniques, and challenges associated with project planning and management. This course provides students with required knowledge in various related topics such as project selection, scope management, project team building, risk management, cost estimating and budgeting, project scheduling, project evaluation and control, and resource management. All topics covered are PMBOK-compliant, and the student will test their practical skills through MS Project.

1 (5)

Degree: Master's Degree

Track code: BA106MA

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 60

How long it takes: 
Full time: 2 years
Part time: 4 years
Limit time: 6 years