Scientific Research in the Faculty of Political and Economics


International Suleiman University has been keen to give scientific research the utmost importance in all respects, in order to advance scientific research and develop the scientific personality by providing a research environment and creating the appropriate conditions for the optimal use of research outputs in the service of society, and with the aim of linking scientific research with the university’s goals and development plans and creating a base Information for ongoing research and the exchange of research information with universities and other research centers in order to reach the development of a generation of young researchers and train them to conduct and enrich research, and to enhance cooperation in the field of scientific research between the university, research institutions and universities around the world, believing in the importance of scientific research as one of the most important pillars of the development of societies The measure of its progress, scientific and academic progress, and an important factor in the development of production, as it is directly related to development plans


Upgrading scientific research to contribute to strengthening the distinguished scientific and technical position of International Suleiman University and achieving the vision of linking the university with societies.


Developing the research personality by providing a stimulating research environment for researchers at International Suleiman University and creating the appropriate conditions for the optimal use of research results in the service of development.

Scientific Research Database in the Faculty of Political and Economics

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