The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Education and Social Sciences for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.
All societies are in dire need of psychological counseling in the public and private sectors, whether it is in the professional, educational, economic or many other fields. Any crisis that arises in these fields needs psychological support.
Program vision:
Leadership and excellence in the psychological counseling department.
Program Mission
Upgrading the psychological counseling program by keeping abreast of all international developments in psychological sciences, linking the programs directly to the labor market, and encouraging scientific research in this department to serve the surrounding communities.
Preparing qualified human cadres academically, technically, technically and behaviorally who are able to carry out their tasks at work.
Preparing qualified human cadres to be able to develop the scientific methodology in the department.
Building the student’s integrated personality scientifically, psychologically and socially, aware of his rights and duties, and qualifying him to join the profession.
Study Duration
Conditions for success and graduation
1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.
I. Semester
General Psychology
Course code: BPC101
Course name: General Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction to psychology – the physiological foundations of behavior – development, heredity and behavior – motives – outbursts – intelligence and its measurement – conditioning – cognitive learning – memory and forgetting – perception – thinking and problem solving – personality.
Developmental psychology (childhood and adolescence): growth in the fetal stage and the formation of pregnancy – organic and mental growth in the infancy stage – personality and social development in different stages of development (infancy, pre-school, school) – play psychology – fear in children – adolescence – the developing self In adolescence – Emotional development in adolescence – Adolescent social relations – Adolescent’s relationship with his family.
Developmental Psychology (Adulthood and Aging)
Course code: BPC102
Course name: Developmental Psychology (Childhood and Adolescence)
Credit hours: 3.00
In course 1, the concept of growth, its nature, the importance of studying it, its laws, and the factors influencing it are studied. 2- The applied importance of studying growth. 3 – Explain some psychological theories of the phenomenon of growth. 4- Sources of collecting information in the field of developmental psychology. 5- Genetic and environmental factors that affect the fetus during pregnancy. 6- Characteristics and manifestations of growth during infancy. 7- Weaning and its impact on the psychological structure of the child. 8- Characteristics and manifestations of early childhood development. 9- Characteristics and manifestations of growth in middle and late childhood. 10- Characteristics and manifestations of growth in adolescence. 11- Some growth problems in childhood and adolescence.
Introduction to Statistics
Course code: BPC
Course Name: Introduction to Statistics
Credit hours: 3.00
This course aims to introduce students to the most important statistical concepts and the importance of studying them. And training them on how to deal with educational and psychological data in terms of collecting, representing, describing them quantitatively and qualitatively, and implementing mathematical operations to extract different statistical indications and interpreting those indications.
Course contents: – Concepts and terminology in educational and psychological statistics: – The importance of studying statistics – The concept of statistics science – The concept of descriptive and inferential statistics – The relationship between them), the concepts of the original community, parameters and statistics, Parametric statistics and non-parametric statistics. Measurement and statistics: the concept of measurement (its levels – its relationship to statistical methods), data (its types – presentation and summarization of statistical data), variables and their types. Descriptive statistics: the aim of descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency: (mean – median – mode), measures of dispersion: – (range – standard deviation – variance – half of the interquartile range (quartile deviation). – Sources of derivation – Types – Importance – Steps to test it
2- Statistical decisions – levels of significance – effect size.
Course code: BPC104
Course name: Ethics
Credit hours: 3.00
The nature of the science of ethics: the concept of value and the concept of virtue – ethical rules and ethics as a normative science – ethical thought in ancient civilizations – ethical thought in Greece (Socrates, Plato – Aristotle and the theory of the middle – Stoicism and Epicureanism and the theories of pleasure and pain – moral thought in the ages Middle Ages (Islamic – moral thought in the Middle Ages) Christianity – moral thought in modern times (16th and 17th century) post-natural ethics (Descartes and the rationalists) – duty ethics (Kant) – vital ethics (Spencer and Nietzsche) – moral theories ( The doctrine of utilitarianism and the doctrine of pleasure – the theory of values (the concept of value and its types) – the theory of virtue – the relationship between ethics and education.
English I
Course code: ENG101
Course name: English I
Credit hours: 3.00
Studying grammar, vocabulary and grammar in the language – translating texts and articles from Arabic into English and vice versa.
Introduction to Virtual Learning
Course code: ISU502
Course name: Introduction to Virtual Learning
Credit hours: 3.00
The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of virtual learning as an advanced type of e-learning in which the synchronous and asynchronous learning pattern is integrated with other services available on the network, and focuses on explaining its component systems and tools, starting from the learning management system and the examination system, all the way to interactive communication tools between the university and professors And students, and familiarize themselves with the latest technical trends in the fields of virtual learning, in addition to applying quality standards in building educational content and evaluating the entire educational process. The course also seeks to develop the student’s technical skills necessary for virtual learning by applying what he has learned on the systems of International Suleiman University.
II. Semester
Developmental psychology (Adulthood and Aging)
Course code: BPC151
Course name: Developmental Psychology (Adulthood and Aging)
Credit hours: 3.00
Adulthood, its importance, the emergence of interest in it, its simulation and its phases – early adulthood (its general characteristics, physical and sexual change – moral, emotional and social change in early adulthood – marriage, family, divorce, work, profession and some problems – middle adulthood (its general characteristics, physical and sexual change – mental, emotional, social change in Middle adulthood – family life, some problems, work and professional growth – adult education (its concept, motives, inhibitors, conditions) – aging (its concept, the genesis of interest in it, its general characteristics) – theories explaining aging – physiological and biological changes, motor performance – sensory change Mental, emotional and social problems and diseases of the elderly Elderly care.
Psychological and Educational Counseling
Course code: BPC152
Course name: Psychological and Educational Counseling
Credit hours: 3.00
Psychological counseling, its concept and the need for it – Counseling objectives and approaches – General philosophical foundations for psychological counseling – Educational, social and ethical foundations for counseling – Psychological counseling theories – Examination of the child’s problem – Psychological diagnosis – Methods of collecting information about the kindergarten child – General principles for modifying the child’s behavior – Counseling By drawing and group guidance – music guidance by stories and stories – by playing acting and dialogue – by cooperation between those interested in the child to solve his problem.
The Psychology of Individual Differences
Course code: BPC153
Course Name: The Psychology of Individual Differences
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction – early works – intelligence – creativity – personality – motivation – measurement methods – group differences – theoretical and technical applications.
General Sociology
Course code: BPC154
Course name: General Sociology
Credit hours: 3.00
The history of social thought and its development – the emergence of sociology (modern sociology) – the problem of the founder, definition, subject and method – the relationship of sociology with other sciences and its fields – research methods in sociology – human societies and their general laws – the sociology of developing countries – underdevelopment and development.
Education and its Theories
Course code: BPC105
Course Name: Education and its Theories
Credit hours: 3.00
Learning, its nature and factors – learning factors – motivation – feedback – learning sensory motor skills – learning concepts – directions and learning them – Pavlov’s theory of conditional learning – Skinner’s theory of procedural conditioning – Hull’s reinforcement theory – Piaget’s theory of learning – Bruner’s cognitive theory of learning Bandura’s theory of observational learning.
Future Leadership
Course code: ISU502
Course Name: Future Leadership
Credit hours: 3.00
This course, which is a continuation of the Distance Learning Introduction course, aims to increase students’ competence in matters such as career planning, interviewing, photography, communication and training of qualified persons. In addition, it aims to provide students with knowledge about science, technology, industry, creative thinking, developments in research and development, rational and critical thinking, the ability to think and produce rational solutions, and evaluate future job opportunities through various seminars. This course contributes to the development of basic sciences among students and gives them the opportunity to conduct applied research, renew current knowledge and ideas, and enrich and train the elements needed by professions.
English Language II
Course code: ENG102
Course Name: English Language II
Credit hours: 3.00
Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of education and human sciences to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.
III. Semester
Social Psychology
Course code: BPC201
Course Name: Social Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
An introduction to the comprehensive course of topics and how to calculate grades in the subject as a whole – social psychology, its concept, origin and development – socialization – theories in social psychology –
Personality in social psychology – group and its dynamics – interpersonal and intergroup contact – social interaction.
Physiological Psychology
Course code: BPC202
Course name: Physiological Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction to physiological psychology – nervous tissues and their properties – anatomy of the nervous system and its psychological functions – the health of the nervous system – the concept of the electroencephalogram of the brain, sleep and dreams – recording the potential fork and calculating its capacity – calculating the speed of neurotransmission and the effect of temperature – the effect of the concentration of sodium ions on capacity and speed – concept Absolute and relative intractability – the concept of RIOBase and Cro-NAXI – EEG.
Child and Adolescent Problems
Course code: BPC203
Course Name: Child and Adolescent Problems
Credit hours: 3.00
Child and Adolescent Problems
Introducing the student to the psychological, behavioral, and educational problems that children and adolescents are exposed to in the course of their development, and how to identify them in the light of scientific criteria. It also deals with the global classification of these problems and sheds light on the general causes of behavioral and educational problems. And then provide detailed models of problems related to behavior disorders, emotional problems, habit disorders and other disorders (definition, symptoms, causes, methods of prevention, treatment).
Psychology of People with Special Needs
Course code: BPC204
Course name: Psychology of People with Special Needs
Credit hours: 3.00
Basics of psychology for people with special needs – early intervention, its importance, objectives and justifications – psychology of mentally retarded children – psychology of autistic child – psychology of gifted children – psychology of hearing disability – psychology of visual disability – psychology of motor disability – language disorders (pronunciation and speech) – psychology of people with learning difficulties.
English III
Course code: ENG101
Course name: English III
Credit hours: 3.00
Learn about terms, concepts, and texts related to modern terminology and concepts in the field of education and humanities in English, and the elements of the administrative process and the definition of management types. Training students to deal with educational material written in English through applications in writing educational and psychological materials.
Psychological Health
Course code: BPC205
Course Name: Psychological Health
Credit hours: 3.00
Basic concepts in mental health – adaptation and mental health – personality and mental health – mental health of spouses – children’s mental health – school and mental health.
Education Economics
Course code: BPC206
Course Name: Education Economics
Credit hours: 3.00
What are the economics of education – production, exchange and consumption in education – cost in education: types of costs – calculating present costs – calculating future costs – financing education – productivity in education: types of productivity – calculating productivity – returns in education and its calculation – adequacy of educational systems: types of sufficiency – Methods for calculating educational sufficiency.
IV. Semester
Psychological Guidance
Course code: BPC251
Course Name: Psychological Guidance
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction to psychological counseling – the foundations of psychological counseling – psychological counseling theories: behavioral theory, psychoanalytic theory – psychological counseling theories: reality counseling, emotional mental counseling – technical methods in counseling: observation, interview – technical methods in counseling: case study, tests – Psychological counseling methods: direct and indirect- Psychological counseling methods: individual and collective- Psychological counseling methods: behavioral and play counseling- Psychological counseling fields: educational, vocational, and family..- Psychological counseling in the school.
Organizational and Industrial Psychology
Course code: BPC252
Course name: Organizational and Industrial Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Introducing the student to the psychological, behavioral, and educational problems that children and adolescents are exposed to in the course of their development, and how to identify them in the light of scientific criteria. It also deals with the global classification of these problems and sheds light on the general causes of behavioral and educational problems. And then provide detailed models of problems related to behavior disorders, emotional problems, habit disorders and other disorders (definition, symptoms, causes, methods of prevention, treatment).
Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
Course code: BPC253
Course name: Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Introducing the student to the psychological, behavioral, and educational problems that children and adolescents are exposed to in the course of their development, and how to identify them in the light of scientific criteria. It also deals with the global classification of these problems and sheds light on the general causes of behavioral and educational problems. And then provide detailed models of problems related to behavior disorders, emotional problems, habit disorders and other disorders (definition, symptoms, causes, methods of prevention, treatment).
Criminal Psychology
Course code: BPC254
Course name: Criminal Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Basics of psychology for people with special needs – early intervention, its importance, objectives and justifications – psychology of mentally retarded children – psychology of autistic child – psychology of gifted children – psychology of hearing disability – psychology of visual disability – psychology of motor disability – language disorders (pronunciation and speech) – psychology of people with learning difficulties.
Career Guidance
Course code: BPC255
Course name: Career Guidance
Credit hours: 3.00
Basic concepts in mental health – adaptation and mental health – personality and mental health – mental health of spouses – children’s mental health – school and mental health.
Personality Theories
Course code: BPC256
Course Name: Personality Theories
Credit hours: 3.00
What are the economics of education – production, exchange and consumption in education – cost in education: types of costs – calculating present costs – calculating future costs – financing education – productivity in education: types of productivity – calculating productivity – returns in education and its calculation – adequacy of educational systems: types of sufficiency – Methods for calculating educational sufficiency.
V. Semester
Psychological Counseling Theories I
Course code: BPC251
Course name: Psychological Counseling Theories I
Credit hours: 3.00
Theory in the field of psychological counseling – psychoanalytic theory – behavioral theory – Gestalt theory – eclectic theory – Williamson and the Minnesota point of view – rational theory – emotional – counseling centered around the mentor – group counseling.
Psychological Anomalies I
Course code: BPS252
Course name: Psychological Anomalies I
Credit hours: 3.00
Psychological abnormality concept, reference frameworks for its criteria – factors in psychological abnormality – cognitive, environmental, socio-cultural approach – classification and symptoms in the science of psychological abnormalities – schizophrenia – paranoia – mania – affective disorders – physical disorders – dissociative disorders – anxiety disorders – social anxiety – For authoritative thoughts and actions.
Civilization Psychology
Course code: BPS253
Course name: Civilization Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Subject, Objective, and Field- The Concept of Civilization” in Comparative Psychological Studies- Civilization and Personality “Theoretical Framework”- Cross-Cultural Studies in the Field of Personality- Between Arab Personality and Arab Nationalism- Emotion and Culture- Civilization and Psychotherapy- Cross-Cultural Studies in the Field of Upbringing Social – cross-cultural studies in the field of trends – intelligence and mental abilities in the context of civilization – intelligence and mental abilities in a cross-cultural framework.
Child Protection from Violence
Course code: BPC254
Course name: Child Protection from Violence
Credit hours: 3.00
Child protection in ancient civilizations – Child protection in Islam – The concept of the phenomenon of violence against children – Causes and risk factors for the phenomenon of violence against children – Legal protection of children from violence in international law – Causes and diagnosis of cases of violence against children – Ways to protect children from violence.
Psychological Counseling Process
Course code: BPC255
Course Name: Psychological Counseling Process
Credit hours: 3.00
Insights into effective counseling assistance – goals of counseling – principles of behavior used in the counseling process – counseling process – mechanisms of the first counseling meeting – principles of constructive confrontation – working with resistant clients – goal setting and evaluation of client characteristics – counseling strategies – marital counseling process – termination of counseling and follow-up – Characteristics of the personal relationship – counseling methods and strategies – dealing with the counselor’s anger – analysis of goals related to the counseling outcome.
Counseling People with Disabilities and their Families
Course code: BPC
Course name: Counseling People with Disabilities and their Families
Credit hours: 3.00
Introducing disability categories, counseling goals and counselor tasks – People with mental disabilities and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – Counseling interventions related to people with mental disabilities – Families of people with special needs (disabled) – People with learning difficulties and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – Interventions Counseling for people with learning disabilities – People with speech and language disorders and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – Counseling interventions related to people with speech and language disorders – People with behavioral and emotional disorders and their counseling needs – People with autism and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – Counseling interventions related to people with autism disorder – people with hearing disabilities and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – counseling interventions related to people with hearing disabilities – people with visual disabilities and their counseling needs (characteristics and problems) – counseling interventions related to people with visual disabilities.
VI. Semester
School Guidance
Course code: BPC301
Course name: School Guidance
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction to school counseling – school counseling and related sciences – school counseling objectives, tasks and functions – school counseling principles and ethics – school counseling techniques and tools – school counseling methods and forms – psychological counseling in different stages of study – some countries’ experiences in school counseling.
Psychometric I
Course code: BPC302
Course name: Psychometric I
Credit hours: 3.00
Historical origins of psychological tests, their types and purposes – Test design and standardization – Psychological test standards – Validity – Reliability – Meaning of intelligence – Factoring theories of intelligence – Individual intelligence measures – Measures of preschool children and special groups of individuals – Collective intelligence measures – Measures of special abilities – Problems important in intelligence.
Psychological Anomalies II
Course code: BPC303
Course name: Psychological Anomalies II
Credit hours: 3.00
Schizophrenia: definition and factors causing it – classification of schizophrenia and its forms – anxiety disorders – pathological anxiety – panic disorders – pathological fears – authoritarian thoughts and compulsive actions – post-traumatic stress disorder – acute stress disorder – antisocial behavior – physical disorders – dissociative disorders – concept And its factors – forms of hysteria.
Research Methods in Psychology
Course code: BPC304
Course Name: Research Methods in Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Scientific research and its methods (historical, descriptive, experimental). Educational and psychological research and its fields. Educational and psychological research steps. Educational and psychological research ethics. Educational and psychological research tools. Primary principles in educational statistics.
Psychiatric Diagnosis
Course code: BPS305
Course name: Psychiatric Diagnosis
Credit hours: 3.00
Introduction to psychological diagnosis – Psychometric diagnosis – Designing psychological tests – Methods of obtaining diagnostic information – Managing the diagnostic session – Diagnostic process and psychological report – Quality control in psychological diagnosis – Diagnosis in clinical and health psychology – Psychological diagnosis in the educational field – Family and systemic psychological diagnosis – Psychological practice in the field of medicine and psychiatry – (professional selection) appropriate diagnosis.
Instruct the Children
Course code: PRA155
Course name: Instruct the Children
Credit hours: 3.00
Abnormalities from a historical perspective – Psychological anomalies – The issue of method in the science of psychological anomalies – Factors in psychological anomalies – Factors in psychological anomalies – Classification and symptoms – Schizophrenia – Paranoia – Affective disorders – Physical disorders – Dissociative disorders (hysteria) – Anxiety disorders.
VII. Semester
Psychological Counseling Theories II
Course code: BPC351
Course name: Psychological Counseling Theories II
Credit hours: 3.00
Psychological Counseling Theories II
The theory of traits and factors- Behavioral counseling- Cognitive counseling- Cognitive-behavioral counseling 1- Cognitive-behavioral counseling 2- Counseling by reality 1- Guidance by reality 2- Counseling by meaning 1- Guidance by meaning 2- Multi-media counseling- Counseling by analysis of transactions 1- Guidance by analysis of transactions 2- Similarities and differences between psychological counseling theories.
Psychometrics II
Course code: BPC352
Course Name: Psychometrics II
Credit hours: 3.00
Personality from the perspective of measurement – personality intelligence – projective tools – measures of attitudes – measures of inclinations – measures of values – a study of the values test of Alport, Vernon and Lindsay – a study of a list of life roles – a measure of values – a study of anxiety as a state and trait – a study of the Beck scale of despair – a study of the Eysenck personality scale .
Learning Difficulties and Their Treatment
Course code: BPC353
Course name: Learning Difficulties and Their Treatment
Credit hours: 3.00
Historical income for learning difficulties and basic issues – definition of learning difficulties – learning difficulties and related concepts – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – explanatory trends and factors in learning difficulties – developmental learning difficulties (evaluation and diagnosis) – academic learning difficulties ( Evaluation and diagnosis – Treatment of academic learning difficulties – Treatment of developmental learning difficulties.
Educational Planning
Course code: BPC354
Course name: Educational Planning
Credit hours: 3.00
The concept of educational planning – educational planning strategies – educational planning processes / educational system analysis and planning of its elements – sources of educational system inputs and their relationship to planning – foundations for planning educational system inputs – education systems plans (concept of educational system plan – educational plan processes – school map / map concept The school map methodology – the educational map / its concept – its elements – and its preparation – quantitative calculations (its mathematical methods and models) – quantitative calculations (their mathematical methods and models – education planning processes / basic education planning processes – vocational education curricula planning processes.
Psychological Counseling Programs I
Course code: BPC355
Course name: Psychological Counseling Programs I
Credit hours: 3.00
Will be available soon..
Medical Psychology
Course code: BPC356
Course Name: Medical Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Medical psychology, its definition, importance, purposes, and its relationship to other sciences – health problems resulting from psychological, cultural, dietary and lifestyle factors of the individual – theories and models explaining disturbed health-related behaviors – social learning theory – the theory of stages of change – the theory of preparation model – psychosomatic diseases and crises Psychological (distress).- Diseases of the circulatory system- Diseases of cancer and diabetes- Lifestyle and health- Smoking and alcohol abuse- Consumption of sugars- Nature of work- Computer- Media- Personality and health: Type (A) and health. Mood and health. Beliefs and health. Culture and health – health care behavior and the practice of normal healthy behavior in life and its impact on the individual’s physical and psychological health – a review.
VIII. Semester
Pharmaceutical Psychology
Course code: BPC401
Course name: Pharmaceutical Psychology
Credit hours: 3.00
Drugs in mental disorders – synapses, neurotransmission chemistry and its disorders – genetic mental retardation and metabolism – phenylketonuria – depression – schizophrenia and childish self-autism – epilepsy – urinary incontinence – sleep and hypnotics – learning and memory biochemistry – nerve gases.
Psychological Counseling Programs II
Course code: BPC402
Course name: Psychological Counseling Programs II
Credit hours: 3.00
Will be available soon..
Course code: BPC403
Course Name: Psychotherapy
Credit hours: 3.00
The concept of psychotherapy – the purposes of psychotherapy – the importance of psychotherapy and the difference between treatment and psychiatry – the history and development of psychotherapy in the world and the Arab countries – research methods in psychotherapy – the psychotherapist and his scientific and ethical specifications – the therapist’s attitude towards his work and the problems resulting from it – the components of the psychiatric clinic Referral and its conditions – building the relationship with the patient – diagnosing the patient’s condition – diagnostic interview – case study – psychological tests – case study – observation.
Guidance for Adults and Their Families
Course code: BPC404
Course Name: Guidance for Adults and Their Families
Credit hours: 3.00
The development of the concept of adult counseling – Characteristics of adult counseling – Enhancements of adult counseling and its objectives in the Arab countries – Adult counseling institutions – Adult counseling programs – Adult counseling economics – Contemporary challenges faced by adult counseling – The basic theory of adult counseling science – Adult counseling methods – Adult counseling evaluation – Educational research in adult counseling.
Workplace Practice
Course code: BPS305
Course Name: Workplace Practice
Credit hours: 3.00
Will be available soon..
Graduation Project in Psychological Counseling
Course code: BPC406
Course Name: Graduation Project in Psychological Counseling
Credit hours: 3.00
Will be available soon..