About the Academic Track

The Academic Track seeks to qualify specialists in the field of communications technology, who possess basic theoretical and practical knowledge, and enjoy multidisciplinary and diversified skills, and are able to engage directly in work, so that they are able to manage projects and play the role of mediator between institutions that develop technical solutions and services in the field of communications technology.


Students experience hands-on experiential learning by actually operating, diagnosing and troubleshooting real-world communication equipment and networks.


Preparing graduates specialized in communications and networks technology who have the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to work in the field of communications and networks.

The academic track aims to qualify specialists in the field of communications technology, who possess basic theoretical and practical knowledge, and enjoy multidisciplinary and diversified skills, and are able to engage directly in work, so that they are able to manage projects and play the role of mediator between institutions that develop technical solutions and services in the field of communications technology, and various Other institutions, whether commercial, industrial or academic, that need these solutions and services in their work. The academic track is characterized by the integration and convergence of both information technology and communication technology on the one hand, and giving more attention to providing the student with administrative, economic and human sciences on the other hand, in addition to focusing on self-learning through practical training and projects. The academic track has an academic nature mixed with a technical nature, aiming to enable the student to acquire basic scientific knowledge in addition to the practical technical skills necessary to apply his knowledge in an environment similar to what he may encounter in his later career.


  • Developing sciences and mental and practical abilities that are important for students to enter the field of computing in the business sectors or postgraduate studies and scientific research.
  • Effective practice as a communications technology specialist by leading, designing and developing various projects in the field of communications technology.
  • Communicate effectively with colleagues, as members or leaders of multidisciplinary teams.
  • Encouraging undergraduate students to continue postgraduate studies, in order to provide the community with specialized and highly qualified cadres.
  • Encouraging students to conduct scientific research according to scientific research methodology.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Business and administration for all majors is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

48 courses - 144 credits hours
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester

Introduction to Philosophy

Course code: ACT101
Course name: Introduction to Philosophy
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Philosophy” course deals with the importance of philosophy and its impact on our way of life, in addition to reviewing a number of philosophies that have developed throughout history, such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Greeks, in addition to the ideas of a number of philosophers such as Kant and Nietzsche. The course also deals with the theory of knowledge, the tools of science and scientific research, and the foundations of materialistic, idealistic, essential, and metaphysical philosophies. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the definition of philosophy; 2. Know the history of philosophy and ethics; 3. Know the theory of knowledge; 4. Know the contemporary philosophical ideas.

Mathematical Algebra

Course code: ACT102
Course name: Mathematical Algebra
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic skills of a number of mathematical topics that qualify him to understand the specialized courses. Where the student gets acquainted with the concept of the group and the basic operations process and the concept of follower. He also learns about the set of numbers, especially the real ones, and the basic practical operations, after which he learns the blindness of polynomials, practical arithmetic, and algebraic fractions, and simplifies them to the sum of partial fractions. And then learn about trigonometric operations and trigonometric equations. He also learns about complex numbers and basic operations. Then, he learns about the algebraic structures of groups, attachments, and fields, down to the radial spaces, and the definition of matrices and determinants, and then using them in solving linear equations.

Introduction to Networking

Course code: ACT103
Course Name: Introduction to Networking
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Networks” course deals with the definition of computer networks, their types, the OSI reference model, the TCP/IP reference model, in addition to the components of the TCP/IP protocol suite and the components of the IP address. In this course, the student will: 1. Know computer networks and their types; 2. Know the OSI reference model; 3. Know the TCP/IP reference model and Internet Protocol Suite; 4. Know IP addressing and routing principles.

Introduction to Virtual Learning

Course code: ISU501
Course name: Introduction to Virtual Learning
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Virtual Learning” course deals with the difference between formal education and virtual learning, whether in terms of the technical aspect resulting from the use of new tools, or in terms of the duties of the student and the supervisor and their methods of work. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know virtual learning and its difference from distance education or e-learning; 2. Distinguishing the difference between virtual learning and formal education. 3. Mastering virtual learning tools; 4. Know the duties of the student and the duties of the supervisor in virtual learning.

English I

Course code: ENG101
Course name: English I
Credit hours: 3.00

Studying grammar, vocabulary and grammar in the language – translating texts and articles from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Introduction to Programming

Course code: ACT104
Course name: Introduction to Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Programming” course deals with the basic elements needed to design and write a program such as flowcharts and semi-coding language. The course presents the principles of the C # language in the Visual Studio Dot Net work environment. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Use the basic instructions for programming: reading, writing, assignment, and arithmetic expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements. 2. Know the flow charts; 3. Using Pseudo-Code; 4. Know the types of simple data (numerical: integer and real, literal, logical). 5. Use of one-dimensional tables; 6. Know the basics of the C# programming language equivalent to basic instructions.


Course code: ACT106
Course name: Statistics
Credit hours: 3.00

1. The “Statistics” course deals with the basics of statistics and its applications in the field of business administration. 2. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 3. Know probabilities and probabilistic arithmetic; 4. Mastering the computation of dispersion; 5. Recognize interdependence and feedback; 6. Know statistical procedures; 7. Know the important characteristics of the data and their slope; 8. Master exploratory data analysis; 9. Mastering sample processing; 10. Know the descriptive statistics and the inductive statistics.

II. Semester


Course code: ACT151
Course name: Physics
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the electric and magnetic fields and their sources, and to the nature and propagation of light. The course focuses on the sources of the electric and magnetic fields, their characteristics, methods of calculating each of them, their relationship to each other, and their modern applications. It also introduces the student to the nature of light and the formation of shadows in lenses. It also introduces him to two distinct phenomena of waves, namely interference and diffraction. The intended educational outcomes Define the electric charge and Coulomb’s law Define the properties of conductors and insulators Define the electric field, its properties and its calculation Define electric field lines and the electric dipole Define electric potential and its relationship to the electric field Define capacitors and their connection methods and the concept of capacitance Define the magnetic field, its properties and its calculation Define magnetic induction and the relationship of the magnetic and electric fields to each other With some understanding of the nature of light and its spread, reflection and refraction, the phenomena of interference and diffraction and their applications are known

Electrical Circuits

Course code: ACT152
Course name: Electrical Circuits
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the definition of charge and current and the relationship between them, and to know the electric potential, power and power relationships and their use in electric circuits. It aims to introduce students to the main laws in electrical circuits, such as Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s law, connecting resistors in parallel and in series, and understanding the rules for dividing voltage and current. The course aims to enable students to analyze electrical circuits based on nodes and loops using Kirchhoff’s laws for currents and voltages. The course also aims to enable the student to use the theory of accumulation, Thevenin and Norton, which help in simplifying the analysis of electrical circuits, and introducing it to the transmission of maximum power. The course also aims to make the student understand the work of capacitors and coils and the methods of connecting each of them. The student will gain an understanding of the concepts of sinusoidal signals, phase difference, impedances, and permittivity and their use in AC circuits. Finally, this course aims to enable the student to learn about linear and ideal transformers and their laws. This course is an introduction to other courses such as electronic circuits. Desired educational outcomes: – Understanding the main concepts in electrical circuits such as charge, current, voltage, power and capacity. – Understanding the main laws and rules in electrical circuits, such as Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws, as well as the voltage and current division rules. – Understanding methods of analysis by nodes and loops and using them in analyzing electrical circuits. Understanding some of the main theories in electric circuits, such as the theory of accumulation, Thevenin, and Norton Understanding the work of capacitors and coils and their connection in series and branching Understanding sinusoidal signals, phase difference, impedances, and permittivity, and applications of Kirchhoff’s laws to alternating current circuits Understanding the principle of transformer work, and its laws.


Course code: ACT153
Course Name: Electronics
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course is to acquire ideas that qualify the student to understand the analog elements, and include the main topics necessary for the study of electronic circuits. The three main active elements will be studied briefly: the diode, the MOS transistor, and the BJT transistor. In any case, we have to study the action of the element, its special properties, and its main applications. Since the main objective of electronic circuits is to process signals, understanding the signals, describing them in the time domain and in the frequency domain, and representing them as analogue or digital signals is very necessary. The most common signal processing function that is amplification, and the characteristics of amplifiers, will be studied. In addition to diodes and transistors which are the main electronic components, we will also study operational amplifiers. Although the operational amplifier is not strictly an electronic component, it is commercially available in the form of an integrated circuit and is well defined by the characteristics of its inputs and outputs. The almost perfect behavior of its inputs and outputs makes it a key element in the design of the most complex circuits, which we deal with in this article without any knowledge of its internal structure. Most electronic systems include some form of feedback circuit. We will study the general structure of a negative feedback amplifier and the main principle that explains its operation. And the advantages of the amplifier with the presence of negative feedback, as well as its four possible configurations: voltage amplifier, current amplifier, cross-connection transfer amplifier, and impedance transfer amplifier. We will study an important class of electronic circuits: filters and oscillators. Both topics have some application at the systems level. It is an illustrative example of both types of positive and negative feedback. In the design of electronic systems, the need usually arises for signals of various waveforms, such as sinusoidal, triangular, square, and others. Therefore the generation of this type of signal will be studied. This course is a preconditional course for the basics of communication and signal processing courses. Desired educational outcomes: – Understanding the main concepts in electronic circuits related to signals and their amplification. Understanding the distinctive properties of the operational amplifier and its use as a basic component in electronic circuits, and identifying its most important applications. Understanding the basics of semiconductors and their reflection on understanding the principle of diode work, its distinctive characteristics and some of its most important applications. Understand the working principle of the MOS transistor, its distinctive characteristics and its most important applications. Understand the working principle of the BJT transistor, its distinctive characteristics and its most important applications. Know the general structure of the feedback amplifier, and the main principle that explains its operation. Characterizing the filter by means of the transfer function, and classifying it by knowing the pass field and the blocking field. Defining a filter with a conversion function that meets certain specifications, including using the two popular filter models such as the Butterworth filter and the Chepychev filter. Define tuned transistor amplifiers used in radio frequency applications. Understand the main principles of vibrator circuits that generate sinusoidal signals, and how to combine operational amplifiers with passive components to build vibrator circuits. and understand how to connect a bistable oscillator to a feedback loop with an integrated operational amplifier to implement a square and triangular wave generator.

MATLAB Numerical Computing

Course code: ACT154
Course name: MATLAB Numerical Computing
Credit hours: 3.00

MATLAB Numerical Computing
This course aims to give an introduction to the MATLAB® programming language, and to deal with the software available from MathWorks® company; With the aim of making it the main tool in analyzing data, processing and displaying it, solving mathematical problems, and simulating communication systems. This course includes an introduction to the basics of the MATLAB® programming language, the use of variables and functions available within the software libraries, building functions that carry out specific functions, and dealing with arrays – as they are the basic element in the simulation process – and using them in data representation and signal processing; The course also aims to teach how to create graphical GUI interfaces, and to deal with the Simulink® section that is available within the software to perform systems simulation, in addition to getting acquainted with some toolboxes that allow simulation of communication systems with their various parts, which helps in understanding and applying the concepts of signal processing, digital and analog communications. Desired educational outcomes: – Familiarity with programming, and mastering the basics of the MATLAB® programming language. Using the functions available within the software libraries that are related to various mathematical concepts, signal processing concepts and communications in a way that suits the user’s needs. Manually building functions in order to solve mathematical or engineering problems. Dealing with data (analyzing, importing, exporting data, extracting and displaying results), and dealing with data structures of all kinds. Using Simulink in simulations. Dealing with signs, images and audio files, and applying some mathematical concepts related to statistics, linear algebra and integration. Building graphical GUI interfaces and identifying the tools available within the software and related to the concepts of signal processing, statistics and probabilities, digital and analog communications.

English II

Course code: ENG102
Course name: English II
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the concept of marketing and the objectives of marketing activity. elements of the marketing environment and analysis of marketing activity; consumer behavior models and purchase decision analysis; market segmentation and market selection; identify the elements of the marketing mix; Selling concept and sales management. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the concept of marketing and understand the objectives of marketing activity; 2- Marketing activity analysis and purchase decision analysis; 3- Understand the criteria for market segmentation and market selection; 4- Determine the elements of the marketing mix (goods, price, distribution, promotion).

Pioneering the Future

Course code: ACT503
Course name: Pioneering the Future
Credit hours: 3.00

Discrete Mathematics

Course code: ACT156
Course name: Discrete Mathematics
Credit hours: 3.00

Discrete Mathematics
This course aims to introduce the student to the logic that we rely on in computer science and the various techniques of mathematical proof, especially deduction, to get acquainted with Boolean algebra and related theories and their projection on the design of digital circuits using logic gates, to get acquainted with integers and what is called harmonic arithmetic and its applications in encryption operations, Learn about binary relationships, their representation and types, including equivalence and order relationships, learn about the concept of algorithms, their types, ways of expressing them, and how to calculate their complexity, identifying data, its properties, and some basic algorithms such as finding the shortest path, and finally getting to know different types of trees, binary trees, search trees, decision trees, and coding Hoffman and some least cost algorithms. Desired educational outcomes – comprehension of mathematical logic, hypotheses and their negation, direct and indirect proofs, and mathematical induction. – Learn about Boolean algebra, logical operations, and Boolean functions, and simplify and achieve them through logical gates. Learn about integers and their representation and harmonic arithmetic and use it in the coding process. Learn about the bilateral relationships, their representation and types, and the relationships of equivalence and order. Understanding the basic concept of the algorithm, identifying its types, ways of expressing it, and calculating its complexity. Identifying data, its characteristics, and some basic algorithms, such as finding the shortest path. Identifying different types of trees, binary trees and search trees.

III. Semester

Introduction to Operating Systems

Course code: ACT201
Course name: Introduction to Operating Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Operating Systems” course deals with the basics of designing and building the operating system, how it works, and its kernel components, in addition to explaining the principles of operating procedures, file systems, memory, and the relationship of the operating system to the hardware. In this course, the student will: 1. Know the operating system; 2. Know the principles of file system management; 3. Know the principles of procedure management; 4. Know the principles of memory management.

Network Services

Course code: ACT202
Course name: Network Services
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Network Services” course deals with the most important Internet services, their formation methods, and their protocols: 1. Define the web service and the http protocol; 2. Recognize email and POP3, IMAP4, SMTP protocols; 3. Know the chat protocol CHAT; 4. Define FTP.

Signals and Systems

Course code: ACT203
Course Name: Signals and Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts and techniques used in the field of signal processing, which plays an important role in a wide range of engineering systems. We mainly focus on studying non-time changing linear systems in the field of time-continuous signals as well as in the field of time-discontinuous signals. In addition, we explain the transition between the field of continuous signals and discrete signals through the dismemberment theory. In this course, we introduce the basic tools used in the field of signal processing, such as the Fourier transform, Laplace transform, and Z transform. Although these tools are of a mathematical nature, we are mainly concerned with the physical significance of the results obtained by using these tools in the study of systems. Desired educational outcomes: – Understanding the representation of signals and systems and classifying them according to the nature of the signal. – Identify linear systems that do not change with time, their properties, and the relationship between output and input. – Learn about the Fourier transform of continuous signals and its properties. Learn about the Laplace transform and its application to continuous systems. Describe the frequency response of continuous systems using Baud diagrams. Understand the continuous signal slicing mechanism, slicing theory, and how to recover the signal from slicing samples. – Identify intermittent signals and systems and the relationship between output and input. – Learn about the Fourier transform of discrete signals and its relationship to the Fourier transform of continuous signals. Learn about the Z transform and its properties. Understand how to study discrete systems using the Z transform and the Fourier transform of discrete signals. Understanding the discrete Fourier transform and its relationship to the Fourier transform of discrete signals. Learn about some continuous practical filters and study them using Fourier and Laplace transforms.

Digital Electronics

Course code: ACT204
Course name: Digital Electronics
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the basics of digital electronic circuits. It aims to enable the student to know the characteristics and determinants of digital signals such as the time of ascent, time of descent, pulse width, period and frequency, and the percentage of continuity of the high level during one cycle. The course aims to enable the student to know the use of the principle of counting systems, especially the decimal and binary systems, and to know the conversion between them, and to perform the four arithmetic operations in the binary system, as well as using the binary complement. The course also aims to enable the student to understand error detection using even and odd parity coding or the cyclic repetition test. The student will acquire the ability to use the two-coded decimal numbers and perform addition on their numbers. This course also aims to remind the student of the laws and rules of Boolean algebra, and to enable him to use Carnot tables to shorten logical relationships, after representing them in tables called truth tables. The course also aims to enable the student to identify the main logical gates that are used in building any logical system, and also aims to enable the student to understand the functions, work and applications of the main logical circuits (collectors circuits, comparators, coding circuits, coding detection circuits, voters, and reverse voters ). This course also aims to clarify the functioning of circuits and the functions of registers (memory elements), and logical flip-flops that are used as basic building blocks in sequential logic circuits. The course aims to enable the student to understand the work and functions of displacement registers, and the work and functions of rational numbers, both asynchronous and synchronous. Finally, the course aims to study finite state machines, their design steps, coding their states, and some illustrative examples. This course is an introduction to other courses related to digital communications. Desired educational outcomes: – Understanding the main concepts in digital electronic circuits, such as digital signals and their determinants. Understanding the principle of counting systems and understanding how to perform the four arithmetic operations on numbers in the binary system, using binary complement notation, and adding binary encoded decimal numbers. Understanding the rules and laws of Boolean algebra, and using Carnot tables to shorten logical relationships. Understanding the work of the main logical gates and the main logical functions such as collector circuits, comparators, coding and detection circuits, voters, and reverse voters. Identify memories such as registers and logical flip-flops used in building sequential logic circuits and timers. – Learn about the function and principle of displacement registers. Learn about the function and principle of rational numbers. Learn about finite state machines.

English III

Course code: ENG102
Course name: English III
Credit hours: 3.00

Object-oriented Design and Programming

Course code: ACT205
Course name: Object-oriented Design and Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “Object-Oriented Programming” deals with the concepts of object-oriented programming and its components, such as classes, objects, inheritance, multiple inheritance, and others, through the use of the C# language within the Visual Studio .Net programming environment. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know the basic concepts: classes and objects ( Classes & Objects); 2. Learn about heredity, multiple inheritance, and inheritance of methods (Inheritance and Polymorphism); 3. Know how to distribute rows to different modules (packages, namespaces) and the relationship between their rows. 4. Use templates and patterns.

IV. Semester

Digital Signal Processing

Course code: ACT251
Course name: Digital Signal Processing
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the basics of digital signal processing using the mathematical tools that were presented previously in Signals and Systems. Here we review some of these tools, along with additional new concepts, to take a deeper dive into digital systems analysis. Here we show the basic digital networks used to implement discrete systems which include FIR and IIR digital filter architectures. We also show the effect of transaction quantization and finite precision arithmetic on the performance of LTI systems. We also present the basic methods used in designing digital filters. We give special care to interpreting the results of the DFT transform on sinusoidal signals to understand the limitations of this tool in spectroscopy. We conclude by presenting the intermittent cosine transform used in many applications, as in image compression in JPEG format. Desired educational outcomes: – Identification of intermittent signals in time and their properties. – To identify discrete systems in time and their properties. Understand how to use the time-discrete Fourier transform to analyze discrete systems. Understanding of slicing theory and quantization methods and process. – Remembering the Z transformation and its properties. The use of the Z transform in the analysis of discrete systems. – Identifying digital networks and the main methods in the implementation of intermittent systems. – Understanding the impact of the quantification of transactions and the accuracy of finished operations on the performance of intermittent systems. Learn how to design FIR filters. Learn how to design IIR filters. Understand how to analyze discrete signals using the discrete Fourier transform. Learn about the discrete cosine transform and its basic applications.

Representative Connections

Course code: ACT252
Course name: Representative Connections
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims at defining the concept of a communication system, its partial components and functions, then defining analog systems and digital systems in preparation for focusing on the first type. The student will review the basic concepts of signals and apply spectroscopy using chains and Fourier transforms to them, as well as the concept of time-varying linear systems and their applications in modeling many communication channels and filters. The student will understand the principle and need for modulation, then learn about analog continuous wave modulation such as amplitude and angular modulation that allows the frequency components of an information signal to be shifted to another frequency range suitable for transmission over a packet-pass communication channel. The student will also invest his knowledge in analog electronics in identifying ways to perform some functions in modification and detection. The student learns about the types of collective noise and noise of internal origin and their impact on reducing the performance of analog communication systems, and how to measure it using the ratio of the power of the system’s output signal to the power of noise. The student will also get acquainted with the parameters of the receptors and the working principle of the superheterodyne receptor. This course is a basic introduction to other courses such as digital communications at higher levels. Desired educational outcomes: – Recognizing the block diagram of a communication system and distinguishing between analog and digital communication. Understand the need for modification. Applying spectral analysis techniques to signals. Understanding the basics of stretch adjustment and its different types. Understand the basics of angular modulation (phase and frequency) and its different types. Understanding the meaning of noise and how to estimate it, and identifying its effects on representative communications. – Learn about receptor parameters and understand the principle of action of the superheterodyne receptor.

Microprocessors and Controllers

Course code: ACT253
Course Name: Microprocessors and Controllers
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the structure of microprocessors and their internal components and mechanism of action. This course relies on the study of the Intel 8086 processor in clarifying the basic concepts in the field of processors and explaining how to connect the processor with the necessary peripheral circuits in most applications such as memories and input and output gates. This course provides an introduction to the programming language in assembly language so that the student understands the mechanism of executing programs and the direct relationship of the soft structure with the hard structure, such as the mechanism of occurrence and handling of interrupts. This is in addition to introducing the student to some programming techniques in assembly language in order to understand the mechanism of executing the processor for programs written in a high-level language. Then, the basic concepts in the field of microcontrollers and points of similarity and difference with processors are presented as an introduction to understanding embedded systems through the study of the Atmel 8051 microcontroller and its internal peripherals. Finally, the famous families of modern processors and controllers are reviewed so that the student can get acquainted with some contemporary processors and controllers Symbol Desired educational outcomes – understanding the general structure of computer systems and processors. Understanding the internal structure of the Intel 8086 processor, its basic components, and its working principle. Understanding the general principle of connecting the processor with the peripheral circuits using the addressing, data and control paths. Identify the different addressing patterns in the processor and understand the process of describing algorithms and methodology for writing programs. Familiarity with assembly language instructions in the processor and programming techniques and the ability to write simple assembly language programs. – Identify the mechanism of action of sub-programs and procedures. Understanding the principle of work interrupts in the processor and the mechanism of processing them. – Learn about the concept of microcontrollers and understand the internal structure of the 8051 microcontroller and its main advantages. – Understanding the assembly language of the 8051 microcontroller. – Understanding the working principle of interrupts and timers in the 8051 microcontroller and how to program them. Understand the principle of asynchronous serial transmission and the process of adjusting the transmission speed. Learn about some families of modern processors and controllers.

CV Preparation

Course code: ACT254
Course name: CV Preparation
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “preparing a resume” deals with the basic tools needed to prepare a professional resume for a qualified cadre from the portfolio of qualifications, methods of writing a CV, the types of nature and letters of recommendation that the cadre needs to apply for a job, in addition to methods of dealing with personal interviews, the necessity to apply for a job, and the importance of these interviews in reaching the cadre to its goal . At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know the portfolio of qualifications needed to support a professional career; 2. Mastering CV writing; 3. Know letters of recommendation; 4. Mastering the methods of conducting personal interviews.

English IV

Course code: ENG104
Course name: English IV
Credit hours: 3.00

Guidance Principles

Course code: ACT255
Course name: Guidance Principles
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “Routing Principles” deals with the topic of routing in inter-networks. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand routing algorithms in TCP/IP networks. 2. Gain experience in the most important routing protocols used in TCP/IP networks. 3. Learn about non-traditional networks (Multicast Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Overlay Networks, etc.) and their routing mechanisms.

V. Semester

Introduction to Data Modeling

Course code: ACT301
Course name: Introduction to Data Modeling
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Data Modeling” course deals with the concepts of designing, managing and developing databases, and the stages of analysis, design and realization of information systems according to the conceptual model. Data storage. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the evolution of data models; 2- Know the concept of databases and their management systems; 3. Identify the stages of analysis and design of information systems; 4. Use information systems design and management tools.

Digital Connections

Course code: ACT302
Course name: Digital Connections
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the basic working principles of digital communication systems and information and communication theory. This is achieved through the use of probability theory in calculating system performance and detection theory, and by introducing the student to methods of modification in the base beam and in the pass beam (as in wireless and radio applications), detection methods, understanding the effect of noise on performance, and key trade-offs in communications (such as the trade-off between modulation and coding, between spectrum efficiency and power efficiency), the basics of channel coding for error detection and correction, and the general evaluation of system performance. This course is closely related to the analogue communications course and the courses of signals, systems and digital signal processing, in addition to the communications courses at higher levels. MATLAB and numerical computing are required for the practical part. Desired learning outcomes: – Understanding the basic principles of probability theory and its key applications in the context of digital communications and detection theory – Understanding the basic principles and trade-offs of digital communications in the base band and in the pass band – Understanding the principle and methods of different modulation and comparing them in terms of performance and trade-offs – Understanding the key trade-off in communication systems between spectrum efficiency and power efficiency. Identify noise and its effect on signal detection and performance of digital communication systems. – Understand the principles of error detection and correction methods and their impact on system performance – Know the basics of channel coding methods, a brief description of the principle of their work and the trade-offs between coding and modulation at the system level

Windows Platform

Course code: ACT303
Course Name: Windows Platform
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Windows Platform 1” course deals with the management of Windows servers and platforms, as well as computer networks that use services provided by the Windows operating system. In this course, the student will learn: 1. Mastering the management of the Windows system on a server or on a work platform; 2. Master basic network settings: TCP/IP settings, DHCP settings; 3. Define DNS domain name resolution services; 4. Defines Windows domains, and deals with the management of Windows servers and platforms, as well as computer networks that use services provided by the Windows operating system. In this course, the student will know: 5. Mastering the management of Windows services; 6. Master Windows domain management; 7. Mastering domain network management.

Electromagnetic Waves and Transport Waves

Course code: ACT304
Course name: Electromagnetic Waves and Transport Waves
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the nature of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves that change with time, and the phenomenon of wave propagation, due to the importance of these topics in modern communications. The course focuses on the basic concepts of the electromagnetic theory represented by the time-varying fields governed by Maxwell’s equations, the physical meaning of these equations, how the fields relate to each other on the one hand, and the relationship of the fields to the medium of propagation on the other hand. Then the student gets acquainted with the boundary conditions that the fields are subject to when the wave crosses from one medium to another. After that, the student gets acquainted with the propagation equation and its use to find possible solutions to Maxwell’s equations, and in particular, he gets acquainted with the properties and specifications of the plane wave that changes sinusoidally with time as a solution to the propagation equation, and he gets acquainted with the properties of the diffusing medium (without / with loss), the carrier and the complete carrier medium, and the polarization of the wave, It also learns about the phenomena of diffusion at a separating surface between two different diffusion mediums, Poynting’s theory, power and energy considerations, and the concept of stored energy and radiated power. This course also aims to enable the student to understand the nature of transmission lines, and to understand the key differences between circuit theory and transmission line theory. The student gets acquainted with the mechanisms of wave propagation through transmission lines, the types of transmission lines and their properties, the possible propagation patterns for each type, and the practical applications for each type. This course forms an important foundation for many scientific specializations, especially communication systems that rely on electromagnetic waves as a carrier for information transmission, and microwave engineering. Desired educational outcomes: – Understanding the nature of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves that change with time. – Know Maxwell’s equations, and the plane wave as a solution to these equations, and understand the phenomenon of electromagnetic wave propagation. – Identify the electrical and magnetic properties of material media, and their impact on the formative relationships in those media. Application of boundary conditions to electromagnetic fields at the interfaces between physical media. Understanding Poynting’s theory and its application in calculating the received and lost power. Understand the key differences between circuit theory and transmission line theory. Defining the transmission line as an element in a circuit, naming its determinants, and using the Smith diagram in its calculations. Identify the types of transmission lines and waveguides, their properties and practical applications. Understanding the theory of maximum power transfer and identifying the different forms of power in an electric circuit that contains a transmission line.

Introduction to Economics

Course code: ACT305
Course name: Introduction to Economics
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the general framework of economics and its relationship to other sciences. foundational concepts in economics; market working mechanisms; A review of the stages of development of economic thought and an introduction to the major economic schools. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the foundational concepts in economics (wealth and property, value, money, market); 2- Understanding the working mechanisms of the market (the hidden hand, the laws of supply and demand, the conditions of free competition); 3- Identify the major economic schools (mercantilism, physiocracy, classical, neoclassical, Keynesian); 4- Distinguishing between macroeconomics and microeconomics, and identifying their areas of application.

Fundamentals of Financial Management

Course code: ACT256
Course name: Fundamentals of Financial Management
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the role of the financial function in the institution; Funding sources and policies in business organisations; Calculation and interpretation of financial indicators related to the budget; Calculation and interpretation of financial indicators related to the profit and loss account; financial analysis using ratios; Methods of comparison between investment spending alternatives. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Identify the sources and policies of financing in business organizations; 2- Calculating and interpreting the financial indicators related to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account; 3- Applying financial analysis using ratios; 4- Applying differentiation methods between investment spending alternatives.

VI. Semester

Introduction to Wireless Systems

Course code: ACT351
Course name: Introduction to Wireless Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide general information about wireless communication systems in terms of the history of its emergence and development, while showing the strong relationships that link this type of communication system with all the details of life and the daily activities of all mankind. It also aims to understand the significant impact of wireless communications on the economic life of humanity, while clarifying the idea of generating a large number of jobs due to the great qualitative development in this sector globally, especially in the last twenty years. The course aims to identify the most important wireless communication services available and the practical applications that depend on these services, which cover the various requirements of the current aspects of life. Desired educational outcomes: – Identify licensed and unlicensed frequencies – Identify radio systems and infrastructure – Identify the wireless communications market and its economic importance – Identify the most important services provided by wireless communications to humanity – Identify wireless communication technologies and applications – Describe the history of wireless communications and its impact on the economy and employment

Database Design and Architecture

Course code: ACT352
Course name: Database Design and Architecture
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Database Design and Structure” course deals with the topic of database systems and their structure, the definition of data models, in addition to the concept of entities and their relationships, the concept of the relational entity diagram, in addition to the foundations of the SQL language. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know database systems; 2. Mastering the design of databases and relational charts; 3. Knowledge of database management systems; 4. Using the SQL language.

Network Security and Information Infrastructure

Course code: ACT353
Course Name: Network Security and Information Infrastructure
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “Network and Infrastructure Security” deals with methods and methods for verifying information network intrusions: 1- Principles of protection; 2- Know encryption algorithms; 3- Know the methods of protecting the infrastructure; 4- Know protection protocols and principles; 5- Know the methods of protecting information services; 6- Viruses and operating system protection.

Linux Platform

Course code: ACT354
Course name: Linux Platform
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Linux Platform Administration” course deals with the basic operations of managing a Linux platform or server. In this course, the student will be introduced to: 1. Know the structure of the Linux operating system and its various versions; 2. Use of basic operating and management instructions; 3. Define the file system; 4. Mastering the management of the basic components, in addition to the basic operations of managing a work platform or a server running on Linux. In this course, the student will learn about: 1. Mastering network services management in Linux 2. Mastering file system management; 3. Mastering domain network management.

Microwave Engineering

Course code: ACT355
Course name: Microwave Engineering
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the structures and types of circuits and micro-networks and their functions, using the scatter matrix [S]. Then, an introduction to their applications in understanding the principle of operation of matching circuits, resonance circuits, three-port power dividers, four-port directional links, and microfilters of all kinds, by applying the knowledge acquired by the student to practical issues in microwave engineering. Design at high frequencies. – Know the scatter matrix [S], understand the physical meaning of its coefficients, and the methods of calculating and measuring them. Define discontinuities/transitions in microcircuits, their impact on circuit performance, and their representation with an equivalent electrical circuit. Using the Smith diagram to design impedance matching circuits. Define the most commonly used passive microcircuits (resonance circuits, power dividers, directional links, filters): their properties, functions, manufacturing techniques, and practical applications. Using simulation software to understand the working principle of different types of microcircuits.

Analytical Accounting (Cost Accounting)

Course code: ACT356
Course name: Analytical Accounting (Cost Accounting)
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to define the basic concepts of cost accounting in industrial companies and to analyze the classifications of cost elements functionally “according to cost units and size of activity, and to explain accounting treatments for the elements of raw material costs, wages and indirect industrial costs, and to analyze the deviations of cost elements standardly.” In addition to analyzing and comparing the traditional allocation system for distributing indirect industrial costs to cost centers with the activity-based costing system and achieving control over activities, where loading rates on products and cost centers are determined, cost theories are applied to indicate the cost and profitability of products, preparation of cost lists and final accounts, and linking accounting outputs Cost accounting for industrial companies. The course has a practical orientation aimed at developing skills in applying cost accounting tools in industrial companies, in addition to a research goal to develop the student’s thinking about the scientific and practical advantages offered by this course from the reality of industrial companies in the world of today and tomorrow.

VII. Semester

Antennas and Wave Propagation

Course code: ACT401
Course name: Antennas and Wave Propagation
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the principle of antenna radiation, the basic determinants of antennas, such as radiation resistance, radiation pattern, polarization, reversibility, bandwidth, effective radiated power, basic types of antennas (dipol, monopol, folded dipol, vertical, and folded monopol), which are most common in wireless communication systems, and their basic specifications. It also aims to teach students the rapid analysis of a communication link that uses standard antennas and suffers from various effects of propagation phenomena and its defects. In this course, we review the theory of electromagnetism and the properties of electromagnetic waves. The course aims to introduce the student to the mechanisms of propagation and its various defects in a realistic environment, such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, scattering, the influence of the atmosphere, weather and other weather factors. This course also aims to introduce the student to basic propagation models, enabling him to calculate the radio link budget and propagation, including antenna gain, efficiency, direction, free-space losses, diffraction and interception, rain, polarization, and so on.

Partial Economy

Course code: ACT402
Course name: Partial Economy
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the position of microeconomics in economics; consumer behavior theory; producer behavior theory; general equilibrium theory. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the role of microeconomics in economics; 2- Understanding the basics of consumer behavior theory and applying related calculations (elasticity, utility function, indifference lines and preferences map, optimal consumption formula, …); 3- Understanding the basics of producer behavior theory and applying related calculations (production function, law of diminishing returns, equal production lines, equal cost lines, marginal cost, …); 4- Understanding the general equilibrium theory.

Visual Connections

Course code: ACT403
Course Name: Visual Connections
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic principles of optical fiber communications and to recognize the importance of this type of communication. The student will study the types of single-mode and multimode optical fibers, dispersion and losses in optical fibers. The student will also be introduced to the different components of any optical fiber communication system: optical transmitters and receivers, optical amplifiers and modulators. He will certainly learn how to manufacture fibers and optical cables, and tools and equipment for assembly, connection and testing.

Data Analysis

Course code: ACT404
Course name: Data Analysis
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with data types and methods of describing them. the concept of data shorthand; factorial analysis into major components; compatibility analysis; analysis of covariance; Cluster analysis. The practical application is carried out using the SPSS statistical software. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Identify data patterns and methods of describing them; 2- Understanding the concept of data shorthand; 3- Applying some methods of data analysis (factor analysis, compatibility analysis, covariance analysis, cluster analysis, …); 4- Using the statistical program SPSS to deal with simple cases.

Satellite Communications

Course code: ACT405
Course name: Satellite Communications
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic principles of satellite communications, and to explain the importance of these systems and the extent of their spread. This course deals with the basic orbits and means of launch. The course also covers the components of satellite communication systems, including ground stations and satellites and their structures, as well as link calculations. The course also allows the student to learn about the effects of propagation and the basics of satellite networks and their technologies. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Identify the main orbital parameters of a satellite. 2- Determining the angles of azimuth, elevation and visibility of a satellite from an earth station. 3- Create uplink or downlink calculations and determine the carrier-to-noise ratio at a terrestrial terminal receiver. 4- Determine the effect of rain attenuation on a satellite link and its availability depending on the geographical location of the terrestrial terminals. 5- Define the elements of satellite communication networks, their main types and techniques. 6- The ability to deal with different satellite networks and systems and choose the most appropriate according to the requirements.

Decision Theory

Course code: ACT406
Course name: Decision Theory
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the concept of decision and its place in administrative work. classifications of decision issues; stages of the decision-making process; The role of the information system in decision-making; The problems of decision-making and the principle of limited rationality; Introducing some techniques and methods to help analyze problems and make decisions. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the concept of decision, classifications of decision issues, and distinguish between modelability and programmability; 2- Identify the stages of the decision-making process and the role of the information system in it; 3- Absorbing the problems of decision-making and understanding the principle of limited rationality; 4- Defining some methods to assist in decision-making and applying them in simple cases (finding optimal solutions, subjective benefit, decision trees, multi-criteria choice, …).

VIII. Semester

Radio and Microwave Communication Systems

Course code: ACT451
Course name: Radio and Microwave Communication Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the common circuits and blocks in radio and microwave communication systems, the different structures of these systems, their technical features and problems, and the performance of the system in the presence of noise and distortion resulting from nonlinearity in the system. This course builds on the accumulated knowledge of its prerequisites in antennas, wave propagation, and microwave engineering. This course deals with various topics including: radio and microwave technologies and active elements, technologies and specifications of amplifiers, oscillators and micro-combination, and provides the student with basic knowledge of frequency components, their performance and applications.

Multimedia Networking

Course code: ACT452
Course name: Multimedia Networking
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the basic working principles of multimedia collection, storage and transmission systems. This is done by studying famous and used models and case studies such as (Skype, Netflix, YouTube, TPTV) and others. The student is first introduced to the methods of collecting and processing the basic components of any multimedia project, then to the pressure requirements for the purpose of storing and transporting with high efficiency. After that, case studies are presented for each of the process of voice transmission over the Internet protocol, video transmission, television, and services of the type (Triple play) with some analysis, in order to enable the student to understand the principle of work and structure of these systems, while building similar mini models that simulate the work of certain parts of those systems. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: Identify the trends and modern services in communications and networks Understand the elements and components of services of the type (Over-The-Top services OTT) Understand the structure of different images: grayscale, color, etc. Understand the principles of image compression and standard JPEG compression technology Understanding the process of digitizing audio from sampling, quantification, etc. Understanding the human hearing model and its characteristics and how to exploit its defects to achieve high-efficiency compression Identify the basic concepts and standard systems for digital video Understand the color sampling process Define the characteristics of MPEG video compression Understand the principles of transmission (streaming) of audio and video Understand the difference between Different technologies for media transmission Define the basics of specialized protocols for multimedia transmission Understand the characteristics and advantages of Voice over Internet Protocol Identify the technologies used to address jitter and packet loss Understand the limitations of quality of service in multimedia applications Understand the principles and techniques of quality of service control Understand the role of cloud computing in providing multimedia services Define The structure and form of the packaging framework (Transport Stream)

Digital Transmission Technology

Course code: ACT453
Course Name: Digital Transmission Technology
Credit hours: 3.00

Course objective: This course aims to introduce students to messaging networks and access networks in general, with a focus on the technical aspect. Where the student is introduced to the main protocols for messaging such as Plesio-Chronous digital hierarchy PDH, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH, Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM, in addition to the part related to messaging from IP networks towards technology MPLS. The student is also introduced to the technologies (systems) used in communication, whether wireless technologies, specifically: microwave links, optical (laser) Free Space Optic links, communications via satellite, or those technologies such as wired technologies such as communications via optical fibers. The course also includes a brief research on access networks, where two main types are reviewed: DSL and optical access networks. Desired Learning Outcomes: The student understands the basic structure of the PDH protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. The student understands the basic structure of the SDH protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. The student will know the basic structure of the ATM protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. The student is familiar with the basic structure of IP & Ethernet protocols related to transmission (VLAN, MPLS) and uses basic simulation programs in this field. The student will be introduced to microconnectors, master their basic design principles, and use simple programs to calculate the interface budget. The student learns about satellite communication systems The student understands communication systems via optical fibers (general introduction, DWDM, OTN) The student learns the basics of access networks: (Digital subscriber line “DSL”, Optical Access Network)

Mobile Communications Systems

Course code: ACT454
Course name: Mobile Communications Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to study the structure and protocols of cellular communications for the second, third and fourth generations. The course includes the study of the basic parts of the second generation GSM system and its basic layers, including logical channels, modulation methods, voice coding and encryption. It also includes studying the internal structure of the cell phone, then studying the 2.5G generation system, including GPRS-EDGE and the smart network. Then the transition to the 3G-4G system and modifications in the network structure and protocols. At the end of this course, the student should be able to know: 1. The structure of the second generation GSM system 2. The authentication and encryption mechanism, access methods and frequency bands 3. Cell planning, communication mechanism and its problems 4. Quality of service, framework structure and hierarchy 5. Coding and modulation 6. Channels 7. Mobile Phone Architecture 8. G2.5 Generation System Architecture 9. 3G System Architecture 4G System Architecture

Embedded Systems

Course code: ACT455
Course name: Embedded Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

This course deals with the basics of embedded systems and their design using modern methodology. We introduce the student to the basic components of embedded systems, especially processors of all kinds, which include single-purpose processors, the way they are designed, and processors directed to specific applications such as microcontrollers and general-purpose processors. In addition, the student learns the basics of the Verilog hardware specification language used in the design of special processors. We also show the types of memory and input and output devices necessary to build embedded systems and methods of dealing with them. Then the student gets acquainted with the communication protocols by wires or wirelessly to secure the processor’s communication with the peripherals or with other systems. Finally, the student learns about the role of operating systems in real time in accelerating the development of embedded systems applications and the characteristics that must be achieved to ensure the ability to meet the needs of these applications. Desired educational outcomes: – Learn about embedded systems and their properties. A reminder of the basics of superpositional and cascade logic circuits. Understand how processors are designed for a single purpose. Learn the basics of Verilog hardware markup language at the gate level. Learn the basics of Verilog hardware description language for composite circuits. – Learn the basics of Verilog hardware description language for cascade circuits. Familiarity with the basic components of general purpose processors. Learn about some commonly used standard terminals and their function. – Identify the types of memories, their properties and methods of installation. Understanding ways to confront treatments using electrodes. Learn about parallel, serial and wireless communication protocols. Learn about real-time operating systems and their features.

Graduation Project in Communication and Business Services

Course code: ACT456
Course name: Graduation Project in Communication and Business Services
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “Graduation Project in Communications Technology” aims to integrate most of the technical and administrative information that the student acquired during his follow-up to the various courses of the Bachelor’s Program in Communications Technology, with the aim of implementing an integrated practical project that extends over an entire semester in which the student passes through all stages of the project life cycle from setting requirements to Implementation, testing and commissioning. In this course, students learn how to write a technical report and document the references used, in addition to how to conduct a presentation to defend the project.

Businessman on blurred background using digital binary code connection network 3D rendering

Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Track code: BA101AS

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 144

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years