About the program

Management information systems specialization, a specialization that studies all matters related to systems, programs and computing of all kinds, as information systems support administrative processes at all levels, whether they are operational, tactical or strategic management. An information systems strategy is an integral part of organizational strategy. The overall objective of the Bachelor of Management Information Systems is to meet the needs in the labor market, so that the program covers areas of importance for information systems employees represented in the development of organizational and skill bases to qualify competencies to develop the latest technologies locally to serve future development plans and support the orientation of the knowledge economy and the future vision of the field.

Excellence in management information systems to be one of the best programs that provide an exemplary study environment that helps in the quality and efficiency of graduates.
Providing the labor market with graduates specialized in management information systems who have the knowledge and administrative and technical skills that they can use to serve national institutions and increase productivity in the era of digital organizations.

Program Objectives

  • Conducting distinguished and influential research in the field of knowledge in management information systems.
  • Empowering students with the knowledge and skills that qualify them to work in the field.
  • Meet the community’s needs of qualified graduates.
    Providing the graduate with the skills to deal with modern technology methods to keep pace with the requirements of
  • the labor market.
    Understand the key issues, theories, and practices in different functional areas of business with an emphasis on
  • decision making in management information systems.
    Recognize the importance of skills needed to compete in the market through communication and analytical skills that
  • enable students to deal with complex business issues.
  • Develop students’ practical learning management skills in order to apply these skills in a real-life context.
  • Contribute positively to society through responsible and ethical practice in their profession.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in business and administration for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

Program Structure
50 courses - 150 credits
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester


Course Code: EA101
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to some basic concepts in mathematics such as groups of numbers, mathematical equations and methods of solving them, in addition to numerical and geometric sequences and their properties, matrices (their forms and operations on them), as well as functions and the most important concepts related to them, in addition to studying the transformations of some functions and drawing their graphic curves. In order for the student to be able to use these tools in the field of management with its various specializations. Where in our time the use of mathematics in economic studies has become an urgent necessity. In addition to the above, the economy of transportation, distribution, storage, production, marketing, flexibility and the distribution of tasks are among the topics that have been studied mathematically, which helps when necessary to use the computer to show results.

Statistics and Probabilities

Course Code: EA102
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts in statistics and the importance of this science as it is the science whose basic material is data. Giving an idea of ​​the basic concepts in probability, including accidents and operations on accidents, and how to calculate the probability, as well as identifying the most frequently used probability distributions, discontinuous and continuous, and their practical applications. Methods of detecting relationships between phenomena and their mathematical representation, as well as on time series and how to analyze and use them in Finally, the student will learn about index numbers, methods of calculating them, and their practical applications.

Introduction to E-Learning

Course Code: EA103
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of virtual learning as an advanced type of e-learning in which the pattern of synchronous and asynchronous learning is integrated with other services available on the network. and students, and to be informed of the latest technical trends in the fields of virtual learning, in addition to applying quality standards in building educational content and evaluating the entire educational process. The course also seeks to develop the student’s technical skills necessary for virtual learning by applying what he learned to the systems of Soliman International University.

Principles of Accounting (1)

Course Code: EA104
Credit Hours: 3.00

The aim of teaching this course is to introduce the student to the scientific and practical principles of financial accounting applied in commercial companies. On this basis, the exposure is mainly to a historical overview of accounting and its nature – its objectives – its branches – its relationship with other sciences, the development of accounting thought, the intellectual framework of accounting: it includes the objectives of the lists Accounting assumptions, accounting concepts, accounting principles, procedures related to accounting registration, budget equation, foundations of accounting registration (accounts), methods of accounting registration: the single-entry method, the double-entry method, the (documentary) accounting cycle and its stages: the nature of the accounting cycle, the stages of the cycle Accounting, accounting recording of project operations: measuring economic activity and inventory adjustments for revenues and expenses, cash operations, purchase and sale operations, commercial papers and their accounting treatment, accounting errors and their correction, financial statements, including: income statement, financial position statement or final balance sheet, property rights statement.

Management Basics

Course Code: EA105
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims in its first part to provide the student with an introduction to the science of business administration, the development of administrative thought by reviewing the objective reasons for the emergence of this science, its relationship with other sciences, schools of management thought in the order of their appearance in chronological order and their connection with the economic conditions and the business environment when they appeared. As an application of these theories, some modern administrative methods and approaches have been reviewed (management by objectives – Japanese management – agile methodology). The course focuses in its second part on explaining the basic knowledge and skills related to the administrative process that allow the organization to invest its resources optimally, so that the basic principles are explained Related to how to implement administrative functions (planning – organizing – directing – controlling) and the foundations of the decision-making process in the organization, and the basic principles of technical functions (production and operations – materials – financial – marketing – human resources – research and development – public relations – management information systems) within the organization .

English I

Course Code: EA106
Credit Hours: 3.00

Getting acquainted with more terms and concepts and studying modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of economics and management, and developing the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

II. Semester

Business Law

Course Code: EA151
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the most important legal rules and provisions that regulate the business sector through familiarity with the concept of law, enumerating its sources, mentioning its divisions and most important branches, defining the legal base and its most important characteristics, and then addressing the concept of business and its types according to Syrian law and the importance of differentiating between them and non-commercial businesses. Legal provisions will result from this, then the merchant will be defined and his most important legal duties will be determined, especially with regard to registration in the commercial registry, keeping commercial books and stating its evidentiary authority. The most important legal rules related to companies are then explained in terms of explaining the pillars of the company’s contract and indicating its types and forms in the Syrian legislation. Then the legal provisions for each of the legal forms of commercial companies will be detailed in terms of the number of partners and their legal responsibilities so that the student can determine the appropriate form of the company according to the work Which it will exercise, the number of partners and the legal responsibility that will be imposed on each of them, and cases of corporate dissolution will be explained in the legislation.

Introduction to Marketing

Course Code: EA152
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce students to the concept of marketing and the marketing process. It deals with the environmental factors that affect the company’s ability to serve the market, the purchasing behavior of the consumer, and the purchasing behavior in the business sector. The course also explains how companies identify attractive market sectors, choose the appropriate market targeting strategy, and determine the mental position of their products with the aim of maximizing the competitive advantage. It also discusses how to design and manage marketing strategies.


Course Code: EA153
Credit Hours: 3.00

Enable the student to become familiar with the principles of microeconomic theory and the most important tools of microeconomic analysis, which is an essential course for any program in economics and management. Many concepts of microeconomic theory are widely used outside of economics, such as finance, banking, and business management. The course also aims to develop the student’s mathematical and analytical skills, given the increasing trend towards quantitative analysis in many studies and researches of banking, finance, portfolio management, and others.

Economic and Management Mathematics

Course Code: EA154
Credit Hours: 3.00

The purpose of the course is to enable students to make effective use of appropriate mathematical tools for understanding, analyzing and interpreting economic phenomena, and to achieve the following objectives: A – The student’s possession of a mathematical and logical methodology and its tools in dealing with economic phenomena. b- The student’s possession of the skills to distinguish the economic problem, determine its variables, and formulate the mathematical relationships between these variables. C- Being able to search for solutions to the economic problem by using what he has learned, searching in references for additional tools, or by working within specialized work teams. d- The student’s possession of the communication skills to explain and explain the economic phenomenon to others after treating it mathematically. C – directing students to use ready-made software to help build a problem model and solve it, such as MS Excel

Human Resource Management

Course Code: EA155
Credit Hours: 3.00

That the student knows the concept of human resource management and how it is developed, and its importance for modern organizations, and recognizes the foundations of applying the functions of human resource management, starting from work analysis and design, job description, human resource planning, recruitment, selection and appointment, human resource development, employee compensation, performance evaluation, occupational health and safety, labor relations and workers.

Accounting Principles (2)

Course Code: EA156
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is a continuation of what was studied in the Accounting Principles Course (1) and aims mainly to provide the student with knowledge and skills regarding inventory settlements for expenses, revenues and assets so that the student will eventually be able to prepare the income statement and financial position statement based on inventory settlements.

English II

Course Code: EA155
Credit Hours: 3.00

Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of economics and management to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

III. Semester


Course Code: EA201
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course studies the behavior of the economy as a whole. It analyzes how the general level of production, employment and prices are determined and how these, in turn, are affected by fiscal and monetary policies. Issues to be addressed include Keynesian aggregate demand and aggregate supply and macroeconomic equilibrium, the determination of GDP, the use of fiscal and monetary policies in stabilizing the economy and the role of government policy in promoting long-term economic growth.

Consumer Behaviour

Course Code: EA202
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to consumer behavior and the stages of purchasing decision-making. It also provides an explanation of the internal factors affecting consumer behavior such as motives, perception, learning, personality and trends, and clarifies the role of external factors in consumer behavior represented by reference groups, culture and subcultures. It also aims to introduce the student to consumer behavior towards new products, the adoption process and the spread of new products.

Operations and Production Management

Course Code: EA203
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to explain the basic theories and practices in production and operations management. The course provides students with the necessary skills, and the use of tools and techniques to manage operations efficiently and effectively. It also provides skills for students to make better decisions and solve problems in any industry scenario.

Organizational Behavior

Course Code: EA204
Credit Hours: 3.00

Introducing students to the importance of studying organizational behavior, for the individual and the organization, and the factors affecting individual behavior through values, learning, cognition, personality and emotions. It also deals with the study of factors affecting collective behavior such as team management, administrative leadership and motivation. And methodologies for organizational change to reach organizational effectiveness and bring out latent energies.

Principles of Financial Management

Course Code: EA205
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to provide students with concepts and knowledge that help them understand the financial problems facing businesses in all its forms, expand their awareness of the work of the financial manager and the concept of financial management and the development of its activities over time, as well as understanding the relationship of financial management with other departments within the facility and the surrounding environment. The course also aims to provide students with the necessary skills necessary to enable them to analyze the financial position of the enterprise, identify the sources of financing in its various forms, short, medium and long-term, compare between them and choose the best one. The objective also extends to include the skills necessary to evaluate and trade short-term (current assets) and long-term (capital assets) investments, as well as the use of quantitative models to predict the financial failure of an enterprise.

English III

Course Code: EA251
Credit Hours: 3.00

Learn terms, concepts and texts related to modern terms and concepts in the field of economics and management in English, and the elements of the administrative process and the definition of management types. Training students to deal with economic material written in English through applications in writing economic and administrative materials.

Preparing Professional CV

Course Code: EA206
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course “Professional Curriculum Vitae Preparation” deals with the basic tools needed to prepare the professional curriculum vitae for a qualified cadre from the portfolio of qualifications, the methods of writing a curriculum vitae, the nature and types of letters of recommendation that the cadre needs to apply for a job, in addition to the methods of dealing with the personal interviews necessary to apply for a job, and the importance of these interviews in achieving the cadre’s goal . At the end of this course the student should be able to: 1. Know the portfolio of qualifications needed to support a professional career; 2. Proficiency in CV writing; 3. Know the letters of recommendation; 4. Mastering the methods of carrying out personal interviews.

IV. Semester

Public Relations and Negotiation

Course Code: EA252
Credit Hours: 3.00

The Public Relations and Negotiation course aims to explain the concept of negotiation and its characteristics, identify its types and methods, and help the student to know negotiation methods and skills, especially with regard to the characteristics and skills of a negotiator, the tasks performed by negotiation, and its objectives. It also aims to explain the relationship between negotiation and public relations, explaining the objectives and tasks of public relations by presenting the context of the historical development of negotiation and its main areas, addressing the characteristics of negotiation and effective negotiation skills, explaining the primary role played by public relations in the art of negotiation.

Organization Theory

Course Code: EA252
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course focuses on the organization as a social system with specific goals that it seeks to achieve through individuals and groups within specific work mechanisms based on the specific organizational structure of work, communication and decision-making mechanisms. The course aims to clarify the concept of the organization and how to measure its effectiveness, and how the following determinants (the surrounding environment, technology, the strategies of the organization, the size of the organization, and the people in charge of managing the organization) affect these dimensions. The course also shows what the coordination mechanisms are used between the basic parts of the organization, the types and dimensions of the organizational structure, and explains how to design organizational structures and the models that explain the design process.

Public Finance

Course Code: EA253
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to provide students with concepts and knowledge that help them understand the public financial problems facing society, expand their awareness of public expenditures, their divisions, and the goals they seek to achieve, as well as analyze the reasons for the increase in public expenditures and their potential economic effects, especially in the field of increased production. The course also aims to provide students with the necessary skills that enable them to research the basic rules of taxes and the problems they face, classify their different types, and evaluate their expected economic effects. The objective also extends to include the skills needed to evaluate public loans and analyze their economic and social characteristics and impacts. Finally, the course aims to provide students with the skills that enable them to understand the essence of the state’s general budget and discuss its basic principles

Operations Research

Course Code: EA254
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to provide the student with knowledge of the concepts, methods and applications of operations research in the field of helping the decision-making process in management and all other scientific branches. Examples and preference. The course also aims to introduce the student to the mathematical model (its elements, benefits, and types) and how to formulate appropriate and appropriate mathematical models for the scientific issues raised, as well as with an in-depth knowledge of linear mathematical examples of all kinds, as well as on network theory, in particular identifying how to find the shortest path in a directed network, as well as on How to find a minimum weight survey tree in an undirected network, as well as how to find optimal solutions to the problems of flow or maximum flow and flow or maximum flow with minimum cost in directed networks, as well as finding optimal solutions to the problems of transmission and assignment as special qualitative cases.

Computer Applications in Management

Course Code: EA255
Credit Hours: 3.00

Computer Applications in Management is a course with a mixture of theoretical and applied aspects. The course has been developed with a focus on providing students with adequate exposure to computer applications in diverse areas of management functions. The course focuses on the various managerial processes to guide and assist managers, executives, and other professionals to achieve success in the technology-driven world of business. The course provides students with the necessary skills to work effectively using modern technologies.

English IV

Course Code: EA256
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the administrative language, the importance of language in economics and management, and the role of languages ​​in economics and management. The economic language has different functions and is also characterized by several characteristics, in addition to that it follows principles and standards in how to formulate them, according to the administrative function. It also aims to introduce the arts of project progress in English and the role of management, marketing, accounting, finance, banking, and management information systems.

V. Semester

Decision Theory

Course Code: EA301
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course deals with the concept of decision and its place in administrative work; ratings of decision issues; stages of the decision-making process; The role of the information system in decision-making; Problems of decision-making and the principle of limited rationality; Introducing some techniques and methods to help analyze problems and make decisions. At the end of this course the student should be able to: 1- Know the concept of decision and the classifications of decision issues and distinguish between their modelability and their programmability; 2- Defines the stages of the decision-making process and the role of the information system in it; 3- Understand the problems of decision-making and understand the principle of limited rationality; 4- Defines and applies some methods to assist in decision-making in simple cases (finding optimal solutions, self-benefit, decision trees, multi-criteria selection, ..etc.)

Administrative Information System

Course Code: EA302
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course is summarized as that the aim of the management information systems course is to provide the student with knowledge of the relationship between management, management information systems and communication technology. To achieve this goal, the course strives to answer the following questions: – How did management information systems develop and what are their types? What are decision support systems, their components, types, and characteristics? – How can we create a new information system, or convert a paper information system into an electronic information system? – How can we manage the information resource systems, what are the necessary administrative processes for this, and what are the quality standards that must be applied? Finally, how do we ensure information security? The security of the information system is no longer “a safe and a lock on documents”, but has become a science and ISO standards should be applied

Total Quality Management

Course Code: EA303
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide the student with information about the nature of total quality management, to clarify the basic principles of total quality management, to clarify the steps of quality planning, to identify the foundations of organizing total quality management, to clarify the steps for improving quality in production and service organizations, to clarify the concept of the quality house, and to clarify the relationships The exchange between the matrices of the quality function publication, identification of quality assurance systems, clarification of the supporting systems for the entrance of total quality management, identification of the entrances to the application of total quality management, and identification of the experiences of some leading organizations in the application of total quality management.

Web Programming 1

Course Code: BIS101
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is an introduction to the most popular web programming languages. Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the concepts of XHTML. 2. Understand the concepts of JavaScript. 3. Understand the concepts of &PhPASP.NET language. 4. Understand the concepts and methods of dealing with ASP/SQL Server databases.

Introduction to Web Programming

Course Code: BIS102

Credit Hours: 3.00
The course “Introduction to Programming” deals with the basic elements needed to design and write a program such as flowcharts and a pseudo-markup language. A course on C# Principles in the Work Environment is presented by Visual Studio Dot Net. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Use basic programming instructions: reading, writing, attribution, arithmetic expressions, conditional instructions, and iterative instructions. 2. Know the flow charts; 3. Use of pseudo-code; 4. Know the types of simple data (numerical: integer, real, literal, logical); 5. Use of one-dimensional tables; 6. Know the basics of the C# programming language, which is equivalent to Basic Instructions.

Databases 1

Course Code: BIS103
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts needed to understand the methods used in data analysis, then move to database design and practice creating ERD diagrams, using DBMS and SQL. Educational Outcomes: 1. Understand how data analysis works. 2. Understand how relational entity schemas are designed. 3. Practice using relational algebra relations. 4. Understand the mechanism of database design. 5. Practice using SQL language help. 6. Linking between databases and object-oriented programming. 7. XML databases.

VI. Semester

Web Programming 2

Course Code: BIS151
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to explain how to build distributed web applications and the various technologies used for this purpose, such as web services protocols on the client-side and server-side sides. Learning outcomes: 1. Implementation of web applications using XHTML language. 2. Implement web applications using JavaScript. 3. Implement web applications using ASP.NET & PHP. 4. Executing Web Applications Using ASP/SQL Server

E-Business Management

Course Code: EA351
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course includes an introduction to the basic concepts of e-business management, its functions and objectives, e-business management models, e-business management infrastructures, e-business management strategies, e-business management software, e-commerce, e-commerce legislation. Using search engine technologies in designing and building e-commerce websites, in addition to online payment and purchase techniques, and providing protection for information circulated across the network.

Databases 2

Course Code: BIS154
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course “Databases (2)” deals with the responsibility of completing the student’s necessary knowledge about database systems and introducing him to the types and applications of databases. Educational Outcomes: 1. Development of database management systems. 2. Carriers transactions. 3. Central, branch and distributed databases. 4. Design and development of database applications. 5. Communication with databases in programming languages. 6. Advanced database applications.

Research Methodology

Course Code: EA354
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide students with scientific research skills, methods and methods, and develop them in administrative sciences, so that they can benefit from them adequately and appropriately in solving academic and practical problems. This course starts from helping the researcher to choose the title of the research to defining the research problem and developing hypotheses through measuring variables and research design in addition to sampling and its methods. This course also deals with exploratory, descriptive and experimental research designs.

Managerial Accounting

Course Code: EA101
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide the student with knowledge and skills in the use of accounting information in making administrative decisions. These decisions are usually made based on a range of alternatives available. Where management accounting works to provide assistance in the event of many problems faced by business organizations based on many methods and tools that are unique to management accounting, especially those related to the use of break-even analyzes mainly related to distinguishing between fixed and variable costs in many areas such as sales planning, or operating leverage. The course also helps in rooting many frameworks related to planning production and profits in the short term, in addition to the role of planning budgets in the control process and reducing waste and losses in various aspects of activity, and finally teaching the student how to prepare performance reports based on the system of decentralization and accountability.

System Analysis and Design

Course Code: BIS152
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course deals with the main focus of systems analysis and design, i.e. the development activities from the identification of requirements to delivery to the customer with the necessary techniques and tools, and takes into account the traditional procedural school and the purpose-oriented school, which it focuses more on, especially the Unified Process UP methodology and its supporting schemes UML. 1. Desired Learning Outcomes (ILO): At the end of the semester, the student is expected to be familiar with the concepts of systems analysis and design, familiar with procedural development procedures and their basic diagrams, especially DFD Dataflow Diagrams, as well as from the UP procedure and a few UML diagrams essential to this procedure, and to understand the reasons for preferring ILO. an action. And to be able to develop a medium-sized application according to these procedures, including the work methodology and the needed techniques, tools and schemes, as well as using the CASE tools supporting the said development procedures. As a subsequent result, the student will be able to choose the appropriate methodology for his graduation project and apply it appropriately.

VII. Semester

Crisis Management

Course Code: EA401
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide the student with the theoretical concepts and principles of this science that is concerned with crisis management and its types, stages and strategies for dealing with it, as well as developing the students’ skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation by clarifying the importance of integration between theory and practical application in the topics of the study. Vocabulary: – The concept of organizational crisis and disaster management and the difference between it and the rest of the terms associated with it. Stages of crisis management, identification of crisis management approaches and strategies, types of organizational crises. Organizational crisis management scenarios. Practical cases for leading companies exposed to actual crises, recent trends in crisis management

Feasibility Studies

Course Code: EA402
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the components of the feasibility study, the economic, technical and marketing feasibility study, and some applied cases. The student also has the ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with others through the available communication media.
The ability to use appropriate mathematical and statistical methods to solve a particular problem, apply them, and interpret results. The ability to use information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, to gather information, understand it, and exchange information and ideas with others.
Vocabulary: – The concept, importance and components of feasibility studies with an explanation of terms in English Environment – Project feasibility study – Marketing study and demand estimation – Technical study and investment cost estimation – Economic study and profitability assessment – Social profitability assessment from the state’s point of view – Studies and cases of its application.

Data Analysis

Course Code: EA403
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course deals with data types and methods for their characterization; the concept of data reduction; factor analysis into principal components; match analysis; covariance analysis; Cluster analysis. The practical application is carried out using the SPSS statistical program. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Recognize data types and methods of describing them; 2- Understand the concept of data reduction; 3- Applying some data analysis methods (factor analysis, agreement analysis, covariance analysis, cluster analysis, …); 4- Using the SPSS statistical program to deal with simple cases.

Data Correspondents

Course Code: BIS201
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the concept of data communication, and the basic components of data communication, representation, and flow. The focus is on the physical layer of the network and transmission medium, the tasks to be performed, and the services provided to the next layer (the data link layer). First, the types of data and the signals they represent, the characteristics of these signals in the time and frequency domains, and their relationship to the transmission rate, the type of transmission channel, transmission problems, and the impact of this on the limitation of transmission rate according to Shannon’s formula will be introduced. In particular, we will study the types of line coding used to transmit digital data after it is represented by digital signals that are distinguished by their characteristics to be suitable for the characteristics of the transmission channel. We conclude with modulation methods, in particular TDM. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Identify the basic components of data transmission 2. Identify data and signals with their types and characteristics in the time and frequency domains 3. Understand the relationship between the available frequency bandwidth of the transmission channel and the data transfer rate 4. Apply the appropriate formula To calculate channel capacity 5. Distinguish between different types of line coding in terms of actual bandwidth, DC, and self-synchronization upon reception 6. Understand the importance of modulation in utilizing channel capacity, and distinguish between T lines and E lines

Accounting Information Systems

Course Code: BIS202
Credit Hours: 3.00

Accounting and financial information systems are considered one of the most important information systems that help institutions make their decisions in a scientific and correct manner, because they are digital data and are the result of official documents. Its financial position (budget). The financial management also plays an important role in the success of institutions and achieving their goals through its scientific tools in financial analysis, studying the feasibility of investments, determining appropriate financing methods, achieving financial balance in the institution and assisting management at various levels in making its decisions in a scientifically correct manner. It also achieves a balance between profitability and liquidity. and optimal use of the financial resources available to the institution.

Advanced Programming

Course Code: BIS203
Credit Hours: 3.00

The course “Advanced SQL Programming” deals with the standard SQL language, which is the basis of SQL languages ​​in relational database systems. It also deals with the application of this language to the SQL Server-MS database management system and the methods of controlling and retrieving data by it through different types of queries, and through various system tools. At the end of this course, the student will have completed: 1. Learn about simple and advanced data retrieval and analyze it to obtain statistics from it; 2. Master data processing and modification; 3. Use of database elements; 4. Use of functions, transactions, triggers, and stored procedures.

VIII. Semester

Database Systems

Course Code: BIS251
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts needed to understand the methods used in data analysis, then move to database design and practice creating ERD diagrams, using DBMS and SQL. Educational Outcomes: 1. Understand how data analysis works. 2. Understand how relational entity schemas are designed. 3. Practice using relational algebra relations. 4. Understand the mechanism of database design. 5. Practice using SQL language help. 6. Linking between databases and object-oriented programming. 7. XML Databases This course also aims to present the basic concepts needed to understand the methods used in data analysis, then move to database design and practice creating ERD diagrams, using DBMS and SQL. Educational Outcomes: 1. Understand how data analysis works. 2. Understand how relational entity schemas are designed. 3. Practice using relational algebra relations. 4. Understand the mechanism of database design. 5. Practice using SQL language help. 6. Linking between databases and object-oriented programming. 7. XML databases.

Project Management

Course Code: EA452
Credit Hours: 3.00

The project management course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts, methodologies, methods, tools and techniques used in project management, through two frameworks: The first framework: Project life cycle 1. Project definition 2. Project planning 3. Project implementation 4. Monitoring and controlling the project 5. Project termination The second framework: Knowledge areas in project management 1. Project scope management 2. Project time management 3. Project cost management 4. Project quality management 5. Project human resource management 6. Project communication management 7. Project risk management 8. Project Procurement Management 9. Project Integration Management This is done by presenting and discussing many examples and realistic practical cases of projects in different fields such as engineering, administrative and organizational projects…etc. Students are asked to come up with the idea of ​​a small project, define and organize it and develop all its time, technical and financial plans as they use the concepts, methodology and tools covered in the course. After the end of the course, the student will be able to participate effectively in the management of any project in which he participates, and he will be equipped with many methods and technologies necessary for this.

Information Systems Security

Course Code: BIS252
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course provides the student with an introduction to the security of information systems, through which he is introduced to the principles, techniques, and tools of this science. The course contains various sections dealing with the security of information systems from several axes, starting from the science of cryptography, through the concept of security policy, to the most important applications of data security. Educational Outcomes: 1. Recognizing the basic concepts in the security of information systems, especially the characteristics, services and protection patterns. 2. Gain the ability to use different cryptographic tools. 3. Familiarize yourself with the concepts of security policy and risk management. 4. Studying the different types of information penetrations. 5. Distinguish between different types of identity verification solutions and access control models. 6. Learn about security solutions for software and databases. 7. Identifying security solutions to prevent or detect intrusion at the level of one computer or network. 8. Understand the basics of security solutions in networks and the Internet

Multimedia Systems

Course Code: BIS253
Credit Hours: 3.00

The goal of multimedia systems is to familiarize the student with the basic principles of this important field of knowledge and how to deal with various media when wanting to build multimedia systems. It also aims to provide the student with knowledge of general concepts about the use of non-traditional data (audio, image, video) when building multimedia systems. At the end of this course, the student will be familiar with the following concepts: 1) Types of media that are used in multimedia systems. 2) Several multimedia compression techniques: conservative compression and lossy compression. 3) Some audio, video and audio compression standards. Some multimedia transmission protocols over local networks and the Internet

Advanced topics in management information systems

Course Code: BIS254
Credit Hours: 3.00

This course introduces students to advanced concepts in management information systems and their applications in the business environment. It includes a group of important topics such as functional information systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, information systems directed to support administrative decisions, strategic information systems, expert systems, strategic management of information resources, and the necessary protection and preservation for them. In the lab, students are trained to develop advanced applications using the visual programming language VB.NET and the MS Access database management package.

Graduation Project in Management Information Systems

Course Code: MM254
Credit Hours: 3.00

1 (17)

Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Program code: IS101BA

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 150

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years