About the Academic Track

The Bachelor’s of Public Relations and Advertising seeks to provide the local, regional and international market with distinguished expertise capable of managing public relations departments and departments, designing and producing advertising with high skill and professionalism, relying on the latest modern digital communication tools and strategies in designing and implementing programs and plans for public relations and advertising production.


Providing communities with cadres specialized in public relations and advertising.


Contribute to the development of the fields of public relations and advertising by preparing graduates who are able to lead the work of public relations in various private and public institutions, and provide the market with high skills and experience in the field of designing and producing digital advertising.

The graduate will be able to

  • Deals with mass communication from ethical, social, and professional standpoints, and understands work ethics and media codes of honor.
  • Master the skills of criticizing and analyzing the contents of the media
  • Participates in dialogues and public debates about the role of the media in society
  • He is fluent in the arts of media writing according to the specifics of the medium
  • Participates in planning and implementing media campaigns in developmental fields
  • Apply scientific concepts and skills in the field of advertising and public relations
  • Participates in organizing conferences, festivals, exhibitions, and public and private celebrations
  • Participates in the production of media materials for public relations
  • Participates in carrying out surveys and audience research

Study Duration

The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication for all disciplines is four academic years for those accepted on the basis of the secondary certificate, and two years for those accepted into the promotion program according to the institute. and competence.
The duration of the default study is four years, but it is possible to take full-time and intensive studies so that the student can graduate in three years.
The academic year is divided into three semesters, and the University Council determines the start and end dates of the study and the dates of exams according to the university calendar.

Conditions for success and graduation

1 . Each course is given a mark out of 100.
2 . The student is considered to have passed the course if he obtains a final result greater or equal to 55% of the course’s top grade.
3 . In the event that a student succeeds in a course and obtains a full mark, the university has the right to check the student’s level through an oral interview or a written exam, and confirm his success in the course or declare his failure in it, if it is not at the required level.
4 . If the student fails the course, he must repeat it with his exams, and repay the full costs.
Graduation average:
The averages of the courses in which the student passed for the five years are summed and divided by the total number of courses, and the overall average is extracted.

Academic Structure
50 courses - 150 credits hours
University Requirements
Faculty Requirements
Specialization Requirements

I. Semester

Introduction to Journalism

Course code: BMC101
Course name: Introduction to Journalism
Credit hours: 3.00
This course aims to help the student understand the historical development of journalism by providing memory with information about the beginnings of the emergence of journalism and the stages it went through, and understanding the principles and laws of journalistic work by getting acquainted with journalistic systems, theories of journalism, and the ability to distinguish in a preliminary manner on journalistic types, forms and molds suitable for each type, and preliminary knowledge For each stage of journalistic work and the ability to deal with references and sources.

Introduction to Radio and Television

Course code: BMC102
Course name: Introduction to Radio and Television
Credit hours: 3.00

This course includes: the beginning and development of audio broadcasting – the importance of radio as a means of mass communication, as well as the negative aspects of audio broadcasting – writing for the ear and the types of radio programs in addition to an overview of the preparation steps for radio programs – the radio audience – the beginning and development of television – the importance of television as a means of mass communication – television programs Planning and Writing TV Shows – TV Audience and Impact.

Public Opinion

Course code: BMC103
Course Name: Public Opinion
Credit hours: 3.00

Definitions of public opinion – its nature – factors that helped in the emergence of public opinion – types and divisions of public opinion – the emergence of public opinion and the development of political systems – the importance of public opinion – the characteristics of public opinion – the functions that public opinion plays at the levels of individuals, groups and political systems – the most important elements that help In shaping public opinion – methods of changing public opinion – the international situation and its impact on forming public opinion – public opinion as a force of popular pressure – methodological aspects of measuring public opinion and the most important problems it faces in the Middle East.

Fundamentals of Management and its Functions

Course code: ISU501
Course name: Fundamentals of Management and its Functions
Credit hours: 3.00

In its first part, this course aims to provide the student with an introduction to the science of business administration, the development of managerial thought by reviewing the objective reasons for the emergence of this science, its relationship to other sciences, schools of administrative thought in the chronological order of their appearance, and their connection with economic conditions and the business environment when they appeared. As an application of these theories, some modern administrative methods and approaches (management by objectives – Japanese management – agile methodology) were reviewed. The course also focuses in its second part on explaining the basic knowledge and skills related to the administrative process that allows the organization to invest its resources optimally, so that the basic principles are explained Related to how to implement administrative functions (planning – organizing – directing – control) and the foundations of the decision-making process in the organization, and the basic principles of technical functions (production and operations – materials – finance – marketing – human resources – research and development – public relations – management information systems) within the organization .

English I

Course code: ENG101
Course name: English I
Credit hours: 3.00

Studying grammar, vocabulary and grammar in the language – translating texts and articles from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Introduction to Virtual Learning

Course code: ISU502
Course name: Introduction to Virtual Learning
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of virtual learning as an advanced type of e-learning in which the synchronous and asynchronous learning pattern is integrated with other services available on the network, and focuses on explaining its component systems and tools, starting from the learning management system and the examination system, all the way to interactive communication tools between the university and professors And students, and familiarize themselves with the latest technical trends in the fields of virtual learning, in addition to applying quality standards in building educational content and evaluating the entire educational process. The course also seeks to develop the student’s technical skills necessary for virtual learning by applying what he has learned on the systems of International Suleiman University.

II. Semester

Introduction to E-media

Course code: BMC151
Course name: Introduction to E-media
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to define electronic media, its technical development, characteristics, and functions, and to introduce some of the technologies used in displaying and editing this media: multimedia, hypertext, and this course also aims to introduce some applications of this technology, network journalism, interactive television, radio Online, digital cinema, electronic advertising…

Introduction to Public Relations and Media

Course code: BMC152
Course name: Introduction to Public Relations and Media
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the concept of public relations in terms of its origins, development, importance, and objectives as an administrative and communication activity used by organizations in building communication relations with their internal and external audiences, and the role of means of communication in that, in addition to identifying the concept of advertising, its origin, development, types, and importance as a promotional communication activity used by advertisers. To communicate through various media.
acquired skills:
Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to acquire the following knowledge and experience:
A- Having a scientific background in public relations as an administrative activity and its communication
b- Identifying the role of different means of communication in the activities and programs of public relations
C – Having a scientific background in the media as a promotional communication activity
D – Recognize the importance of media and its effects on the local and international economy.

Principles of Media Editing

Course code: BMC153
Course Name: Principles of Media Editing
Credit hours: 3.00

The curriculum aims to explain the value of editing as a basic axis, and an engine for the heart of the media profession, and to present the nature of editing, its schools, and types, in addition to delving into its characteristics and advantages, according to different media means, and how to achieve media functions through different media types, cognitively, and formative for opinions and trends. And mediating between the audience and its problems and those in charge of these problems, marketing and entertainment, and thus distinguishing between media editing and non-media editing for other races, while revealing the points of convergence and differences between each of the news editing, editing opinion materials, investigative editing, and shedding light on Traditional editorial schools, those developed from traditionalism, modernist editorial schools, and postmodern schools, which establish the basis for clarifying the theory of journalistic genres and their methodology.

Sources of Journalistic Information

Course code: BMC154
Course name: Sources of Journalistic Information
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the sources of journalistic information, its concept, stages of development, and its different divisions, the use of printed or traditional sources of information, how to document all types of information sources in journalistic writing, databases in the field of journalism, research methods and the use of information sources.

Arabic I

Course code: ARB101
Course Name: Arabic I

Credit hours: 3.00

Grammar and Grammar – Poetry and Prose – Theater – Story – Essay – Explanation and Interpretation of Some Arabic Texts – The Use of Arabic in Media.

Future Leadership

Course code: ISU502
Course Name: Future Leadership
Credit hours: 3.00

This course, which is a continuation of the Distance Learning Introduction course, aims to increase students’ competence in matters such as career planning, interviewing, photography, communication and training of qualified persons. In addition, it aims to provide students with knowledge about science, technology, industry, creative thinking, developments in research and development, rational and critical thinking, the ability to think and produce rational solutions, and evaluate future job opportunities through various seminars. This course contributes to the development of basic sciences among students and gives them the opportunity to conduct applied research, renew current knowledge and ideas, and enrich and train the elements needed by professions.

III. Semester

International Media

Course code: BMC201
Course Name: International Media
Credit hours: 3.00

The historical dimension of international communication. International media: concepts and methods. Official institutions and international communication research.
– Media flow from the traditional era to the era of globalization. International media dependency and media empires. Modern international communication and media globalization. – Global sources of international media flow. – International news agencies. Scientific news agencies. Program institutions and international television networks. – International press. International broadcasts. – International communication via satellite. Arab media. – Arab press. – Arab radio and television. – The phenomenon of Arab satellite broadcasting. Arab news agencies. Arab media policies. Joint Arab media cooperation.

Journalistic Uses of the Internet

Course code: BMC202
Course name: Journalistic Uses of the Internet
Credit hours: 3.00

Virtual reality on the Internet, general and specialized virtual communities, the concept of social networks in real life, the concept of social networks in virtual reality, types of social networks, characteristics of successful communication through social networks, functions of social networks, technical elements of social networks, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

Public Relations and Advertising

Course code: BMC203
Course Name: Public Relations and Advertising
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the concept of public relations in terms of its origins, development, importance, and objectives as an administrative and communication activity used by organizations in building communication relations with their internal and external audiences, and the role of means of communication in that, in addition to identifying the concept of advertising, its origin, development, types, and importance as a promotional communication activity used by advertisers. To communicate through various media.
acquired skills:
Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to acquire the following knowledge and experience:
A- Having a scientific background in public relations as an administrative activity and its communication
b- Identifying the role of different means of communication in the activities and programs of public relations
C – Having a scientific background in the media as a promotional communication activity
D – Recognize the importance of media and its effects on the local and international economy.

Radio and Television News

Course code: BMC204
Course name: Radio and Television News
Credit hours: 3.00

The curriculum aims to enable students to learn the basics of news editing, its values, schools, and models, in addition to teaching and training them on editorial principles and forms of editorial writing in the world of news, from introductions and types, to the body, and news background, with an indication of the most famous schools and the most widespread news templates. And in use, in addition to how to deal with news coverage, with a focus on the privacy of the television editorial disk, the management of television newsrooms, and the news workflow mechanism within it, traditionally, or through I-News. And its advantages, according to the different media, on the news content presented, and thus how to achieve these policies, through contemporary framing concepts.

English II

Course code: ENG101
Course name: English II
Credit hours: 3.00

Learn more terms and concepts and study modern texts in English with a focus on the language of expression in the field of media and communication to be at a higher level than the previous course, and develop the student’s abilities in writing, expression, grammar and pronunciation (conversation) in the English language.

Human Rights

Course code: ISU503
Course Name: Human Rights
Credit hours: 3.00

The course includes an introduction to human rights, then a historical overview of human rights and their development, especially after the Second World War. The course also shows the types of human rights and their divisions. This course focuses on explaining the nature of international human rights law, the role of the United Nations in developing it, and examining its most important sources. As well as addressing the International Bill of Human Rights by informing the student and developing an ability to analyze the basic charters of human rights, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants for Political, Civil, Social, Cultural and Economic Rights. This course devotes space to explaining general rights in international human rights law, and showing the extent to which Palestinian laws adhere to and respect human rights.

IV. Semester

Management of Media Institutions

Course code: BMC251
Course Name: Management of Media Institutions
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of: management and media institutions – management functions – the organizational structure of media organizations and their functions – specifications of the successful manager – types and characteristics of leaders – the functional role of the human cadre in the media organization according to work sites – planning – the decision-making process in media organizations – the role of the media organization in confronting Crises – the media organization and society.
Practical side: simulating functional work in the media organization so that students perform the role assigned to each element of the organizational structure in the media organization, up to the media product, work to address crises facing society and need the role of the media organization, to help end these crises, work on Addressing a crisis facing the media organization.

Media Sociology

Course code: BMC252
Course name: Media Sociology
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the basic principles of sociology as an introduction to the study of all courses in sociology. Accordingly, in this course the student studies sociology in terms of: concepts, origin, development and methodology, and all fields of sociology, such as social phenomena, basic concepts, social structure, and levels of Social relations, socialization, and social organization processes that paved the way for the emergence of sociology.

Production of E-newspapers

Course code: BMC253
Course name: Production of E-newspapers
Credit hours: 3.00

The course of producing and directing newspapers aims to introduce the student to the concept of journalistic production and its functions by clarifying the components of artistic design, especially colors, while clarifying the foundations of artistic and journalistic design and the factors influencing it. It also aims to explain how to design topics, titles, and images, while clarifying the means by which materials are separated, to finally explain how newspapers are designed and produced.

Fundamentals of Marketing and Advertising

Course code: BMC254
Course name: Fundamentals of Marketing and Advertising
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the general concept of marketing and its role in promoting various types of products (goods, services, ideas, people, and organizations…) within the framework of the various types of marketing such as commercial marketing, political and social marketing. In addition to identifying the components of the marketing and promotional mix and their impact on the media and advertising activity, as well as the marketing and promotional functions and the relationship between all the concepts of media, marketing and advertising and the strategies used in building different forms of marketing. It aims to present the results of the many works and scientific studies (internationally and in the Arab world) dedicated to covering the propaganda effect on the target audience in political history, while addressing the study of different cases in this context and their different effects in building ideological thought in societies.

Arabic II

Course code: ARB102
Course name: Arabic II
Credit hours: 3.00

Students are introduced to the concept of linguistics, its subject, and the difference between it and philology. They are also introduced to the branches of linguistics, the history of its origin and its topics, the levels of linguistic study, the linguistic conflict and its manifestations, and the linguistic atlas and its importance.

Journalism Ethics

Course code: BMC255
Course Name: Journalism Ethics
Credit hours: 3.00

The course gives a comprehensive idea of the rules of professional behavior for media professionals during their news collection, transmission, editing, and preparation for publication, media legislation, freedom of the press, regulation of newspaper issuance, newspaper resources, ownership and management, journalist’s duties and rights, organization of journalistic work, right of privacy, publishing crimes, right of response and correction, penalties, and laws related to legal protection. of copyright and artistic works, and special emphasis is placed on respecting the truth, the right of public opinion to obtain it, observance of accuracy, objectivity, and non-intentional distortion or defamation.

V. Semester

Organizational Communication

Course code: PRA101
Course name: Organizational Communication
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to distinguish between the types of organizational communication and its objectives, study job performance, the methods used in its evaluation, and what is the relationship between public relations and organizational communication. It aims to introduce the student to the theories and models of the science of organizational communication and the analysis of its issues, then he moves to the concept of social communication and presents models and analytical studies on communication in management, and on the principles, foundations and components of organization, and then moves on to clarify the concept of organizational culture.

Public Relations During Crises

Course code: PRA102
Course name: Public Relations During Crises
Credit hours: 3.00

The curriculum seeks to introduce the student to crises, their concepts, and the difference between a crisis and a disaster, with knowledge of the types of crises and how to manage them in general. Before, after and during the crisis, as well as reading examples of how to direct the media in crises, and the different models from the Vietnam and Falklands wars to the Gulf wars and the occupation of Iraq, and the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Palestine and the recommendations derived from these models.

Planning Public Relations Programs and Campaigns

Course code: PRA103
Course name: Planning Public Relations Programs and Campaigns
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce students to the importance of planning in the field of public relations, its objectives and concepts through: Defining planning in public relations. The importance of planning and its benefits. Types of plans. Planning stages, planning public awareness campaigns and mental image. Planning special events.
Organizing press conferences. Problems facing planning in public relations

Public Relations Management

Course code: PRA104
Course name: Public Relations Management
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the concept of management and its elements, organization in institutions, the human element and leadership, planning in institutions, public relations management and its functions, public relations management and decision-making, and public relations programs.

English III

Course code: ENG103
Course Name: English III
Credit hours: 3.00

This course deals with the foundations of the English language, such as types of morphological words, tenses, passive voice, punctuation marks, news sentence writing, and short news, with a focus on providing students with news terms and vocabulary, and giving them practical applications in reading the English newspaper, and translating some of its topics.

Radio and Television Presentation

Course code: PRA105
Course name: Radio and Television Presentation
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce students to the schools of radio and television speaking, its techniques, rules, and arts, while training them in the methods of speech in keeping with the nature of the media type presented, in addition to the mechanics of sound, and the vocal apparatus of the broadcaster, and its implications for his performance, while clarifying the characteristics of the announcer, his characteristics, And his vocal and editorial duties, and his role in the communication process, as a window through which the media message appears to the audience.
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VI. Semester

Consumer Behavior

Course code: PRA151
Course name: Consumer Behavior
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of consumer behavior, consumer patterns, consumer behavior theories, and marketing tools affecting consumer behavior.
Course content:
• Knowing what the consumer is, his behavior, and the different patterns of consumers
• Familiarity with how to formulate marketing strategies in the light of consumer behavior
• Identify the economic areas that affect consumer behavior
• Identify the behavioral areas that affect consumer behavior

International Public Relations

Course code: PRA152
Course name: International Public Relations
Credit hours: 3.00

The concept of public relations – areas of using public relations – public relations and the public – public relations and building the mental image of the institution in the public – types and characteristics of the public – the most important theories of public relations – the characteristics of the person in charge of public relations – public relations inside and outside the institution – the tasks and duties of the person in charge of public relations – the usefulness of relations General and its impact on the development of the institution.

Radio and Television Advertising

Course code: PRA153
Course name: Radio and Television Advertising
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to each of the radio and television advertisements in terms of their concept, types and artistic templates for each of them, in addition to how to write and prepare radio and television advertisements and how to produce them with practical application.

Strategic Management of Public Relations

Course code: PRA154
Course Name: Strategic Management of Public Relations
Credit hours: 3.00

Introducing and raising awareness of the importance of managing public relations as a science separate from management that has special principles and rules.
Providing the student with various functions to manage a public relations activity.
Introducing students to the basic skills that should be available in public relations practitioners.
Introducing students to effective methods of addressing the target audience in the field of public relations.
Course content:
Defining public relations in general as an introduction to public relations management.
Defining public relations management through modern theories.
Public relations planning.
Organizing public relations in various organizations
– Evaluation of public relations activity.

Arabic III

Course code: ARB103
Course name: Arabic III
Credit hours: 3.00


Communication Theories

Course code: PRA155
Course name: Communication Theories
Credit hours: 3.00

The communication theories course includes an explanation of: the concept of communication – stages of communication development – types of communication – components of the communication process such as sender, message, receiver, channel, influence, reverberation and context – some communication models – the development of influence studies – the most important modern communication theories (Persians – priorities – uses and gratifications – Communication flow – dependence – knowledge gap and other modern theories.

VII. Semester

Advertising Campaigns

Course code: PRA201
Course name: Advertising Campaigns
Credit hours: 3.00

This course includes topics related to planning and managing advertising campaigns represented in the marketing factors affecting advertising activity such as the advertised good or service, factors related to demand, the market, pricing, distribution and promotion, consumer psychology and consumer behavior models, as well as advertising media and their selection criteria, and the steps and elements of planning advertising campaigns represented by In defining goals, choosing advertising means, preparing artwork, determining the form that the advertising campaign will take, scheduling it, determining advertising allocations and budget, measuring the impact of advertising efforts, and using modern methods and operations research in planning advertising activity and measuring its effects.

Social and Political Marketing

Course code: PRA202
Course Name: Social and Political Marketing
Credit hours: 3.00

The course deals with the general concept of marketing and its role in promoting various types of products (goods, services, ideas, people, and organizations…) within the framework of the various types of marketing such as commercial marketing, political and social marketing. In addition to identifying the components of the marketing and promotional mix and their impact on the media and advertising activity, as well as the marketing and promotional functions and the relationship between all the concepts of media, marketing and advertising and the strategies used in building the various forms of marketing.

Visual Communication Design

Course code: PRA203
Course name: Visual Communication Design
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the basics of the visual programming language. The course includes the following topics: symbolic representation, tracking and inference methods for visual programming languages, visual programming systems, visual query systems, visual information systems, visual software engineering. The course also includes the study of various applications such as Visual user interfaces, visual specifications, visual reasoning, visual database systems, and multimedia computing.

Organizing and Managing Events

Course code: PRA204
Course name: Organizing and managing events
Credit hours: 3.00

This course introduces principles and practices to individuals who work in the field of planning and organizing events, meetings, and conferences. By obtaining a clear understanding of the process of planning and developing administrative skills, and getting familiar with the best practices related to managing events and conferences, the student will be more prepared to manage these events. This course also covers planning tools, managing time, space, money, human resources, information, materials, and problems that may arise through the process of planning these events.

Logic and Scientific Thinking

Course code: PRA205
Course name: Logic and scientific thinking
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to introduce the student to the principles and principles of logic, and to give him the ability to think scientifically, to devise scientific problems, to be able to identify them, and to think in the appropriate way to address and study them.
The course vocabulary consists of:
– Definition of science, scientific thinking, method and stages of its development.
 Basic definitions in scientific research, such as theory, concepts, variables and their types.
– The research problem, its sources, and determining its importance.
– Types of scientific research and their classifications.
– Types of data, sources of obtaining them, and classification methods in libraries.
– Methods of referencing and its origins.
– Writing the research report and its components.

Investigative Journalism

Course code: PRA206
Course Name: Investigative Journalism
Credit hours: 3.00

The study includes three types of journalism, which are the report, the investigation, and the talk. The theoretical side focuses on introducing the student to the characteristics of these three genres, their functions, their structure, areas of use, methods of writing them, and methods of preparing them (20%).

VIII. Semester


Course code: PRA251
Course name: E-media
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to study the forms of electronic media and the electronic media audience, to identify the characteristics of electronic newspapers presented in the form of media portals. Studying electronic publishing, the software used in it and its technologies on the Internet, the general characteristics of electronic publishing for the production of publications such as colorful and glossy magazines, studying radio and television programs on the Internet, especially news, in addition to online cinema broadcasts and news agencies in the network. Studying the concept of interactive applications and their importance in advertising and commercial websites on the Internet, public opinion polls on the Internet, and content analysis in electronic media.

Business Public Relations Management

Course code: PRA252
Course name: Business Public Relations Management
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to develop the student’s ability in the communication process in all administrative aspects, and to identify the means, aspects, types and forms of communication, communication theories, modern means of communication, the role of technology in the world of commercial communication and its relationship to business and commercial correspondence that takes place inside and outside the organization.


Course code: PRA253
Course Name: Protocol
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to introduce the student to the rules of interaction, the art of speaking and acquaintance, visiting ceremonies, organizing visits, ceremonies and reception, the rules of acquaintance and reception in Islam, the protocol of banquets and parties in Islam and in modern societies, in addition to the protocol of clothing and decorations.

Public Relations and Negotiation

Course code: PRA254
Course Name: Public Relations and Negotiation
Credit hours: 3.00

The course is concerned with studying the concept and importance of negotiation, areas of negotiation, planning and managing the negotiation process, negotiation skills, the concept of human relations, their development, and their relationship to negotiation.
The course aims to prepare students to be able to negotiate successfully.

Intellectual Property

Course code: PRA255
Course Name: Intellectual Property
Credit hours: 3.00

The course aims to define what the intellectual property right is and how these rights have developed. International laws governing these rights have been developed, and a global intellectual property organization (WIPO) has been established. The course also provides a clear idea of literary and artistic property, copyright and related rights in Syrian law, and defines what is the work subject to intellectual copyright. It also deals with presenting the exceptions to these rights, how to manage them, the precautionary measures and penalties imposed for violating these laws, in addition to the scope of application of this protection.

Graduation Project

Course code: PRA256
Course Name: Graduation Project
Credit hours: 3.00

This course aims to invest students’ theoretical and practical skills in preparing and implementing research, media and advertising materials, or preparing strategies for public relations or advertising as a first step towards practical life. This course includes a comprehensive exam, and the project is evaluated by a special committee formed by the department.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Track code: BA101MC

Study method: Distance Learning

Credit hour: 144

How long it takes: 
Full time: 3 years
Part time: 6 years
Limit time: 13 years

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