The Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at International Suleiman University seeks to achieve quality and excellence in the programs for preparing teachers for educational specialists by providing an appropriate environment for teaching, learning and educational research to serve the university and society.
The program is concerned with preparing distinguished educational graduates who are qualified to be distinguished cadres in the field of education, psychological education, and psychological counseling. Whether in the government or private sectors.

Program vision:

Preparing the class teacher academically and educationally in the light of standards of excellence in teaching performance, and in a manner consistent with modern educational theories.

Program Mission

Upgrading the program to keep abreast of all international developments in educational sciences, linking the programs directly to the labor market, and encouraging scientific research to serve the surrounding communities.


  • Work on developing the student’s personality in all its aspects in an integrated and balanced manner.
  • Conducting scientific research in the educational fields.
  • Preparing classroom teachers with sufficient teaching experience to accommodate students at all levels.
  • Building the student’s integrated personality scientifically, psychologically and socially, aware of his rights and duties, and qualifying him to join the profession.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Education and Social Sciences for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

Program Structure
50 courses - 150 credits hours
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester

General Education

Course code: BCE101
Course name: General Education
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of education and the integration of its aspects – intellectual education – emotional education – physical, sexual and moral education – social education – formal and informal education – continuous education – informal education – psychological foundations of education – social foundations of education – philosophy and philosophy of education (philosophical foundations) – educational philosophies (ideal) – pragmatic – natural) – the cultural foundations of education – the quality of education – the adequacy of education systems – globalization and education.

Developmental Psychology (Adulthood and Aging)

Course code: BCE102
Course name: Developmental Psychology (Childhood and Adolescence)
Credit hours: 3.00

In course 1, the concept of growth, its nature, the importance of studying it, its laws, and the factors influencing it are studied. 2- The applied importance of studying growth. 3 – Explain some psychological theories of the phenomenon of growth. 4- Sources of collecting information in the field of developmental psychology. 5- Genetic and environmental factors that affect the fetus during pregnancy. 6- Characteristics and manifestations of growth during infancy. 7- Weaning and its impact on the psychological structure of the child. 8- Characteristics and manifestations of early childhood development. 9- Characteristics and manifestations of growth in middle and late childhood. 10- Characteristics and manifestations of growth in adolescence. 11- Some growth problems in childhood and adolescence.

Introduction to Statistics

Course code: BCE103
Course Name: Introduction to Statistics
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the most important statistical concepts and the importance of studying them. And training them on how to deal with educational and psychological data in terms of collecting, representing, describing them quantitatively and qualitatively, and implementing mathematical operations to extract different statistical indications and interpreting those indications.
Course contents: – Concepts and terminology in educational and psychological statistics: – The importance of studying statistics – The concept of statistics science – The concept of descriptive and inferential statistics – The relationship between them), the concepts of the original community, parameters and statistics, Parametric statistics and non-parametric statistics. Measurement and statistics: the concept of measurement (its levels – its relationship to statistical methods), data (its types – presentation and summarization of statistical data), variables and their types. Descriptive statistics: the aim of descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency: (mean – median – mode), measures of dispersion: – (range – standard deviation – variance – half of the interquartile range (quartile deviation). – Sources of derivation – Types – Importance – Steps to test it
2- Statistical decisions – levels of significance – effect size.

Health Education

Course code: BEC104
Course name: Health Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Introduction to health education – the concept of health education – learning hypotheses in health education – models of health education – foundations of health education – principles of health education – the role of the teacher in health education – methods and methods of health education – concepts of diseases and their epidemiology – dealing with health and disease.

English I

Course code: ENG101
Course name: English I
Credit hours: 3.00

Studying grammar, vocabulary and grammar in the language – translating texts and articles from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Introduction to Virtual Learning

Course code: ISU502
Course name: Introduction to Virtual Learning
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of virtual learning as an advanced type of e-learning in which the synchronous and asynchronous learning pattern is integrated with other services available on the network, and focuses on explaining its component systems and tools, starting from the learning management system and the examination system, all the way to interactive communication tools between the university and professors And students, and familiarize themselves with the latest technical trends in the fields of virtual learning, in addition to applying quality standards in building educational content and evaluating the entire educational process. The course also seeks to develop the student’s technical skills necessary for virtual learning by applying what he has learned on the systems of International Suleiman University.

II. Semester

Developmental psychology (Adulthood and Aging)

Course code: BPC151
Course name: Developmental Psychology (Adulthood and Aging)
Credit hours: 3.00

Adulthood, its importance, the emergence of interest in it, its simulation and its phases – early adulthood (its general characteristics, physical and sexual change – moral, emotional and social change in early adulthood – marriage, family, divorce, work, profession and some problems – middle adulthood (its general characteristics, physical and sexual change – mental, emotional, social change in Middle adulthood – family life, some problems, work and professional growth – adult education (its concept, motives, inhibitors, conditions) – aging (its concept, the genesis of interest in it, its general characteristics) – theories explaining aging – physiological and biological changes, motor performance – sensory change Mental, emotional and social problems and diseases of the elderly Elderly care.


Course code: BCE152
Course name: Physiology
Credit hours: 3.00

An introduction to the psychology of play – theories of play – the relationship between play and different aspects of development – factors influencing play – types of play – learning by playing – the role of play in learning language experiences – using play as a treatment – the role of body systems in maintaining it – dealing with health and disease.

Introduction to Educational Technology

Course code: BCE153
Course Name: Introduction to Educational Technology
Credit hours: 3.00

Introduction to education systems and techniques – human inputs into the educational technology system – education theory and its relationship to self-learning – instructional design – drawings and linear formations – means from the local environment (educational materials and panels – distance education – multimedia and effective education – e-learning.

Child Education

Course code: BCE154
Course name: Child Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Will be available soon..

Educational Library and Educational Documentation

Course code: BCE105
Course Name: Educational Library and Educational Documentation

Credit hours: 3.00

The history of the development of writing and libraries, libraries and their origins – the educational importance of the school library, basic functions – professional and educational preparation for librarians, buildings – building library collections, collections of educational resources – classification in the library, indexing and catalogs – educational documentation, computers and the Internet and its uses.

Future Leadership

Course code: ISU502
Course Name: Future Leadership
Credit hours: 3.00

This course, which is a continuation of the Distance Learning Introduction course, aims to increase students’ competence in matters such as career planning, interviewing, photography, communication and training of qualified persons. In addition, it aims to provide students with knowledge about science, technology, industry, creative thinking, developments in research and development, rational and critical thinking, the ability to think and produce rational solutions, and evaluate future job opportunities through various seminars. This course contributes to the development of basic sciences among students and gives them the opportunity to conduct applied research, renew current knowledge and ideas, and enrich and train the elements needed by professions.

English II

Course code: ENG102
Course Name: English II
Credit hours: 3.00

Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of education and human sciences to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

III. Semester

School Activities

Course code: BCT201
Course Name: School Activities
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of school activities, their importance, objectives and basic elements – the philosophical foundations, theories and principles on which the activities are based – the fields of cultural, social, sports, scouting and artistic school activities – how to form activity groups – the role of activities in facing students’ behavioral problems – the role of activities in discovering and nurturing gifted people – global trends in the practice of Environmental activities – planning and implementation of school activities – planning and evaluating school activities – the use of technological innovations in school activities.

Environmental and Population Education

Course code: BCE202
Course name: Environmental and Population Education
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of the environment and ecology – the concept of the environmental system and its stability factors – the relationship between man and the environment and the environmental problem – the environment in Syria – the concept of environmental education and its foundations – the principles and objectives of formal environmental education – the contents of environmental education and the requirements for its education – activities in environmental education – the concepts of “population and demographics” – Population problems and policies – The concept of population education, its necessities and importance – Population education curricula – Evaluation in population education.

English III

Course code: ENG103
Course name: English III
Credit hours: 3.00

Learn about terms, concepts, and texts related to modern terminology and concepts in the field of education and humanities in English, and the elements of the administrative process and the definition of management types. Training students to deal with educational material written in English through applications in writing educational and psychological materials.

Mathematics I "Arithmetic Operations"

Course code: BCT203
Course Name: Mathematics I “Arithmetic Operations”
Credit hours: 3.00

Counting systems – introduction – binary system – decimal – octal – conversion between the three systems – arithmetic operations in the binary system – ratio and proportionality – introduction – proportional fourth – properties of proportionality – famous quadratic identities – trinomial analysis – solving equations of the first and second degree in several ways – Prime numbers – Greatest common divisor – Least common multiple – Set of natural numbers – Integer – Ordinary – Unusual – Real – Complex – Fractions – Equivalent fractions – Balancing fractions – Arithmetic operations on fractions – Ordinary fraction and mixed number – and conversion between them – Decimal number And operations on it – powers and their properties – definitions – operations on powers – properties of powers in the set of ordinary numbers Q – roots in the set of real numbers R – properties of roots – operations on roots – finding the square root and cube root of a number in several ways – the nature of mathematics – the importance of mathematics – how Mathematics education – Mathematics education objectives – Evaluation methods.

Art Education and Teaching Methods

Course code: BCT204
Course Name: Art Education and Teaching Methods
Credit hours: 3.00

Stages of artistic expression development in children – characteristics of artistic expression in children – the educator’s responsibility towards the child – the educator’s responsibility towards the artistic material – the educator’s responsibility towards the kindergarten – the educator’s responsibility towards school exhibitions – field experiments in kindergarten.

General Teaching Methods

Course code: BCT205
Course Name: General Teaching Methods
Credit hours: 3.00

National standards for pre-university education curricula – basic concepts in teaching methods – information processing models – social teaching models – humanistic models – problem solving models.

IV. Semester

Mathematics II "Geometric Concepts"

Course code: BCT251
Course Name: Mathematics II “Geometric Concepts”
Credit hours: 3.00

Geometry: its nature, development and objectives – Euclid’s axioms – the five axioms in mathematics – elementary concepts in plane geometry – axioms – axioms – theories (how to find assumption and demand) – angles, their types and measures – definitions – triangles – definitions – types of triangles – measure of angles – congruence of triangles – Theories of congruent triangles – similar triangles – theories of similar triangles – Thales’ theory in the triangle and its opposite – and its applications – numerical relations in the right triangle – right triangle theories – regular polygons – parallelogram – definitions – theories – calculating area – perimeter – regular polygons – rectangle – definitions -Theories-calculation of area-perimeter-regular polygons-square-definitions-theories-calculation of area-perimeter-circle-definitions-calculation of area-perimeter-theories-circular quadrilateral-circle-engineering constructions (tangent to a circle-a circle touching an angular sector)- Methods of teaching engineering, teaching strategies and learning difficulties.

Classroom Teaching Techniques

Course code: BCE252
Course name: Classroom Teaching Techniques
Credit hours: 3.00

Teaching techniques – Classification of teaching aids – Development of teaching techniques and teaching aids – Communication and teaching – Use of images in communication and education – Display with projection devices – Teaching with whiteboards – Teaching with a discoscope – Teaching with television and satellite communication – Teaching with video – Teaching with audio recordings and language laboratories – Educational machines And the computer – the psychological and educational foundations in the use of educational aids – the educational bag.

Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology

Course code: BCE253
Course name: Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00

Introducing the student to the psychological, behavioral, and educational problems that children and adolescents are exposed to in the course of their development, and how to identify them in the light of scientific criteria. It also deals with the global classification of these problems and sheds light on the general causes of behavioral and educational problems. And then provide detailed models of problems related to behavior disorders, emotional problems, habit disorders and other disorders (definition, symptoms, causes, methods of prevention, treatment).

Educational Psychology I

Course code: BCE254
Course name: Educational Psychology I
Credit hours: 3.00

Educational psychology and the school – educational goals – growth, its nature and trends – stages of development – mental development in childhood.

Music Education

Course code: BCE255
Course name: Music Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Music Education
Principles of rules and theories of music – history of music and its figures – music appreciation – instruments and bands – Arabic music – methods of teaching music in basic education stages – rhythmic and musical reading, collective singing and listening.


Course code: ENG104
Course Name: ENGLISH IV
Credit hours: 3.00

V. Semester

Child Protection Strategies from Violence

Course code: BCE251
Course name: Child Protection Strategies from Violence
Credit hours: 3.00

Child protection in ancient civilizations – Child protection in Islam – The concept of the phenomenon of violence against children – Causes and risk factors for the phenomenon of violence against children – Legal protection of children from violence in Syrian law –
Legal protection of children from violence in international law – causes and diagnosis of cases of violence against children – ways to protect children from violence.

Educational Curricula (for the initial stage)

Course code: BCE252
Course name: Educational Curricula (for the initial stage)
Credit hours: 3.00

Curriculum concept – Curriculum elements: Objectives – Content – Teaching and learning strategies – Evaluation – Curriculum building foundations – Social – cultural foundation – Philosophical foundation – Psychological and educational basis – Scientific and technological basis – Curriculum organization forms – Modern trends in curriculum organization – Activity platform Developing educational curricula.

Vocational Education

Course code: BCE253
Course name: Vocational Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Vocational education, its inception and development – vocational education philosophy and objectives – vocational education in basic education – vocational education curricula, vocational and technical education – teaching and training methods in vocational education – planning, implementing and evaluating vocational education lessons – preparing and training a vocational education teacher – vocational guidance – vocational training and occupational safety Classification of occupations and businesses.

Methods of Mathematics Teaching

Course code: BCE254
Course name: Methods of Mathematics Teaching
Credit hours: 3.00

Methods of teaching mathematics
The nature of mathematics – educational and behavioral objectives – the new curriculum, its foundations and standards – theories of growth, learning, education and teaching – teaching strategies and methods – teaching techniques and means (with the computer) – teaching skills and competencies and the effective teacher – evaluation of its types – an introduction to teaching skills, concepts and generalizations.

General Teaching Methods

Course code: BCE255
Course Name: General Teaching Methods
Credit hours: 3.00

National standards for pre-university education curricula – basic concepts in teaching methods – information processing models – social teaching models – humanistic models – problem solving models.

Diagnosing and Treating Learning Difficulties

Course code: BCE306
Course name: Diagnosing and Treating Learning Difficulties
Credit hours: 3.00

A historical introduction to learning difficulties and basic issues – definition of learning difficulties – learning difficulties and related concepts – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – developmental learning difficulties (evaluation and diagnosis) – academic learning difficulties ( Evaluation and diagnosis – Treatment of academic learning difficulties – Treatment of developmental learning difficulties.

VI. Semester

Social Psychology

Course code: BCE301
Course name: Social Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00

Definition of social psychology – its objectives – importance of social psychology – development of social psychology – relationship of social psychology to other sciences – types of research methods in social psychology – tools for collecting information in social psychology – socialization – personality in social psychology – communication Interpersonal and intergroup contact – social interaction – group and its dynamics.

Methods of Teaching Special Education

Course code: BCE302
Course name: Methods of Teaching Special Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Effective teaching in special education – Defining and classifying hearing disabilities – Causes of hearing disabilities and ways to prevent them – Characteristics of the hearing impaired – Methods of communicating with the hearing impaired – Effective teaching of hearing impaired students – Motor disability its definition – Classification of motor disability – Effective teaching of motor disabled students – Definition of mentally gifted Characteristics of mentally gifted students Effective teaching of mentally gifted students.

Introduction to History and Geography

Course code: BPC303
Course name: Introduction to History and Geography
Credit hours: 3.00

The science of history that deals with the study of the past in all its stages and the bright future and its monitoring of human stories and development – the science of geography that monitors man’s relationship with the natural environment and his interaction with it – social sciences the concept of history and its methodology and educational reflections in the science of history and the history of civilizations and the Arab-Islamic civilization and its effects in general – and the concept of geography and its historical development and branches Basic and astronomical geography, rock, water and gaseous atmospheres, demographics, population, births, deaths and migrations – enabling learners to analyze and synthesize historical events and geographical processes.

Teacher Preparation and Training

Course code: BCE304
Course Name: Teacher Preparation and Training
Credit hours: 3.00

Reasons for teacher preparation and training – pre-service teacher preparation curricula – practical education in teacher preparation – professional development planning for teachers – the integrated multimedia curve in teacher training – total quality in teacher training – teacher training strategies according to total quality – evaluation of teacher training programs.

Integration of Technology with Education

Course code: BCE305
Course name: Integration of Technology with Education
Credit hours: 3.00

Initial concepts in educational technology – quality standards for faculty members – investment in educational technology – educational technology – video – computer and computer-based educational programs – educational computer uses – e-learning – electronic bags – presentations – e-mail and the network – whiteboard.

Play Psychology

Course code: BCE355
Course name: Play Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00

An introduction to the psychology of play – theories of play – the relationship between play and different aspects of development – factors affecting play – types of play – learning by playing – the role of play in learning linguistic experiences – the use of play as a therapy.

VII. Semester

Pronunciation and Speech Disorders

Course code: BCE351
Course name: Pronunciation and Speech Disorders
Credit hours: 3.00

Linguistic development – language development delay – indicators of recognizing a child with speech disorders – speech retention (aphasia – speech disorders in kindergarten children – speech disorders in kindergarten children – voice disorders – stuttering in terms of concept, symptoms and causes – awareness. in terms of concept, symptoms and causes – Deafness in terms of the concept, symptoms and causes – dumbness in terms of the concept, symptoms and causes – stuttering – in terms of the concept, symptoms and causes.

Physical and Chemical Concepts

Course code: BCE352
Course Name: Physical and Chemical Concepts
Credit hours: 3.00

Objectives of teaching physical and chemical sciences – Curricula of physical and chemical sciences – Textbooks of physical and chemical sciences – Educational activity in teaching physical and chemical sciences – Practical presentations – Experimentation and laboratory study – Method of discovery and problem solving – Historical method – Oral presentations – Scientific trips and visits – Projects and science associations – Teaching aids in teaching physical and chemical sciences – Evaluation of learning in teaching physical and chemical sciences – Prepared by a teacher of physical and chemical sciences – Prominent aspects of science.

Find in Education and Science Curricula Psychology

Course code: BCE353
Course name: Find in Education and Science Curricula Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00

Scientific research and its methods (historical, descriptive, experimental). Educational and psychological research and its fields. Educational and psychological research steps. Educational and psychological research ethics. Educational and psychological research tools. Primary principles in educational statistics.

Sentimental Education

Course code: BCE354
Course name: Sentimental Education
Credit hours: 3.00

The relationship of education to society and the social characteristics of education – the concept of social control, its necessity and dimensions – the concept of social education, its functions – characteristics – goals – the relationship between social change and educational change – social development of children between (6-12 years) – social education principles – objectives – sources – Methods of social education (story – role-playing – role models) – social activities inside and outside the school – social education through relationships within the school – social education through the system and school organization – definition of the family – its characteristics – its functions – its classes – the family in the constitution – And its role – its determinants – the concept of the peer group – its characteristics – its forms – its functions – positive and negative methods of parental treatment – the role of audio-visual media in education – the general and specific objectives of social education – and its principles.

Human Resource Planning

Course code: BCE355
Course name: Human Resource Planning
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of human resources – what is human resource planning – quantitative planning for human resources – qualitative planning for human resources – human resource operation planning – the concept of human resource management (levels and organization – work analysis, evaluation and determination of wages – human resource management tasks – performance evaluation, guidance and training of workers – analysis Human resources work in the education sectors – determining the needs of the education sectors in terms of resources – providing the needs of the education sector – professional development of human resources.

Education History

Course code: BCE356
Course Name: Education History
Credit hours: 3.00

History of education: definition, importance, research methods – education in primitive times – Arabic education in ancient times – Indian education – Chinese education – Greek education – Roman education – Arabic education in the Middle Ages – European education in the Middle Ages – European education in the era of Renaissance – European education in the age of enlightenment – European education in the nineteenth century – Education in the Arab world during the Ottoman era.

VIII. Semester

School Counseling

Course code: BCE401
Course name: School Counseling
Credit hours: 3.00

The need for school counseling and its origins – school counseling its concept, definition, foundations, and functions – school counseling methods – behavior modification techniques – means of collecting information – means of collecting information Students’ behavioral problems – learning difficulties 1 – learning difficulties 2.

Classroom and School Management

Course code: BCE402
Course name: Classroom and School Management
Credit hours: 3.00

Classroom and school management
Management and its historical development – school, definition, objectives, patterns, components – management – school management functions – school principal, his skills, characteristics, roles – contemporary trends in school management – modern technology in school management – classroom management (concept, patterns, functions – management The classroom and the teacher – classroom management and learner behavior – managing the psychological, social and physical climate – legislation governing school administration workers.

Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology

Course code: BCE403
Course Name: Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00

The nature of measurement and its place in education – Statistical principles and concepts in educational measurement – Evaluation development, its foundations and purposes – Educational goals and linking them to the evaluation process – Classification of evaluation tools and their validity – New directions in the movement of measurement and evaluation – Achievement tests – Evaluation tools that do not depend on paper and pen tests – Evaluation The teacher and the curriculum – measures of intelligence – measures of personality – measures of attitudes and inclinations.

Management of Special Education Institutions and their Legislation

Course code: BCE404
Course Name: Management of Special Education Institutions and their Legislation
Credit hours: 3.00

Educational administration: stages of its development, its concept, and its importance – educational administration trends – levels of educational administration – management theories in special education – educational administration functions: planning – educational administration functions: organization – educational administration functions: guidance, control and evaluation – the concept of educational aids and the conditions for their use – Principal Competencies in Special Education – Special Legislations in Special Education.

Management of Pre-school Education Institutions

Course code: BCE405
Course Name: Management of Pre-school Education Institutions
Credit hours: 3.00

Educational administration: stages of its development, its concept, and its importance Educational administration trends Educational administration levels Theories of management in kindergartens Management theories in kindergartens Educational administration functions: planning Educational administration functions: organization Educational administration functions: guidance, control and evaluation Kindergarten management quality

Graduation Project

Course code: BCE406
Course Name: Graduation Project
Credit hours: 3.00

Will be available soon..

Welcome to Faculty of Education and Social Sciences

Online education concept with young woman holding a tablet computer

Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Program code: BA101ES

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 144

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years

Welcome to Faculty of Education and Social Sciences