About the Academic Track

The Bachelor’s Program in Economic Sciences seeks to graduate specialists in economics, capable and qualified to carry out analysis and research in various economic fields. It also aims to provide the graduate with the necessary analytical tools to think about administrative problems in general and economic problems in particular that are presented to him logically, and then propose appropriate solutions to them. Therefore, the department always seeks to develop the capabilities of its graduates and expand their awareness by studying specialized courses in other departments at the Faculty of Business and Administration, among others, and non-specialized courses offered by the university.
Economics occupies an increasing importance at the local, regional and global levels, and is closely related to the social, theoretical and applied sciences system, which calls for providing students and researchers in various disciplines with varying doses of economic sciences. Within the framework of administrative sciences, the disciplines of politics, economics, business, administration, public administration, accounting, financial management, marketing, human resources management, management information systems, and various fields of administrative sciences in private and governmental business need economic knowledge of varying quality and content, as required by the nature of Specialization, Economic Sciences.
Within the framework of other human sciences, the curricula of the departments of Politics, Law, Sociology, Education, and Psychology require an economic background for specialists in these departments in order to overlap economic behavior with the behavior of other individuals.


  • Providing graduates with the knowledge and skills that contribute to their distinction in the field of economics by providing an advanced academic environment.
  • Developing a culture of community service and social responsibility in the field of economy.
  • Enhancing the skills of analysis, planning, decision-making and critical thinking in the field of economics to contribute to the development of the existing economy
  • Enhance professional communication and teamwork skills, taking into account work ethics.
  • Develop the research skills and lifelong learning skills of the graduates to contribute to the advancement and development of their economic knowledge.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Business and Administration for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

Academic Track Structure
50 courses - 150 credits hours
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester

Introduction to Economics

Course name: Introduction to economics
Course code: ECO101
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the general framework of economics and its relationship with other sciences; foundational concepts in economics; Market mechanisms; A review of the stages of development of economic thought and an introduction to the major economic schools.

Accounting Principles 1

Course name: Accounting Principles 1
Course Code: ECO102
Credit Hours: 3.00

Accounting principles (1) This course includes accounting and business structure – budget entry and analysis of operations – accounting books – accounting treatment of financing and capital operations, accounting treatment of commodity inventory according to inventory systems, accounting treatment of obligations and means of payment, and finally preparing financial statements and closing books.

Principles and Functions of Management

Course name: Principles and Functions of Management 
Course Code: ECO103 
Credit Hours: 3.00

Teaching the course aims to provide our students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the student after graduating to meet the needs of the labor market. The course focuses on the basic concepts of management science and its development, then focuses on the basic functions of management science from planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of the organization represented by the activities of production, finance, marketing, warehousing, human resources and research. and development and other activities in the organization.

Introduction to Distance Learning

Course name: Introduction to Distance Learning
Course code: ITC101 
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of virtual learning as an advanced type of e-learning in which the pattern of synchronous and asynchronous learning is integrated with other services available on the network. and students, and to be informed of the latest technical trends in the fields of virtual learning, in addition to applying quality standards in building educational content and evaluating the entire educational process. The course also seeks to develop the student’s technical skills necessary for virtual learning by applying what he learned to the systems of Soliman International University.

Introduction to the Science of Law

Course name: Introduction to the Science of Law 
Course code: LAW106 
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the most important legal rules and provisions that regulate the business sector through familiarity with the concept of law, enumerating its sources, mentioning its divisions and most important branches, defining the legal base and its most important characteristics, and then addressing the concept of business and its types according to Syrian law and the importance of differentiating between them and non-commercial businesses. Legal provisions will result from this, then the merchant will be defined and his most important legal duties will be determined, especially with regard to registration in the commercial registry, keeping commercial books and stating its evidentiary authority. The most important legal rules related to companies are then explained in terms of explaining the pillars of the company’s contract and indicating its types and forms in the Syrian legislation. Then the legal provisions for each of the legal forms of commercial companies will be detailed in terms of the number of partners and their legal responsibilities so that the student can determine the appropriate form of the company according to the work Which it will exercise, the number of partners and the legal responsibility that will be imposed on each of them, and cases of corporate dissolution will be explained in the legislation.

English I

Course name: English I
Course code: ENG101 
Credit hours: 3.00

The course is concerned with training on speaking and writing skills, and depends on the communication and conversational method of teaching, during which the basic principles of grammar and vocabulary are reviewed, especially those that an Arabic speaker finds difficult to learn.
The curriculum’s inputs include: the form and type of knowledge, learners’ characteristics, needs, tendencies and interests, the society’s philosophy, values, hopes and aspirations. The outputs of the curriculum are: knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

II. Semester

Accounting Principles 2

Course Name: Accounting Principles 2 
Course Code: ECO151 
Credit hours: 3.00

This course includes an introduction to inventory and accounting for current, cash and semi-cash assets, accounts receivable, commodity inventory, accounting for non-current assets and liabilities, and preparing final lists and settlements related to them.

Economic Mathematics

Course Name: Economic Mathematics 
Course Code: ECO152 
Credit Hours: 3.00

Matrices and their economic applications, economic functions of income, cost, profit, benefit, and marginal limits of economic functions. Introduction to economics course Definition of economics - social methods of production - industrial production - theories of value - capital and capitalist profit - time cycle of capital - mercantile school / mercantilism / applied school / physiocracy / traditional school - economic ideas of Adam Smith - The economic ideas of David Ricardo - the socialist school - the Malthusian school - the marginal school - the Keynesian school - economic globalization - international economic organizations.

Fundamentals of Marketing

Course Name: Fundamentals of Marketing
Course Code: ECO153 
Credit Hours: 3.00

The Marketing Fundamentals course aims to provide the student with knowledge in one of the most vital administrative sciences in terms of continuous development, updating and practical applications of this knowledge, as well as skills in transforming theoretical concepts into practical steps to realize marketing concepts in a realistic manner. Therefore, this course aims to introduce the student to the concept of marketing and its role in providing value to the customer through relationship marketing, its environment, ethics, social responsibility for marketing, describing consumer goods buyer behavior and industrial user behavior, defining the concept of market segmentation and its fragmentation factors, as well as clarifying the importance of marketing information and how to conduct marketing research and introduce the elements of the marketing mix. (Product Pricing, Marketing Communications, Distribution) Also introduce specialized marketing applications such as direct marketing, creative marketing, and marketing.

Statistics and Probability

Course Name: Statistics and Probability 
Course Code: ECO154 
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts in statistics and the importance of this science as it is the science whose basic material is data. Giving an idea of ​​the basic concepts in probability, including accidents and operations on accidents, and how to calculate the probability, as well as identifying the most frequently used probability distributions, discontinuous and continuous, and their practical applications. Methods of detecting relationships between phenomena and their mathematical representation, as well as on time series and how to analyze and use them in Finally, the student will learn about index numbers, methods of calculating them, and their practical applications.

Building the Future

Course Name: Building the Future 
Course Code: ECO155 
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course, which is a continuation of the Distance Learning Introduction course, aims to increase students' competency in such matters as career planning, interview, photograph, communication and training of qualified persons. In addition, it aims to provide students with knowledge about science, technology, industry, creative thinking, developments in research and development, rational and critical thinking, and the ability to think, produce rational solutions, and evaluate future job opportunities through various seminars. This course contributes to the development of basic sciences among students and gives them the opportunity to conduct applied research, renew current knowledge and ideas, and enrich and train the elements needed by professions.

Accounting Principles (2)

Course Name: English II
Course Code: ENG151 
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to develop skills such as reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking in the English language. This course also aims to teach students to understand the text by reading current and philosophical texts, using the skills of linking ideas in different texts and using texts as a resource in research projects. Speaking and writing skills include using resources, expressing an expression using different words, quoting, summarizing, analyzing and synthesising. Students in this course will also learn how to write and express original and persuasive texts with semantic integrity using effective presentation techniques by supporting their claims about a topic.

English II

Course Code: EA155
Credit Hours: 3.00

Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of economics and management to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

III. Semester

Microeconomic Analysis

Course Name: Microeconomic Analysis

Course Code: ECO201

Credit Hours: 3.00

The micro-economic analysis course consists of five chapters and fifteen chapters. The first chapter is the basics of micro-analysis/the concept and theories of value. The second chapter is the theory of consumer behavior/the concept and functions of total utility and marginal utility/analysis of consumer behavior and its equilibrium mechanism within the framework of the traditional quantitative theory and the use of indifference curves and ordinal utility functions/the effect of price in changing the equilibrium position of the consumer/theory and elasticity of demand. Chapter Three: Production Theory and Cost Theory / Structures of Production Elements and Optimization of the Firm’s Equilibrium / Production Costs in the Short and Long Term and Economies of Scale. Chapter Four: The Establishment’s Equilibrium/Revenue Consequences/The Establishment’s Equilibrium Under Various Market Systems. The fifth chapter deals with supply theory, market equilibrium, and satellite theory.

Corporate Accounting

Course Name: Corporate Accounting

Course Code: ECO202

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course includes the definition of accounting in people’s companies in terms of incorporation, accounting treatment for them, joining, current accounts, and liquidation of these companies.

Commercial Law and Corporate Contracts

Course name: Commercial law and corporate contracts

Course code: LAW201

Credit hours: 3.00

Outputs: The importance of companies is not limited to their ability to unite efforts and collect the necessary funds to exploit major economic projects. Rather, the company achieves for these projects stability and permanence that the energy of individuals is unable to achieve, no matter how united and combined their efforts. They establish it, so it does not fall under their financial responsibility, but is attached to the company, so that the right of a partner in the company is to acquire a share or shares in its capital that gives him a right in respect of it that does not focus on all of its money and does not constitute a common share in it, so the money is considered the property of the company and the right of the partner over the company is a right Independently, ranging between a personal right and an intellectual right, that is, the right to an immaterial movable. Outputs: Familiarity with the rules for establishing companies and enabling the student to distinguish between types of companies. It is the price of being able to know the characteristics of each type, and what are the rights and obligations of the company.. Vocabulary: – – General provisions for companies, by defining companies and their elements and pillars – – Conditions for establishing the company – – Types of commercial companies – Companies transformation and merger – Companies responsibility for their actions And their actions – corporate dissolution and liquidation

Funding Principles

Course Name: Funding Principles

Course Code: ECO203

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course deals with the definition of financial principles and theories, the foundations of preparing financial statements, the time value of money and how to transfer investments. Then, determining the basic short, medium and long-term funding sources and how to choose the optimal combination of them, and then the policy of distributing returns to shareholders.

Organizational Behavior

Course Name: Organizational Behavior

Course Code: ECO204

Credit Hours: 3.00

Introducing students to the importance of studying organizational behavior, for the individual and the organization, and the factors affecting individual behavior through values, learning, cognition, personality and emotions. It also deals with the study of factors affecting collective behavior such as team management, administrative leadership and motivation. And methodologies for organizational change to reach organizational effectiveness and bring out latent energies.

English III

Course name: English Language III

Course code: ENG201

Credit hours: 3.00

Learn terms, concepts and texts related to modern terms and concepts in the field of economics and management in English, and the elements of the administrative process and the definition of management types. Training students to deal with economic material written in English through applications in writing economic and administrative materials.

IV. Semester

Macroeconomic Analysis

Course Name: Macroeconomic Analysis

Course Code: ECO251

Credit Hours: 3.00

The course covers basic macroeconomic concepts, macroeconomic aggregates and averages, national income accounts, national income theory, fiscal policy, monetary theory and policy, and international trade and finance. The aim of the course is to provide students with the skills and tools to understand macroeconomic theory and policy very well, so that they can understand and explain major macroeconomic events, especially major macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment, low income, low production, slow growth and national debt using basic economic analysis tools To suggest solutions to these problems.

Public Financial Economics and Tax Legislation

Course Name: Public Financial Economics and Tax Legislation

Course Code: ECO252

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course description provides a brief summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes expected of the student to achieve, demonstrating whether he has made maximum use of the available learning opportunities. It must be linked with the description of the program, and the course aims to provide the student with the principles of the concepts of public finance, – Prepare the student to understand the theory of public spending, – Prepare the student to relate concepts related to public spending, taxes and loans, – Increase the ability to understand financial policy, public spending and public debt.

Course contents: Public finance theory, – public spending theory, – effects of public spending, – tax theory, – technical problems of taxes, 0 fees and debts, – public loans, – new monetary issuance, 0 the state’s general budget, – fiscal policy and its role in treating Economic gaps, – different tax systems

Applied Statistics

Course name: Applied Statistics

Course code: ECO253

Credit hours: 3.00

Applied statistics course Samples and sampling distribution – Statistical inference for large and small samples – Simple time-series analysis – Statistical quality control. Money and Banks This course deals with the study of the essence and nature of money, its functions and its historical development, then the study of the international monetary system, after which it studies banks of all commercial and Islamic types, then the study of the central bank and monetary policy.

Money and Banking

Course name: Money and banking

Course code: ECO254

Credit hours: 3.00

This course deals with the study of the essence and nature of money, its functions and its historical development, then the study of the international monetary system, after which it studies banks of all kinds, commercial and Islamic, then the study of the central bank and monetary policy.

Production Operations Management

Course name: Production Operations Management

Course Code: ECO255

Credit Hours: 3.00

Teaching the course at the college aims to provide our students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for the student to meet the requirements of the labor market, especially since this course is considered one of the most closely related to practical reality as it includes important topics related to movement, time, production planning, production capacity planning, maintenance management, types of production systems and planning requirements for raw materials. Necessary for the production process of planning, inventory management, and finally production control.

English IV

Course name: English IV

Course code: ENG251

Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the administrative language, the importance of language in economics and management, and the role of languages ​​in economics and management. The economic language has different functions and is also characterized by several characteristics, in addition to that it follows principles and standards in how to formulate them, according to the administrative function. It also aims to introduce the arts of project progress in English and the role of management, marketing, accounting, finance, banking, and management information systems.

English II

Course Code: EA155
Credit Hours: 3.00

Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of economics and management to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

V. Semester

Economic Accounts

Course Name: Economic Accounts

Course Code: ECO301

Credit Hours: 3.00

National economic accounts What are national economic accounts – Some basic concepts and definitions in national economic accounts – Determination of economic units or economic agents – Economic processes – How to calculate national totals at fixed prices – Basic equilibrium models for national economic accounts – Methods of preparing national economic accounts.

International Economic Relations

Course name: International Economic Relations

Course code: ECO302

Credit hours: 3.00

International Economic Relations This course aims to give a set of vocabulary, namely: the nature of international economic relations-the foundations of establishing trade and trade exchange-the development of international trade theories-international trade terms-settlement of international payments through-studying the balance of payments-foreign exchange rate-theories of equilibrium in The balance of payments – international trade policies – the movement of international capitals – the role of international financial organizations and institutions – international economic blocs.

Energy Economics

Course Name: Energy Economics

Course Code: ECO303

Credit Hours: 3.00

The curriculum deals with the sources of depleted energy (oil, gas, coal, uranium) and renewable energy (solar, hydroelectric, wind, etc.), the determinants of energy demand and supply, and the relationship of energy to environmental issues and the consequences thereof.

Financial Management

Course name: Financial Management

Course code: ECO304

Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to prepare students and provide them with the skills that help them solve financial issues they face in their working lives, with a focus on technical aspects that help students learn about the most important financial management techniques such as investment decision-asset depreciation methods-financial analysis and planning-capital structure and its most important theories – Sources of financing – Cost of financing sources – Operational and financial leverage – Working capital management.

Contemporary Economic Issues

Course Name: Contemporary Economic Issues

Course Code: ECO305

Credit Hours: 3.00

It includes a number of contemporary economic issues, namely: the crisis of the international monetary system – the international liquidity crisis – the crisis of technology transfer – the crisis of external debt – the energy crisis – economic reform policies – privatization – economic globalization – the study of global financial crises – the crisis of Southeast Asian countries – the financial crisis Globalism. Mathematical Economics Introduction to Mathematical Economics – What is Mathematical Economics (mathematical economic modeling) – Mathematical methods in the theories of production, costs and profit (static-mathematical economic analysis – dynamic economic-mathematics analysis) – Mathematical methods in consumer theory (the continuum of utility and consumer behavior-the utility function) Dynamic) – economic equilibrium – partial equilibrium in a single commodity market – linear programming – exponential functions and economic growth models.

Total Quality Management

Course Name: Total Quality Management

Course Code: ECO306

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide the student with information about the nature of total quality management, to clarify the basic principles of total quality management, to clarify the steps of quality planning, to identify the foundations of organizing total quality management, to clarify the steps for improving quality in production and service organizations, to clarify the concept of the quality house, and to clarify the relationships The exchange between the matrices of the quality function publication, identification of quality assurance systems, clarification of the supporting systems for the entrance of total quality management, identification of the entrances to the application of total quality management, and identification of the experiences of some leading organizations in the application of total quality management.

VI. Semester

Economic Organizations

Course Name: Economic Organizations

Course Code: ECO351

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course consists of the following concepts: The concept of economic bloc – the theoretical framework for the establishment of the customs union in developed countries – the theoretical framework for the establishment of economic integration in developing countries – the study of the most important international economic organizations (WTO – UNCTAD) – the study of some international and regional experiences (European Union Greater Arab Free Trade Area.

Mathematical Economics

Course Name: Mathematical Economics

Course Code: ECO352

Credit Hours: 3.00

Introduction to Mathematical Economics – What is Mathematical Economics (Mathematical Economic Modeling) – Mathematical Methods in the Theories of Production, Costs and Profit (Static Mathematical Economic Analysis – Dynamic Mathematical Economic Analysis) – Mathematical Methods in Consumer Theory (Utility Function and Consumer Behavior – Dynamic Utility Function) Economic equilibrium Partial equilibrium in a single commodity market Linear programming Exponential functions and models of economic growth.

Economic Feasibility Studies

Course name: Economic Feasibility Studies

Course Code: ECO353

Credit Hours: 3.00

The economic feasibility study and project evaluation consists of two chapters. The first represents the theoretical section and includes six chapters on the concept and importance of the evaluation process and the economic feasibility study for projects/marketing study for the project/technical feasibility study for the project/financial (commercial) feasibility study/administrative and organizational study/national economic feasibility study (Social) for the project. The second chapter represents the practical section and consists of two chapters of the solved exercises and practical cases of some real projects.

Computer Applications in Economics

Course name: Computer Applications in Economics

Course code: ECO354

Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the most important uses of computers in managing the business of organizations and to raise his skill in using one of the well-known spreadsheet programs (such as Excel), which can be used to make practical administrative applications in various functional areas (such as marketing and finance). Consumer behavior deals with topics that provide students with knowledge of the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of the consumer and the way to make the purchase decision for the final consumer and the industrial buyer by introducing the consumer’s behavior and the factors affecting it (cultural and social), perception, motives, the impact of the buying situation and the stages of making the purchase decision. This course aims to enhance students’ knowledge of marketing Because consumer behavior is one of the main complements to the student’s completion of the skills necessary to understand this important topic.

Development and Planning

Course name: Development and Planning

Course code: ECO355

Credit hours: 3.00

It deals with administrative development in terms of concept, elements, characteristics, and the relationship of administrative development with economic and social development. Administrative and presents the administrative insurance plan in Syria with an explanation and presentation of the United Nations Development Program in administrative development and presents government reforms in several countries, meaning that this book presents modern trends in administrative development.

Electronic Commerce

Course name: Electronic commerce

Course code: ECO356

Credit hours: 3.00

An overview of the types of e-commerce: B2B, B2C, and C2C. Electronic Markets: Structure, Mechanisms, Economy, and Implications; e-commerce retail: products and services, consumer behavior, online market studies, customer relationship management, online advertising, e-procurement, portals and exchanges, electronic supply chains, collaborative commerce; commerce and mobile computing; auctions, e-business security, electronic payment systems, order fulfillment, content management, and other support services; e-business strategy, launching a successful business on the Internet; Legal, ethical and social implications of e-business, infrastructure construction and e-commerce applications. e-government, e-learning, and other e-business applications

VII. Semester

Financial and Monetary Economics

Course name: Financial and Monetary Economics

Course code: ECO401

Credit hours: 3.00

Industrial Economics

Course Name: Industrial Economics

Course Code: ECO402

Credit Hours: 3.00

Features of industrial production-manufacturing-manufacturing strategies-automated industrial system-industrial entanglements-industrial planning in Syria-capitalist and socialist manufacturing-industrial growth and the environment-industrial costs and the environment-economic growth and the environment-clean industrial production.


Course name: Econometrics

Course code: ECO403

Credit hours: 3.00

The emergence of econometrics and its concept – averages, covariance and correlation coefficient – building a simple linear regression analysis model – basic hypotheses (Markov-Gauss conditions) and impartiality – statistical tests for the significance of least squares estimates – general linear model – multiple correlation and tests of reconciling quality – general concept of the function variable Phantom-nonlinear regression-problems in regression analysis-autocorrelation.

Service Economics

Course name: Service Economics

Course Code: ECO404

Credit Hours: 3.00
The service economy and its role in enhancing the competitiveness of service organizations and service economy strategies. It also seeks to emphasize the importance of paying attention to the quality of services and maintaining services and their applications in different service organizations. Therefore, this course seeks to clarify the concept of services and their characteristics, the concept of the service economy and the differences from the rest of the economies and the definition of the service delivery process with a focus on the expectations and perceptions of customers about the service provided – also clarifying consumer behavior in the field of services and introducing the elements of the service economic mix and the strategies for each element of them..Finally. Paying attention to the importance of the role of individuals, employees and customers in providing the service, as well as the importance of building the relationship with the customer.

Labor Market Economics

Course Name: Labor Market Economics

Course Code: ECO405

Credit Hours: 3.00

General description of the course: The course begins by introducing the student to the concept of labor market economics, and how this occurs within the institution and society, and focuses on the characteristics of the labor market in the Kingdom. It explains the economics of labor in the Islamic economy, and the economic logic and its tools that are taught in this course help in analyzing the decisions of employers and employees.

Human Resources Management

Course Name: Human Resources Management

Course Code: ECO406

Credit Hours: 3.00

That the student knows the concept of human resource management and how it is developed, and its importance for modern organizations, and recognizes the foundations of applying the functions of human resource management, starting from work analysis and design, job description, human resource planning, recruitment, selection and appointment, human resource development, employee compensation, performance evaluation, occupational health and safety, labor relations and workers.

VIII. Semester

Financial Markets

Course name: Financial Markets

Course code: ECO451

Credit hours: 3.00

After completing the course, the student is expected to: The student will become acquainted with the concept and types of financial markets, their origins, and developments, The student will know the provisions of the securities traded in the financial markets, and understand the differences between them, The student will become acquainted with the procedures, structure, and provisions of the financial markets, The student will know The contracts of transactions in the financial markets, their types, and provisions, and to realize the difference between them, that the student realize the forms of manipulation in the financial markets and their provisions, that the student recognize the provisions of hedging, and investment portfolios.

Agricultural Economics

Course Name: Agricultural Economics

Course Code: ECO452

Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims at: – Knowing the distinctive characteristics of agricultural and industrial activity, knowledge of agricultural economic problems.
Identifying production functions and indicators of productive efficiency and their applications in agricultural and industrial production in production, identifying the land and water resources of the Egyptian agricultural sector and their optimal use, knowing marketing and agricultural problems, markets, intermediaries and agricultural marketing efficiency, knowing the basic rules and principles in the management of agricultural business, knowing the economic foundations of prices. Agricultural, knowledge, basic principles in determining the size of agricultural loans, their uses and management, knowledge of the concept and principles of agricultural cooperation.

International Finance

Course name: International Finance

Course code: ECO453

Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of international finance-Features and characteristics of the leading currencies-The development of the international monetary system-Theories of international finance-Sources of international finance-The money market and the international financial market-The movement of international capitals-The role of international financial institutions-Regional financial institutions. Econometrics The emergence of econometrics and its concept-averages, covariance and correlation coefficient-building a simple linear regression analysis model-basic hypotheses (Markov-Gauss conditions) and impartiality-statistical tests for the significance of least squares estimates-general linear model-multiple correlation and tests of quality of fit-general concept The dummy function variable – nonlinear regression – problems in regression analysis – autocorrelation.

Knowledge Economy

Course name: Knowledge Economy

Course Code: ECO454

Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to enable students to obtain the knowledge required to understand economic theories and laws, – The course aims to develop the skills of analyzing and interpreting the economic phenomenon through new concepts, – Enhancing the student’s ability to move from the classical economy to the digital economy and highlighting the transformation tools, e-marketing and commerce skills digital

Economic Research Methodology

Course name: Economic Research Methodology

Course Code: ECO455

Credit Hours: 3.00

It deals with the introduction to science and how to prepare scientific research and research methods in economic sciences to enable the student to address problems, collect and classify data, write reports and research.

Graduation Research Project

Course name: Graduation research project

Course code: ECO456

Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to develop the scientific, theoretical and applied capabilities of the student, who is about to graduate, and enables the student to know the extent to which the student is familiar with the methodology that he has learned during the four years, and the extent to which he has scientific honesty and the ability to think privately, in addition to his ability to select new topics in his specialization, or Attempt to link between contemporary economic phenomena.
The curriculum’s inputs include: the form and type of knowledge, learners’ characteristics, needs, tendencies and interests, the society’s philosophy, values, hopes and aspirations. The outputs of the curriculum are: knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

1 (3)

Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Track code: BA101PE

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 150

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years