About the program

The Bachelor’s Program in Information Systems Engineering (ISE: Information System Engineering) seeks to prepare information systems engineers in general, and in particular informatics engineers who specialize in software engineering, artificial intelligence, or computer systems and networks, and who possess basic knowledge and skills in these engineering sciences. By providing an appropriate educational environment for the application of modern teaching methods that motivate students to collect, analyze, synthesize and generate solutions, and to innovate and renew, and to provide students through this environment with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge needed by informatics engineers.

A specialist in the field of information systems engineering must work as a bridge or link between management and specialists in technical aspects. He is the one who understands the common language between technicians and administrators in institutions and makes them work in harmony and understand each other. Therefore, it is very important for a specialist in the field of information systems to have communication skills. High to be able to deal with people of different levels and disciplines.

Program Vision:

Using the latest applied programs in practical application to graduate a distinguished information systems engineer at the local, regional and international levels in the various fields of information systems.

Program Mission:

For the Information Systems Engineering program to become a local leader and a regional leader in the various fields of information systems.


  • Supplying the local, regional and international labor market with specialized cadres to meet the needs of work in this important field.
  • Developing the important sciences and mental and practical capabilities that students have to enter the field of computing in the business sectors or postgraduate studies and scientific research.
  • Effective practice as a specialist in information systems engineering by leading, designing and developing various projects in the field of information systems.
  • Communicate effectively with colleagues, as members or leaders of multidisciplinary teams.
  • Encouraging undergraduate students to continue postgraduate studies, in order to provide the community with specialized and highly qualified cadres.
  • Encouraging students to conduct scientific research according to scientific research methodology.

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Applied Sciences for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

Program Structure
48 courses - 144 credits hours
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester

Introduction to Digital Systems

Course code: AIS101
Course name: Introduction to Digital Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of designing digital logic circuits. The course introduces the student to the different counting systems, the most important of which is the binary system and the conversion between them. The course will show the student logic gates and how to use the theorems of Boolean algebra and Karnot diagrams to design, analyze and simplify synthetic logic circuits. Famous types of flip-flops and the design principles of sequential logic circuits are presented. The design of some applications of the digital circuit, such as computational units, counters, memories, data transmission and conversion circuits, is presented using synthetic and sequential logic circuits.

Programming 1

Course code: AIS102
Course name: Programming 1
Credit hours: 3.00

Teaching the basics of programming, an algorithm to solve a problem, and transferring it to a program in one of the Structured Procedural Programming Languages. Algorithm, Structured programming language Achieving what can be called “Programming in Small” as explained in the outcomes and contents. And the emphasis in teaching on knowing the beginning of programming correctly and independently of the specificity of the programming language, with an emphasis on practice in a structured programming language to install programming concepts in depth. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Understand the idea of steps to solve a problem by computer: the language of algorithms, pseudo-code – Know all simple patterns: numerical, literal, and logical. In addition to the easy and necessary complex patterns: Strings, tables – Knowledge of partial programs – Writing and knowledge of following up the execution of a medium-sized script using a C-Like structured programming language (we use Java).

Mathematical Analysis

Course code: AIS103
Course Name: Mathematical Analysis
Credit hours: 3.00

The mathematical analysis course 1 aims to present the basic concepts of this branch of mathematics to meet the expected needs of the student in his studies in information systems engineering and other branches of engineering. The function and its derivation, thus, in order to be able to express the behavior of any function by drawing a curve that describes it. Finally, the student must get acquainted with the integration of finite and indefinite functions, its properties, and methods of finding it, due to its great importance in his subsequent studies. Outcomes: To succeed in this course, students are expected to: Study the set of real numbers, learn about the absolute value of the real number and its properties, as well as inequalities and their properties, real periods and their types, and finally study the finite and infinite real subsets. – Study the set of complex numbers and the operations on them and the properties of those operations. Studying sequences, numerical series, and integer power series. Study endings and their properties, and study some famous endings. Studying the communication of functions and the properties of related functions, then defining the derivability of a function, studying the rules of derivation and building a table of derivatives for the basic functions, then using these concepts to study the behavior of some basic functions, and studying the middle value theorems. Defining the concept of the original function and studying the basic methods of integration. Study the definite integral and exposure to its most important applications.

Introduction to Virtual Learning

Course code: ISU501
Course name: Introduction to Virtual Learning
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Introduction to Virtual Learning” course deals with the difference between formal education and virtual learning, whether in terms of the technical aspect resulting from the use of new tools, or in terms of the duties of the student and the supervisor and their methods of work. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know virtual learning and its difference from distance education or e-learning; 2. Distinguishing the difference between virtual learning and formal education. 3. Mastering virtual learning tools; 4. Know the duties of the student and the duties of the supervisor in virtual learning.

English I

Course code: ENG101
Course name: English I
Credit hours: 3.00

Studying grammar, vocabulary and grammar in the language – translating texts and articles from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Scientific Communication and Writing Skills

Course code: AIS104
Course name: Scientific Communication and Writing Skills
Credit hours: 3.00

The course provides basic skills in writing and personal communication with others for scientific and practical purposes, which enables the student to present himself and effectively express what he wants to convey in terms of information and ideas, as well as dealing with information provided by others. Understanding the meaning of the resume, knowing its role and importance, and how to use it to apply for an opportunity. Knowing the role of the attachment letter and its integration with the CV, and preparing for the personal interview. Understanding the meaning of a survey or questionnaire, knowing its role and importance, and how to use its results. Designing the questionnaire, conducting the questionnaire survey, and unpacking its results. Knowing the meaning of scientific research and how to conduct it. How to present the results of scientific research in a professional report. Knowing the types of direct communication and understanding the meaning and specificity of the lecture. Designing a lecture material, knowing how to deliver it, preparing for it, and managing the discussion during it.


Course code: AIS106
Course name: Statistics
Credit hours: 3.00

1. The “Statistics” course deals with the basics of statistics and its applications in the field of business administration. 2. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 3. Know probabilities and probabilistic arithmetic; 4. Mastering the computation of dispersion; 5. Recognize interdependence and feedback; 6. Know statistical procedures; 7. Know the important characteristics of the data and their slope; 8. Master exploratory data analysis; 9. Mastering sample processing; 10. Know the descriptive statistics and the inductive statistics.

II. Semester

Programming 2

Course code: AIS151
Course name: Programming 2
Credit hours: 3.00

Install the basic instructions of structured procedural programming, and clarify a number of object-oriented programming concepts. Algorithm, Structured programming language Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Write algorithms to solve problems using procedural programming with mastery in writing and understanding control structures and defining the functions necessary to write programs in C++ – Understanding the foundations of object-oriented design and writing object-oriented algorithms By building new patterns (writing classes) and applying them by writing programs in C++ that deal with these classes that have been built – dealing within the program with what is related to files in terms of reading data from files or writing results to files, especially text files because of the importance of files in storing, retrieving and modifying long-term data Necessary when implementing programs – introducing the concept of indicators and dynamic reservation with a simplified idea of how to benefit from merging the concept of indicators with the concept of rows to build advanced data structures

Mathematical Analysis

Course code: AIS152
Course name: Mathematical Analysis
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course: is to study mathematical topics with important engineering applications and learn to deal with them. Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to deal with function sequences and function series and study their convergence and divergence Understand the Fourier series and how to deduce a periodic function Dealing with improper integrals Perform and understand the Fourier transform Understand the Laplace transform, its importance and applications Perform the inverse Laplace transform

Algebraic Structures

Course code: AIS153
Course Name: Algebraic Structures
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to create a clear picture for the student of the basic algebraic systems and how to build them, starting from basic concepts based on logical reasoning. Educational outcomes: 1. Understanding the basic principles and symbols in set theory and logic. 2. Knowing some counting methods, which will be useful later in studying the complexity of algorithms. 3. Understanding the formation laws and their characteristics in the algebraic structures of the group, the ring, and the field. 4. Mastering Euclid’s algorithm and calculating the simple common multiple and greatest common divisor in the integer loop.

Discontinuous Structures

Course code: AIS154
Course name: Discontinuous Structures
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to employ the basic concepts in discrete structures in developing the student’s informatics and mathematical ability, so that at the end of his study of the course, the student will be able to: • Enhance the use of mathematical logic and methods of proof for the student in the various fields of informatics • Design electronic and logical circuits and ensure mathematical verification of the work mechanism and results • Developing some algorithms based on the concepts of discrete structures Understanding the mechanism of work of translators and text editors, designing languages and building automation Development in the field of building advanced data structures Transitioning from case logic to predicate logic and qualifying for the study of fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence Employing statement theory in designs and solutions Backfilling The gap between the theoretical study of structures and practical application in general. After completing the study of this course, the student will be able to design logical and electronic circuits based on logic and Boolean functions and ensure the accuracy of the output mathematically and its conformity with the design, as well as gaining a scientific base for developing and understanding the work of compilers and the mechanisms of work of programming languages and word processors. The student will be able to design algorithms to solve different problems and make measurements on them. In general, the course builds a solid base for the student to employ theoretical knowledge in practical application.

English II

Course code: ENG102
Course name: English II
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the concept of marketing and the objectives of marketing activity. elements of the marketing environment and analysis of marketing activity; consumer behavior models and purchase decision analysis; market segmentation and market selection; identify the elements of the marketing mix; Selling concept and sales management. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1- Know the concept of marketing and understand the objectives of marketing activity; 2- Marketing activity analysis and purchase decision analysis; 3- Understand the criteria for market segmentation and market selection; 4- Determine the elements of the marketing mix (goods, price, distribution, promotion).

Pioneering the Future

Course code: ACT503
Course name: Pioneering the Future
Credit hours: 3.00

Introduction to Computer Architecture

Course code: AIS156
Course name: Introduction to Computer Architecture
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts needed to understand the structure of computer systems and to estimate their performance. Therefore, the following points are presented in this course: a historical overview of the history of computers, the presentation of the basic definitions used in the architecture of computers, the most important performance indicators of computers, the notation methods for integers and floats, and their usual implementation in computers, and the basic components of the microprocessor and the two basic design methods for the data path and the control unit, Different addressing patterns in processors, and multiple instruction formats. Then the set of instructions for the MIPS processor, assembly language programming rules, types of memory, its internal structure, its basic features, the most important acceleration techniques, the principle of caching and its multiple levels, possible mapping methods, data exchange methods with peripherals, methods for calculating the performance of some peripherals such as the hard disk, and the performance of Synchronous and asynchronous paths Outcomes: – Understanding how computer systems work, and the role of key components in determining performance – Understanding how arithmetic and logical algorithms are implemented in a CPU – Programming a microprocessor in assembly language – Understanding the differences between CPU design methods – Computing multiple memory system performance levels in the computer. Distinguish between the performance of the different methods used to exchange data with input/output.

III. Semester

Algorithms and Data Structures

Course code: AIS201
Course name: Algorithms and Data Structures
Credit hours: 3.00

Algorithms and data structures
This course aims to introduce the basic concepts needed to design data structures and algorithms suitable for solving programming problems, and to estimate their performance. Therefore, the following points are presented in this course: basic concepts in algorithms, the study of the complexity of algorithms, recursive algorithms and recursive drawing, regressive algorithms, basic data structures, internal sorting algorithms. After completing this course, the student is expected to be able to deal with the basic concepts of solving programming problems by effectively designing algorithms for solving. And the ability to analyze and describe the designed algorithms and calculate the degree of their complexity as well as knowledge of appropriate data structures to solve software problems and distinct algorithms that use these structures.

Electronic Circuits

Course code: AIS202
Course name: Electronic Circuits
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course is to study the electronic components that are used in the manufacture of computer processors and memories and in equipment that communicate with computers with external analog signals.


Course code: AIS203
Course Name: Microprocessors
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the architecture of processors, to study and write programs in the assembly language for processing 8086/8088, and to enable him to understand and design a small system built around the processor itself. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Explain the general architecture of a microprocessor and a microcontroller 2) Distinguish between the architecture and performance of different families of processors 3) Explain the architecture of the 8088/8086 processor in detail 4) Write programs in processor assembly language 8088/8086 Understanding a Microsystem Built Around the 8088/8086 Processor

Fundamentals of Economics and Accounting

Course code: AIS204
Course name: Fundamentals of Economics and Accounting
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the traditional and modern economic and administrative theories, and theories of international trade, with a presentation and explanation of the concepts of ISO 9000 and 14000, while providing them with the necessary skills to carry out economic planning, in addition to a presentation of management accounting concepts and how to use them in control and their relationship to information systems, and in the end to introduce the learner to concepts Investment and financing and how to choose the appropriate financing for projects by identifying the financial ratios.

English III

Course code: ENG102
Course name: English III
Credit hours: 3.00

Object-Oriented Design and Programming

Course code: AIS205
Course name: Object-Oriented Design and Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

The course “Object-Oriented Programming” deals with the concepts of object-oriented programming and its components, such as classes, objects, inheritance, multiple inheritance, and others, through the use of the C# language within the Visual Studio .Net programming environment. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know the basic concepts: classes and objects ( Classes & Objects); 2. Learn about heredity, multiple inheritance, and inheritance of methods (Inheritance and Polymorphism); 3. Know how to distribute rows to different modules (packages, namespaces) and the relationship between their rows. 4. Use templates and patterns.

Algebraic Structures 2

Course code: AIS206
Course name: Algebraic Structures 2
Credit hours: 3.00

This course explains the basic concepts and principles of abstract algebra, and aims to create a clear picture for the student of the basic algebraic systems and how to build them, starting with basic concepts based on logical reasoning only, which makes the student capable of logical processing. This course contains a reminder of the basic definitions and symbols in the language of logic, groups and formation laws, then proceeds to the study of basic algebraic structures such as groups and rings, and the set of integers as an important example. A- Outcomes: The intended learning outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Understand the basic principles and symbols in set theory and logic. 2) Knowledge of some counting methods, which will be useful later in his study of the complexity of algorithms. 3) Understanding the formation laws and their characteristics in the algebraic structures of the group, the ring, and the basic field in algebra. 4) Mastering Euclid’s algorithm and calculating the simple common multiple and greatest common divisor in the integer loop.
مزيد من المعلومات عن structures

IV. Semester

Digital Communication

Course code: AIS251
Course name: Digital Communication
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the basic components of digital communication systems and their mechanism of action. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): At the end of this course, the student will be able to: – Understand the components of a digital communication system and the basic modem components – Understand the signals, their types and characteristics in the time and frequency levels – Understand the mechanism of digitizing analogue signals – Understand the methods of base transmission – Understand the modulation methods Digital – Calculating source entropy and channel capacity – Identifying digital transmission methods and error detection and correction.

Design and Development of Web Applications

Course code: AIS252
Course name: Design and Development of Web Applications
Credit hours: 3.00

The “Design and Development of Web Applications” course deals with methods, methods and techniques for developing web applications by reviewing the concept of the static web, the concept of the dynamic web, and the process of developing software that works on the client side and software that works on the server side. The course also deals with the relationship of web application with web servers and database management systems. The Visual Studio .Net development environment is used to build web applications based on the ASP.Net and JavaScript programming languages. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Know web applications: static web and dynamic web; 2. Know the programming on the client side; 3. Know server-side programming; 4. Using the .Net development environment and the ASP.Net programming language.

Computer Networks

Course code: AIS253
Course Name: Computer Networks
Credit hours: 3.00

The course is concerned with data communication networks in general by analyzing their basic components, methods of realization, properties and classification. We are also interested in describing network reference models such as OSI and TCP/IP and the most important protocols used to transfer data between different systems. We will also pay attention to local networks due to their wide spread in all institutions, how to connect local networks with each other, and the methods of interconnecting networks and devices used. The course aims, in general, to study network equipment, protocols, and transmission media in a way that allows the student to design, prepare, and manage networks. The course is concerned with data communication networks in general by analyzing their basic components, methods of realization, properties and classification. We are also interested in describing network reference models such as OSI and TCP/IP and the most important protocols used to transfer data between different systems. We will also pay attention to local networks due to their wide spread in all institutions, how to connect local networks with each other, and the methods of interconnecting networks and devices used. The course aims, in general, to study network equipment, protocols, and transmission media in a way that allows the student to design, prepare, and manage networks. Outcomes: – Classification of different modes of transport and choosing the appropriate solution according to need – Understanding the methods of interconnecting networks with each other and suggesting appropriate devices for each case – Designing, preparing and testing local networks – Defining addresses of devices connected to the network and defining and managing routing protocols


Course code: AIS254
Course name: Databases
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to provide the basic concepts needed to understand the methods used in data analysis, then move on to designing databases, and practice creating Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and using special instructions in Database Management System (DBMS) within SQL language. Structure Query Language. Therefore, the following points were presented in this course: Introduction to databases, the structure of database systems, the relational model and the Structure Query Language (SQL). • Understanding of database design • Familiarity with SQL • Creating an integrated database with all restrictions placed on fields and links between tables.

English IV

Course code: ENG104
Course name: English IV
Credit hours: 3.00

Systems Analysis and Design

Course code: AIS255
Course name: Systems Analysis and Design
Credit hours: 3.00

The course is concerned with the main axis of systems analysis and design, i.e. the activities of conducting development from identifying requirements to delivery to the customer with the necessary techniques and tools, and takes into account the traditional procedural school and the purpose-oriented school, which it focuses more on, especially the Unified Process UP methodology and its supporting UML diagrams. 1. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): By the end of the semester, the student is expected to be familiar with the concepts of systems analysis and design, proficient in procedural development procedures and their basic diagrams, especially DFD Dataflow Diagrams, as well as in the UP procedure and a few essential UML diagrams for this procedure, and to understand the reasons for preferring action. And to be able to develop a medium-sized application according to these procedures, including the work methodology and the needed techniques, tools and schemes, as well as the use of CASE tools software environments that support the aforementioned development procedures. As a result, the student will be able to choose the appropriate methodology for his graduation project and apply it appropriately.

V. Semester

Operations Research

Course code: AIS301
Course name: Operations Research
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to provide the student with knowledge of operations research concepts, methods and applications in the field of assistance in the decision-making process in management and all other scientific branches. In this course, mathematical models are used in solving administrative and economic problems, as well as many scientific problems that can be formulated in the form of problems. Examples and preference. The course also aims to introduce the student to the mathematical model (its elements, benefits, types) and how to formulate appropriate mathematical models that are suitable for the scientific issues raised, as well as an in-depth knowledge of linear mathematical examples of all kinds, as well as network theory, especially how to find the shortest path in a directed network, as well as on How to find a scan tree with a minimum weight in an undirected network, in addition to how to find ideal solutions for the problems of flow or maximum flow and flow or maximum flow with minimum cost in directed networks, as well as finding ideal solutions for the issues of transport and allocation as special qualitative cases.

Web Applications

Course code: AIS302
Course name: Web Applications
Credit hours: 3.00

The course mainly aims to provide a panorama of web design methods by reviewing the most important technologies from the client side and from the server side. Therefore, the most important objectives of the course are to provide the student with a set of software tools that will be the student’s practical means in implementing his subsequent projects, whether during his studies or in his professional life afterwards. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Understand the concepts of XHTML language – Understand the concepts of JavaScript language – Understand the concepts of ASP.NET language – Understand the concepts and methods of dealing with ASP/SQL Server databases – Implement integrated web sites using technologies previous

Operating Systems 1

Course code: AIS303
Course Name: Operating Systems 1
Credit hours: 3.00

The course mainly aims to provide a complete explanation of the importance, definition, and operations of operating systems. I/O programming, interrupt structure and handling, procedures, memory management, interrupt management, process and task scheduling, process synchronization, device management. And software tools implemented by open operating systems to handle system calls to achieve the aforementioned topics. Thus, the most important objectives of the course are to provide the student with a set of theoretical and practical concepts about the structure of the operating system and its mechanism of action. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Understand the concepts of operating systems. Understand the concepts of system calls. Executing programs that verify theoretical concepts using the dependencies provided by the operating system. – Identifying basic topics that will accompany the student in subsequent subjects, especially the synchronization between procedures, which is increasingly important to all application developers in light of new developments in multi-core processors, operating systems and accompanying development tools.

Boolean Programming

Course code: AIS304
Course name: Boolean Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to enable the student to create ideas for practical applications in logical programming by analyzing logical concepts at an abstract level with mastering specialized skills and formulating responses to well-defined and abstract issues as well as to practical issues by collecting the expert database and placing it within a software structure in one of the logical programming languages. Here We adopted the Prolog language so that it can be used later to obtain new and important inferences based on several rules that are defined. Outcomes: The student obtains the appropriate skills and experiences by collecting information and data pertaining to a specific system, which is translated into logical statements, and from which he forms the necessary facts and rules in one of the logical programming languages, and establishes a communication interface that enables the investor to present dynamic inferences.


Course code: AIS305
Course name: Data
Credit hours: 3.00

This course explains the basic concepts and principles in graph science and relies on the OpenGL standard graph library, through its dependencies, to design and implement graph applications and projects. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to understand the basic concepts in graphics, namely: – Knowing the input and output modes of graphics. – Understanding graphic rendering algorithms for simple two-dimensional primitive objects. – Understanding two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric transformations. Learn about the basic types of projection. Learn about the various methods of modeling. – Recognizing basic concepts in colors, lighting, and clothing. Designing and implementing an integrated graphic application based on the previous concepts and using the OpenGL graphic library.

Conversation Between Human and Machine

Course code: AIS256
Course name: Conversation Between Human and Machine
Credit hours: 3.00

Conversation between human and machine
This course explains the basic concepts and principles related to the process of interaction between man and machine. It focuses on the computer as an interactive machine and on information systems as an interface between man and computer. The course focuses on how to design useful and highly usable interactive interfaces. It deals with cognitive psychology as one of the sources of information that helps us in this design, and presents the necessary tools for designing interactive interfaces: analyzing tasks, defining user patterns, defining quality and design standards. The course also deals with mechanisms for evaluating interactive interfaces in terms of their compatibility with the task for which they were designed, and presents a set of globally approved standards in this regard. 1. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): At the end of this course, the student will be able to: – Conduct a task analysis in order to collect the necessary information for designing the interactive interfaces of an information system. Follow a methodology and principles to design useful interactive interfaces with a good level of usability. Evaluating the compatibility of interactive interfaces, identifying existing problems and proposing solutions. Benefiting from some of the data of cognitive psychology in the field of human-computer interaction: the capabilities of human memory, the mechanism of work of the cognitive system in general, the similarity between human information processing and computer processing

VI. Semester

Software Engineering

Course code: AIS351
Course name: Software Engineering
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the most important topics covered in software engineering, which are considered the general framework within which software development processes take place. There are many axes in this course and some of them may be the subject of a separate course, but reviewing these concepts together and understanding the relationships between them and their interaction with others gives a comprehensive view and allows understanding the mechanisms of software development and the techniques adopted in its management. Outcomes: – Understanding the definition of software engineering, its importance and the foundations on which it is based, identifying software procedural models and basic activities in the programming process, and introducing software engineering tools with computer aid. – Acquaintance with the concept of software project management and the activities implemented within it (project planning, the use of chart schedules in project management, risk management), and identification of quality management procedures and activities and the standards and standards used to support software quality. Learn how to organize the requirements document, focusing on the concepts of functional and non-functional requirements, the method of writing requirements, and the modeling methods used to describe them (figurative and non-figurative). Realizing the importance of change and software maintenance and the factors that affect its costs, learning about change management, configuration management, versions and withdrawals.

Visual Programming

Course code: AIS352
Course name: Visual Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

The course mainly aims at introducing the student to methodologies for building interfaces to communicate with the user and how to use the various controls to achieve user-friendly interactive interfaces. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Understand the concepts of communication interfaces – Understand the concepts of different graphics – Understand the concepts of linking with databases – Deal with the visual programming tools provided by the .NET work environment – Understand the concepts and methods of dealing with rules Data SQL Server – Implementation of integrated software applications using prior technologies

Operating Systems 2

Course code: AIS353
Course Name: Operating Systems 2
Credit hours: 3.00

operating systems 2
The aim of the course is to introduce students to more important services provided by the operating system to applications and users by following the same approach that was used in the course Operating Systems 1. It also aims to know the services that were not included in the first part of the course, which focused mainly on acquiring the necessary knowledge For application developers, how they should deal with operating systems and what services they expect from them. The second part focuses more on the knowledge needed for operating system designers and developers. Therefore, the practical aspect that was present in the first part is not present in the second part, leaving room for expansion of accurate theoretical knowledge. After completing this course, the student is expected to be able to deal with the advanced concepts of operating systems and to be able to choose the appropriate functions in the systems that will be used to run applications.

Computer Security

Course code: AIS354
Course name: Computer Security
Credit hours: 3.00

The main objective of this unit is to identify security vulnerabilities and threats faced by computer systems, to explain ways to protect stored and transmitted data, and to use security tools and mechanisms to detect and confront security problems. Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student must: 1. Understand computer security terminology 2. Recognize the goals of computer security 3. Know the methods of protecting stored and transmitted data 4. Use security tools to detect vulnerabilities and security threats.

Administrative Information System

Course code: AIS355
Course name: Administrative Information System
Credit hours: 3.00

Administrative Information System
The course is summarized by the fact that the management information systems course aims to provide the student with knowledge of the relationship between management, information systems and ICT communication technology. To achieve this goal, the course strives to answer the following questions: – How did information systems develop and what are their types? What are decision support systems, their components, types, and characteristics? How can we create a new information system, or convert a paper information system into an electronic information system? How can we manage information resource systems, what are the necessary administrative processes for that, and what are the quality standards that must be applied? Finally, how do we ensure information security? The security of the information system is no longer a “locker and lock on documents”, but it has become the science and standards of ISO that should be applied!

Artificial Intelligence

Course code: AIS356
Course name: Artificial Intelligence
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course is to introduce artificial intelligence techniques and represent knowledge and judge them to derive new knowledge that helps in solving real problems.

VII. Semester


Course code: AIS401
Course name: Encryption
Credit hours: 3.00

Cryptography is one of the most important means used to provide a secure environment for information exchange and protection. In this article, we present the foundations and principles of information encryption and show how to use these techniques to achieve the following three objectives: confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication. This is done by reviewing the traditional symmetric key encryption methods that have appeared and used in the past and those currently used, such as DES and AES standards. The article is also exposed to asymmetric key encryption methods with a focus on the RSA algorithm. In addition, a study of topics related to message integration, identification and key management. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Understand the foundations and principles of information encryption along with how to use these technologies to achieve the three objectives: confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication. Learn about the traditional symmetric-key encryption methods that have emerged and been used in the past. Learn about modern block cipher methods, their features and components. Understand the basic architecture of DES and describe its components. Understand the basic architecture of AES and describe its components. Defining the basic structure of asymmetric key encryption methods. Introducing how the RSA encryption system works. Introducing the message integration method and how to identify the sender. Defining the nature of the electronic signature, its uses, and introducing the security services it provides. Introduction to key management.

Information Retrieval

Course code: AIS402
Course name: Information Retrieval
Credit hours: 3.00

This course is one of the specialized courses in the BIE Information Systems Engineering Program. The course is given through a set of theoretical lectures covering basic topics in information retrieval, in addition to carrying out a practical project aimed at applying what the student has learned from theoretical concepts in creating a search engine.

Branch Processing

Course code: AIS403
Course Name: Branch Processing
Credit hours: 3.00

This lesson covers the basic concepts of parallel programming. First, we take an overview of the sub-account and review some of the basic concepts associated with it. We then show the architectures of parallel memory and the different programming methods associated with it. The last part of this lesson shows how to branch several common types of serial programs. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): At the end of the course, the student should know: – Basic concepts of Parallel Programming. Parallel memory structures and different programming methods associated with them. How to branch several known types of serial software. Parallel programming methods. Sub-program design and examples. The quantitative foundations of parallel programming. Parallel programming tools, such as: PVM, MPI, and others.

Software Project Management

Course code: AIS404
Course name: Software Project Management
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of project management and its most important methods and tools, and to link them directly with real examples. At the end of the course, the student must: 1. Know what a project is 2. Know what project management is 3. What is the project life cycle 4. What are the Critical Path Methods 5. Know how to define a new project 6. Know How to plan the project 7. Know how to implement the project, monitor and adjust its performance 8. Know how the project integrates with the organizational structure of the organization

Distributed Systems

Course code: AIS405
Course name: Distributed Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

The objective of the course is to introduce students to one of the most important principles of modern computing: distributiveness. What is meant by the geographical separation between data and processing, resulting from two main factors: 1. The actual need to approach computing models to human needs and adapt them so that they reduce the effort of using them and do not force the user to move around to deal with them. The great technological development that took place during the past two decades, which allowed the production of equipment and networks that allow achieving distribution with good efficiency. At the end of the course, the student will be able to know the different models of distribution, the most important of which is the server / client, which is used a lot by developers without knowing the computing model used with it and the resulting advantages and problems. In addition to raising many problems associated with distributed computing that did not exist in traditional central computing, and the need to reconsider many algorithms that do not work in the light of distributed systems. After completing this course, the student is expected to be able to deal with the concepts of distributed systems, especially the issues of synchronization. Although the course does not have a great practical aspect, it allows for a better understanding of many of the programming mechanisms that the student is currently using.

Virtual Reality

Course code: AIS406
Course name: Virtual Reality
Credit hours: 3.00

Brief explanation of the material: Today, virtual reality has become one of the advanced data sciences at an accelerated pace as a result of its benefit from the steady development of graphic libraries and interactive three-dimensional input and output methods. This course covers many of the basic concepts and principles in this field by learning the VRML programming language by designing and implementing graphical applications and projects. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to understand the basic concepts in virtual reality, namely: – Understanding general concepts in virtual reality, basic components, interaction methods, and dipping tools. It also learns about the most important applications of virtual reality. The student’s understanding of the basic concepts of VRML. Dealing with simple basic nodes and nodes used in rendering. – Dealing with engineering transformations and applying them in changing the position of objects, rotating them and changing their dimensions, as well as how to build complex objects composed of a group of simple objects, as well as how to create a camera and navigation media within the scene for navigation. Application of revival transactions and interaction concepts. Modeling complex objects through advanced nodes. Adding real details to the objects in the scene, such as clothing and lighting control, adding background, adding fog, and adding sound effects. – Control the point of view, the movement of the beholder, and control the details of the scene.

VIII. Semester

Natural Language Processing

Course code: AIS451
Course name: Natural Language Processing
Credit hours: 3.00

The purpose of this course, which comes after artificial intelligence, is to process the natural Arabic language as a text and verbal sign in order to interact in the natural Arabic language with the computer.

Requirements Engineering

Course code: AIS452
Course name: Requirements Engineering
Credit hours: 3.00

The requirements engineering course aims to teach students the basic principles of requirements engineering, which constitute the first stage in systems analysis, and teach them how to collect and model the requirements of information systems, by defining and explaining the types of requirements and the techniques used in their collection and conceptual, behavioral and structural modeling, and ensuring the quality of their analysis. Outcomes: – Learning to write requirements for specific models of projects, identifying the contents of the requirements document, and distinguishing between different types and different levels of requirements. Knowing a large number of requirements collection techniques and knowing how to use them and their suitability for the nature of projects. – Learn about the modeling of concepts, data, and techniques used for that, and how to use them and their suitability for specific cases and specific types of projects. Modeling the behavioral, functional and structural aspects of information systems using multiple techniques, each of which is suitable for specific cases of work conditions.

Modeling and Simulation

Course code: AIS453
Course Name: Modeling and Simulation
Credit hours: 3.00

This course introduces the concepts of simulation, discrete event simulation, random number generation, income modeling, and statistical analysis of simulation. It uses the well-known ARENA simulation package for simulation training. After completing the course, students will be able to build abstract models of systems, develop and operate simulation models of an intermittent event system using general and specialized software tools, understand and program statistical models in simulation, and analyze simulation data using various statistical techniques.

Real Time Systems

Course code: AIS454
Course name: Real Time Systems
Credit hours: 3.00

The aim of this course is to convey the idea of response within the time limits imposed on the system, which is what distinguishes real-time systems. It also aims to familiarize students with the idea of using appropriate tools (an operating system, a programming language, a design and simulation tool, …) to build this type of system. Therefore, the focus is on: • Knowing the areas of application of real-time systems. • Provide the appropriate tools to design and achieve this type of systems. At the end of this course, the student will acquire the following skills: • Understanding the nature and necessity of real-time systems and their areas of use • Structure of real-time operating systems • Practical programming in a real-time environment (an operating system and a suitable programming language) • Identify tools for designing and modeling real-time systems, especially Petri networks After completing this course, it is expected that the student will be able to design and implement a real-time software system and validate its implementation and respect for the time constraints imposed on it.

Web Application Programming

Course code: AIS455
Course name: Web Application Programming
Credit hours: 3.00

This course introduces the basic concepts of processes and related technologies for programming multi-layered applications, how they are built and handled programmatically, and how synchronization between these bodies takes place. It also explains the basic concepts of server/client applications and the technologies and protocols associated with them for programming various types of network applications, as it presents the communication technologies used to send data via the Internet and the basic methods for establishing communication between applications. It provides examples of online game programs showing how to build a multi-client/server application. Within this context, remote networking technologies (eg: RPC, RMI) that provide services similar to web services that allow distributed processing over the network are presented. This course also reviews the basic concepts of web services and related technologies to program multiple web applications, and the use of web services technologies to allow the reinvestment of software in distributed systems.

Translators Project

Course code: AIS456
Course name: Translators Project
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to define the means of building compilers for programming languages and to provide him with the skill of building a compiler and make him build an integrated programming language compiler. Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: – Build an integrated programming language interpreter that includes a syntax analyzer, a grammar analyzer, and a semantic analyzer, and generates symbols in a target language (machine language or virtual machine game).

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Software, web development, programming concept. Abstract Programming

Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Program code: BA103AS

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 144

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years

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