The program seeks to qualify frameworks in the field of technology development and management, by providing them with the knowledge and skills that enable them to manage technology in institutions. And follow-up the integration of this technology with work procedures in the institution.

Master’s objectives:

  1. The program aims to qualify executives in the field of technology management, and qualify specialists in technology management who are able to:
  2. Providing consultations in the field of technology transfer, development and management in companies and institutions.
  3. Follow technology developments.
  4. Technology selection according to specific methodologies.
  5. Analysis and evaluation of the technological reality in companies and institutions.
  6. Preparing economic and technical feasibility studies for appropriate technologies.
  7. Technology management in the organizations they work for.
  8. Management of technology transfer projects.
  9. Participate in technology transfer negotiations.
  10. Participate in monitoring the performance of the technological system.
  11. This requires them to have a scientific and knowledge base specialized in:

  • project management.
  • Draw strategies.
  • Economics and management sciences.
  • Intellectual property rights and legal aspects of technology transfer.
  • information technology .
  • Modeling and decision making methods.
  • Supplying the local, regional and international labor market with specialized cadres to meet the needs of work in this important field.
  • Developing sciences and mental and practical abilities that are important for students to enter the field of computing in the business sectors or postgraduate studies and scientific research.
  • Effective practice as a specialist in information systems engineering by leading, designing and developing various projects in the field of information systems.
  • Communicate effectively with colleagues, as members or leaders of multidisciplinary teams.
  • Encouraging undergraduate students to continue postgraduate studies, in order to provide the community with specialized and highly qualified cadres.
  • Encouraging students to conduct scientific research according to scientific research methodology.

The First Stage

  • The student studies eight courses, distributed as follows:
    √ Six compulsory courses.
    √Two elective courses from among the courses offered by the faculty for master’s students.
  • The study is conducted through research seminars in each course, and the research seminar relies on multiple references and is in accordance with the scientific research methodology and standards.
  • The study of each of the eight courses takes four credit hours for a minimum of four weeks, and it may be more than that according to the capabilities of each student, after which the student’s competency and knowledge test is held in the course he finished, then he starts in another course in the same way, and so on.
  • Courses studied in the first year, the student has the right to extend the study for a period not exceeding a second year.
  • If a specialization track is chosen within the general program, elective courses will have to be studied from the courses designated for the chosen specialization.

The Second Stage

● The student is assigned a virtual course that the faculty chooses from among the courses that the student studied at the bachelor’s level. This is a practical training for the student, with ten credit hours. The student must divide this course into twelve to fourteen abbreviated lectures. The student presents each lecture in the form of a written summary of its topic in Word format, accompanied by a video recording of it in the student’s voice using the Power Point program. Its duration is not less than ten minutes and not more than twenty. Accurate.

The Thrid Stage

Requirements for registering a thesis topic for a master’s degree in Applied Sciences.

  • The student must pass the prescribed academic courses with at least 70%.
  • The student obtains a TOEFL certificate with a score of at least 450, or its equivalent, or obtains a corresponding certificate in the French language, with the exception of those who obtained a first university degree in one of the two languages, or in one of the two languages.
  • The student submits a request to the university administration to register a master’s thesis with a suggested topic in one of the sub-specialized tracks.
  • If the initial approval of the subject title is achieved, the Faculty Council shall specify a supervisor to guide the student and follow him up in preparing the plan.
  • The research plan includes the importance of the subject and a critical presentation of the previous studies in it, and a specification of the research problem, then defining the methodology of the study and its main hypotheses or the questions that you want to answer, and the division of the study and its sources.
  • The student presents his proposed plan in a scientific seminar. The plan discusses a topic and methodology.
  • The student amends his plan based on the notes of the professors in the seminar if he is asked to amend it.
  • The plan is presented after the seminar to the Faculty Council to take its decision regarding the registration of the subject.
  • In the event of approval, the decision of the Faculty Council is presented to the University Council to approve the registration, and the date of registration is calculated from the date of approval by the University Council.

Jury discussion and degree awarding

  • The minimum period for preparing a master’s thesis is nine months, starting from the date of approval of the University Council to register the subject, and the maximum is two years, which can be extended for a third exceptional year upon the recommendation of the supervisor and the approval of the Faculty Council, provided that the total period of the student’s enrollment in the degree does not exceed four years.
  • The supervisor submits a semi-annual report that includes what has been accomplished, and what is required in the remaining period.
  • After the student completes the thesis and the supervisor reviews it, the supervisor submits to the university administration a report stating that it is valid for discussion, including an evaluation of the student’s performance during the thesis preparation period of 140 degrees, along with submitting a full copy of the thesis signed by him, and a letter with the names of the jury proposed by the professors of the specialty, for presentation to the Council the faculty.
  • It is required that before the student’s discussion, at least fifteen days have passed from the date of approval of the jury committee from the faculty.
  • The jury committee formed to discuss the thesis is six months, which may be renewed for a similar period based on a report from the supervisor and the approval of the Faculty Council.
  • The period of validity of the committee formed to discuss the thesis is six months. It may be renewed for a similar period based on a report from the supervisor and the approval of the Faculty Council.
  • Each member of the jury writes a detailed scientific report on the validity of the thesis for discussion, and evaluates the thesis out of 100 degrees, and the average of the three degrees is taken.
  • The student may not be discussed unless he obtains at least 70% of the supervisor’s evaluation of his performance and the jury members’ evaluation of the thesis in the individual reports.
  • Submit a post-dissertation group report signed by all members of the jury evaluating the thesis discussion out of 100.
  • The thesis is approved after common discussion by the jury with one of the grades shown in the following table:
Very Good3.50B+
Very Good3.00B
Pass on probation1.50D+
Pass on probation1.00D
  • The following grades are not taken into account for the semester or cumulative GPA.
Thesis or project in progress:DP
In progress:IP
Registration has been suspended:L
The grade has not been decided:NGR
Did not take the final exam.:NP
Transferred course.:T
Withdraw from the course.:W
The course covers two semesters, the degree is given at the end of the spring or summer semester.:YR
There are no credit hours.:NC
One credit hour taken as a private student. The credit hours and the degree do not count towards the degree:ND
Re-submitted course, only the last grade is used in calculating the GPA.:R
Credit taken as a special student. Credit hours and grade counted towards a degree.:S

Before the 2016-2017 fall semester 1 credit point is equivalent to 1 semester lecture hour. In the 2016 – 2017 fall semester the University introduced the ECTS – European Credit Transfer System.

Academic Calendar
International Suleiman University calendar is based on the semester system. Each semester has a duration of 15 weeks including the week of the final exam. The summer semester is 10 weeks long, including the final exam.

Program Structure
8 courses = 32 credit hours,
 practical training = 10 credit hours
 Master's thesis = 18 credit hours
Practical Training
Master's Thesis

Core Courses for General Track

Scientific Research Methodology

Course code: MAS101
Course name: Scientific Research Methodology
Credit hours: 4.00

Scientific research methodology
The course includes an introduction to scientific research (definition of scientific research, its purposes, objectives, importance, and characteristics), characteristics of the researcher, methods of obtaining knowledge. Classifications of scientific research methods, the reasons for differences in the classifications of scientific research methods, the descriptive (historical) approach, the experimental approach, the case study approach – the chapters of scientific research, the steps of scientific research and how to formulate them (title, introduction, problem, hypotheses, questions, objectives, importance, Study limits, terminology, study procedures, data collection tools, questionnaire, observation, interview, samples (types, selection), statistical methods used in research, documentation of sources and references (various methods), recommendations and proposals in scientific research.

Information and Communication Technology

Course code: MADT101
Course name: Information and Communication Technology
Credit hours: 4.00

The course aims to introduce students to the most important and latest information and communication technologies, and to familiarize them with their various uses in business and corporate environments. Concerned technologies include the infrastructure on which companies rely, and contain everything related to physical hardware and institutional computer platforms, in addition to the software and systems used in building institutional systems, communication networks of various types, web space and the Internet, and the challenges of the new digital age.

Technological Change and Creativity

Course code: MADT102
Course Name: Technological Change and Creativity
Credit hours: 4.00

The course aims to introduce the main concepts of innovation and creativity. The course defines the types of innovation and the life cycle of adopting innovations. The course shows how to make people and groups creative, and presents tools to enhance creativity. The course also presents tools for managing innovative ideas and projects. The course explains the methods of forming work teams and social networks and their role in innovation. The course also presents the different ways of protecting intellectual property through patents, copyrights, trademarks, confidentiality, and open source.

Practical Methods of Management

Course code: MADT103
Course name: Practical Methods of Management
Credit hours: 4.00

The course deals with the basic concepts of a group of quantitative analysis methods in management through their applied use in the economic and administrative field. The course enables the student to know and use the quantitative methods used in the decision-making process. The student is also introduced to the optimal alternative that he will choose from among the available alternatives using an appropriate mathematical method. And works to familiarize the student with how to choose the appropriate method for the problem subject of the decision.

Technology Transfer and Development

Course code: MADT104
Course name: Technology Transfer and Development
Credit hours: 4.00

Enabling students to understand the basic concepts of technology and introducing them to the technology transfer process and its components, the requirements of each of these components, and how to use the appropriate technology. Learn about the different schools of technology transfer, its requirements, sources of success, reasons for failure in the technology transfer process, and how to avoid those reasons. It also provides the student with the most important requirements and mechanisms to assist in the process of absorbing and localizing technology. The course also seeks to acquaint students with the most important and best practices in technology transfer, localization and development processes.

Systems Engineering

Course code: MADT106
Course name: Systems Engineering
Credit hours: 4.00

The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of systems engineering. The course introduces the student to the general methodology that must be followed when designing systems, which includes the necessary and sufficient activities for analyzing, modeling, designing, realizing and developing complex systems, taking into account the selection of economic and promising solutions that meet the needs of the customer. The course presents the procedures, methods and tools adopted in systems engineering in order to obtain effective and constructive solutions.

Elective Courses for General Track

Experience in Technology Development and Management

Course code: MADT151
Course name: Experience in Technology Development and Management
Credit hours: 4.00

The technological achievements achieved by some institutions and countries were not a mere coincidence, but rather the result of systematic planning and management that has its ingredients and success factors. On the other hand, other technological experiments have faltered as a result of the failure to manage dealing with competitors, partners, or market sectors, or due to poor internal organization of technology-based businesses, and other reasons. This course highlights multiple experiences in technology management with the aim of analyzing them and discovering their success factors or reasons for their failure, and drawing lessons learned and sound rules in technology management.

New Product Development

Course code: MADT152
Course name: New Product Development
Credit hours: 4.00

The course aims to provide basic concepts for the development and launch of new products or successful services. Successful innovations ensure the ability of the new or developed product to compete, win high marketing shares and ensure continuous development. The student will learn to implement product development strategies and take into account all the factors that increase the desired success rate for the product and the productive organization. The course helps managers, technicians, and executives involved in the development of new products (whether goods or services) and the innovation process in the organization, in addition to managing the process of developing new products and studying the applied technology strategy to achieve product or service competitiveness through the development of new products. The course will study innovation in the field of business and innovation in companies to achieve economic product models and keep up with the requirements of customers and present the role of users, experts and institutions in designing the product and predicting its results, achieving competitiveness and marketing the idea through creativity in developing new products. The resources needed to develop new products, measure performance, and learn through experimentation will be studied, all of which will form the basis of the product design and development process, methods of evaluating, developing, testing new ideas, and analyzing results before launching the new product or service, thus obtaining and maintaining a distinctive brand. Practical examples of various product and service development processes will be covered throughout the course, in addition to several research papers.

Business and Technology Law

Course code: MADT153
Course: Business and Technology Law
Credit hours: 4.00

This course aims to study electronic commerce, explain its concept, characteristics, problems encountered, the legislations governing it, and clarify the provisions related to the electronic contract, electronic signature, electronic authentication services provider, and website names. He also studies commercial companies and clarifies the general rules governing them. He studies their substantive, private, general and formal pillars, how they are incorporated and terminated, then he clarifies the provisions for each company separately. He clarifies the provisions for each of the partnership, partnership, joint venture, limited liability and closed joint stock companies in terms of identifying and characteristics of each of them and how to establish and manage them.

Technology Project Management

Course code: MADT154
Course name: Technology Project Management
Credit hours: 4.00

In this course, we discuss the topic of managing technological projects in institutions working in the field of technology. It aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of project management and its most important methods and tools, and to link them directly with real examples in the technology sector.

Industrial and Technological Marketing

Course code: MADT155
Course Name: Industrial and Technological Marketing
Credit hours: 4.00

The course aims to highlight the importance of marketing in production facilities. The course introduces the concepts, meaning and importance of industrial and technological marketing, the types of marketing mix and the elements of each type, and the differences between industrial marketing and consumer marketing. During the course, product development is addressed including market feedback, product evaluation, opportunity evaluation, prototyping, field trials, marketing tests and product launches. The course also shows the most important trends in marketing, especially using the Internet and social networks.

Quality, Reliability and Maintenance

Course code: MADT156
Course Name: Quality, Reliability and Maintenance
Credit hours: 4.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basic principles of quality, reliability and maintenance, and introduces the student to the importance of each of them and the extent of their need. This course presents the basic tools used in quality management, the ISO concept, total quality management, systems reliability calculation methods, fault analysis, maintenance management principles, maintenance patterns and maintenance levels.

Supply Chain Management

Course code: MADT157
Course Name: Supply Chain Management
Credit hours: 4.00

The company’s logistics department is responsible for accelerating its operations with the aim of placing its product within reach of the customer with high efficiency and a short lead time, starting with providing the best raw materials and the lowest cost, passing through rational production and ending with an effective and economical distribution of products through optimal transportation paths. While the supply chain management becomes the department responsible for it within the framework of the multiplicity of alliances and partnerships that the company holds to efficiently cover these activities. There must be scientific comparison between suppliers’ offers or partnership with them, and the use of mathematical methods to determine the best paths to pass through to suppliers or customers, examples of storage policies, centralization of warehouses, development of the distribution network, reduction of the cost of transferring factory production to warehouses, assigning external parties to some of these issues, and monitoring recent trends of logistics .

Management, Economics and Technology

Course code: MADT158
Course Name: Management, Economics and Technology
Credit hours: 4.00

This course introduces the basic principles of economics and management with an emphasis on technological topics and companies. The course is divided into two parts: The first section focuses on introducing the student to the concept of management and its importance in organizations, the stages of development of management science and its schools of thought, and the effective management tools of technology. organization, leadership, communication, and control. In addition to understanding how to analyze each element of the product in order to see if it adds enough value to justify its cost, which is known as value chain analysis. The second section seeks to define the economic behavior of organizations and the consequent behavior of that behavior in terms of hiring resources, creating opportunities for employment, increasing incomes and raising the level of well-being. In addition to understanding the nature of the economic problem, production potential, the basics of supply and demand, the price system, price flexibilities, patterns of partial economic markets for traditional and technological commodities (especially the perfect competition market) and their production and pricing decisions.

Accounting and Financial Management

Course code: MADT159
Course Name: Accounting and Financial Management
Credit hours: 4.00

Accounting and financial information systems are considered one of the most important information systems that help institutions to make their decisions in a scientific and correct manner, because they are digital data as they result from official documents. Its financial situation (budget). Financial management also plays an important role in the success of institutions and achieving their goals through its scientific tools in financial analysis, studying the feasibility of investments, determining appropriate financing methods, achieving financial balance in the institution, and assisting management at various levels in making its decisions in a scientifically correct manner, and it also achieves a balance between the goals of profitability and liquidity. And the optimal use of the financial resources available to the institution.

Financial Management and Quality Costs

Course code: MADT160
Course Name: Financial Management and Quality Costs
Credit hours: 4.00

This course aims to enable the student to understand the basic concepts in accounting and its records, and to be able to develop standard indicators for estimating quality costs and their application, in addition to identifying the basic indicators of financial analysis and investment analysis. It also focuses on estimating and managing different types of quality costs from prevention, auditing and inspection, To the costs of internal and external failure, as part of an integrated strategy to control costs at the level of the organization as a whole.

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Smart Young Female IT Programer Working on Desktop Green Mock-up Screen Computer in Data Center System Control Room. Team of Young Professionals Programming Sophisticated Code

Degree: Master's Degree

Program code: MA103AS

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 144

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years

Welcome to Faculty of Applied Sciences