Saher H. EL-Annan PhD


Academic Senior Consultant and Certified Trainer

Mobile: 961-3-804-809


Innovative and high-organized professional offering expertise in delivering consulting and strategic business developer leading to increase profitability. Possess project management, leadership and change management, and marketing management background. Achieving optimal results with competent planning to address business needs in today’s fast and brutal changing business environment. University professor, Trainer, and Consultant for nearly 22 years with a strong desire to help Graduates recognize the connection between learning and experience. Has resided on many consultant academic and genuine committees to develop realistic university curricula that deal with real businesses. Engaged with senior external examiners at the Open University United Kingdom for the last 14 years. Requested to be the External Examiner of the American University in the Emirats. Tailored different courses in Management, Leadership, Marketing Management, Human Resource Professional. Active researcher in various Business topics such (Leadership, Innovation, Entrepreneur, Project Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Managing Transformation in the MENA Region, Marketing, Managing Quality, and ….. refer to Google Scholar)


  1. Current Employment:
OrganizationJob TitleStarting Date
AUCEPart Time Academic Consultant for MBAOctober 2021
We Grow MindsSenior Consultant and Trainer



  1. Education:
Degree :PhDUniversity : Hartford University
Major : Management (Leadership & Organizational Changes)
Country : USA


Degree :MBAUniversity : Miami University
Major : General
Country : USA


Degree :BSUniversity : Maryland University, University College
Major : Management
Country : USA


Degree :AAUniversity : Edison Community College
Major : Associate
Country : USA


Degree : Other (Certificates)
  • Trainer for Microfinance
  • Train the Trainer
  • Senior Trainer for Entrepreneurs
  • Trainer for Management
  • Trainer


  • Leuphana University (Germany)
  • Open University
  • Management Consultant
  • Arab Academy



  1. Professional Experience
Job TitleFirmFrom-ToDuties
Dean of MBAArab Open University (AOU)2012 to June 2021Working on accreditation and learning Outcomes of post graduate courses
General Course ChairArab Open University (AOU)2012 to June 2021Management (Perspectives & Practice),

(Fundamentals of Senior Management), (Human Resource Professional),

(Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities), (Marketing & Sociology), (Managing Complexity), (Leadership) (Making a Difference) (Advanced Strategic Management), (Marketing in the21st Century), (Human Resource Professional).

Associate ProfessorLebanese University2010-2011M2 (Thesis supervisor and lecturer)


  1. Teaching Activities
Job TitleUniversityFrom-ToTaught Courses
DirectorAmerican University of Technology2008-2009Procurement and development
Dean of Business FacultyAmerican University of Culture and Education2007-2008Reviewed and modified undergraduate courses and developed the MBA program for the higher ministry of education.
Dean of Business FacultyBusiness and college University2000-2006Reviewed and modified undergraduate courses and developed the MBA program for the higher ministry of education.


  1. Research Activities
EL-Annan, S., Shatila, K. The Impact of Job Characteristics & Value Congruence on Employees Retention: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support & Perceived Organizational Justice. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business ISSN 2288-4645 Accepted January 2022 (SCOPUS)
EL-Annan, S., Haidoura ,H., K., Shatila, M Alozian The Impact of Customer Relationship Management On Customer Satisfaction and Retention: THE CASE LEBANON International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 06, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 22 Feb 2019 | Revised: 13Mar 2019 | Accepted: 05 Apr 2020 6099 (SCOPUS)

EL-Annan, S., Chamas M., The Impacts and Implications of ISO 26000 “Guidance of Social Responsibility on the Lebanese Industries” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 2. Ver. III (Feb. 2017), PP 75-82 DOI is 10.9790/487X-1902037582 Indexed: Google Scholar, J-Gate, Cornell University.
EL-Annan, S., Haidoura, H., The Impact of Managing Transformation Process in the MENA Region “International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities Volume No 3 No 6 ISSN: 2053-5295 (Online) 2052-6164 (Print) November, 2015: Indexed: IJSCH

EL-Annan, S. The Relationship Between Project Manager Skills and Leadership Skills in the Workplace: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade (BJEMT) (ISSN: 2278 – 098X). May, 2015 Indexed: (IMSEAR)
EL-Annan, S. The Amalgamation of Conventional Universities and Open/ Distance Learning and their Effects on Students’ performance. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 112-125 March, 2015 Indexed: IJLTER, Google scholar:;
EL-Annan, S. Transforming managerial skills into creative leadership skills. Journal of Business and Economic Management 2(1): September 2014 Indexed: Taylor Francis, Google Scholar DOI: ISSN: 2315-7755 ©2014 Academia Publishing
EL-Annan, S. Innovation, Proactive, and Vision are three Integrated Dimensions between Leadership and Entrepreneurship. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences (EJBSS) EJBSS-13-11218, Vol. 1, No. 12, pp 148-163, March 2013. URL: ISSN: 2235 -767X Indexed: Cabell’s Directories, ULRICHSWEB, INDEX COPERNICUS, ICI, EBSCO
EL-Annan, S. Mismanaging Knowledge and Education and their Effects on Employment in Lebanon and the Middle East. Journal of Education & Vocational Research;, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p9 ISSN 2223-8891 January 2012 Indexed EBSCO, DOAJ and Directory of Research Journal Indexing
The Pendulum of learning (Ministry of Education) Certified Accountant, 2011
Nourishment of Leadership, Certified Accountant, Issue No 2, 2008
Lebanese University, (Thesis committee since 2008.)
Privatization and development of governmental service, Certified Accountant, Issue No25, 2006.
Foresight in Managing Quality Certified Accountant, Issue No2, 2004.
Strategies to Build Domestic Capabilities, Certified Accountant, Issue No 19, July 2004.
Managing Knowledge, Miami University, Student magazine, issue 14, February 2000.
International conference (Lecturer for small and medium enterprises in the region)
Professional Experience
One of Four International Main Speakers for the American University of Culture and Education (Webinar titled: The Role of Technology in Developing New Business Models) My presentation titled (The Dilemma of Transforming the Appropriate Skills and Competencies to Students During COVID-19 Pandemic. Dec 17, 2020 04:00 PM Beirut Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 913 9579 0636 Passcode: 676894

Speaker for the Importance of Marketing and Branding oneself. USAL University December 12 2020
Speaker: An event on The Future of Work. (Education & Society) British Council | 10 Spring Gardens | London | SW1A 2BN T +44 (0)161 957 7755 | E, October 15th 2020.
Attended: Train The Trainer (For Entrepreneurs) conducted by Leuphana University (Germany) Via Zoom September 28,29,30, and October 1, and 2, 2020.
Attended: Workshop conducted by the deanship office on training and professional development which covers various subjects regarding best practices for academia. Arab Open University, Beirut Branch Sep. 28 and 29, 2020 Live session:
Attended: Workshop on the Online Teaching and How to Design Course to cover ILO. Arab Open University, Beirut Branch July 3, 2020 Live session form 3 to 6:30

Attended: An event on how higher education copes with COVID-19. (Education & Society) British Council | 10 Spring Gardens | London | SW1A 2BN T +44 (0)161 957 7755 | E, June 22 to June 27
Attended: Workshop on the Assessment Design Workshop Arab Open University, Beirut Branch September, 2019
Attended: The Annual Conference of “Lebanon Opportunities” AL-MAAREf University, January 17th 2019
Attended: The importance of tenders in saving public money and the prevention of corruption. AL-MAAREF University Beirut, Lebanon Presenter: Dr. John Alieh General manager of Tenders in central Inspections of Lebanon, MAAREF University the 5th of March 2019
Preparing for an International Conference on Business Continuity for SMEs: Crafting strategies for sustainability. In the upcoming October-November 2018
Conference: National Consultation on Relating Skills to Education in Lebanon Towards the development of a Lebanese NQF June 25-26, 2018 Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Master ceremony of “Microfinance: Challenges and Opportunities” Conference Riviera Hotel Beirut – Lebanon on Monday 30 April 2018
Conference: Knowledge Economy and the Nourishment of Human Capital in Lebanon. AL Maaraf University. Airport Avenue, Beirut Lebanon, Thursday 29th of April 2018.
Workshop: The PMI Lebanon: Implementing Change Management to Survive & Thrive in Projects

February 22nd, 2018 The Key Apart Hotel Beirut, Lebanon.

Workshop: The Lebanese Standards Institution – LIBNOR In collaboration with The international Organization for Standardization-ISO “Environmental Management Systems and Life Cycle Assessment” (ISO14001:2015 and ISO14040/ISO14044) November 27th, 2017 Crown plaza hotel Hamra-Beirut

Article I. Conference: CIO Lebanon of “The Middle East” Group “Innovations & Trends in IT” event 2017. Training and Conferences Center, MEA Headquarters. November 25th, 2017 Beirut Lebanon.

Workshop on the validation of Distance Learning and Educational Innovation. Project TEMPUS ADIP Egypt April 30 2017 and Lebanon May 2nd 2017.
Workshop: The PMI Lebanon Chapter second annual Professional Development Day (PDD) “Growing Beyond PMP” Why is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) essential for Project Management Thursday, October 26th, 2017, The Key Apart Hotel Palais de Justice District, Beirut, Lebanon.
Conference related to the Arab World environment and future consequences “Volunteering for an environmental purpose in the Arab countries” October 17th, 2016
Academic workshop “The Lebanese Professional Standards Framework in Teaching and Learning (LBPSF)” Beirut Arab University October 4th, 2016
Academic workshop on the validation of competencies in regard of academic courses Balamand university from 21 to 23 September 2016.
Workshop on the validation of learning experience toward a higher degree in Lebanon AUF (Evaluation and assessment of professional competencies). September 2nd till September 4th 2016.
Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility: between theory and practice (case of Lebanon) held in April 2016. A Panellist
Symposium On Supply Chain Management And Management Information System, At AOU Antelias Lebanon Branch “CREB RESEARCH CENTER”. ‘Using Management Information System To Improve Supply Chain Visibility” On April 08, 2016.
Workshop on the validation of learning experience toward a higher degree in Lebanon AUF. (Evaluation and assessment of professional competencies) September 2015.
Workshop on Innovative Pedagogy in Paris (France) at the UPMC (University of Pierre et Marie Curie) Sorbonne with AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). June, 2015.
Workshop in Egypt with experts from Liège university and the Lebanese universities representatives concerning the Rationale of the module specification and Leaning outcomes and its links with other modules (Grid) specifically for the (MBA and MS programs) AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). April, 2015
Workshop in Bologna and France (Validation & Registration of a New University Qualification In The National Register for Qualifications Awarded in Higher Education) AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). July, 2013
Reader (A Dissertation) for a Ph.D. candidate at (SKEMA University)
(الموارد والمخاطر الطبيعية والبيئة في لبنان)

International Conference Resources, Natural Hazards and The Environment In Lebanon

(Lebanese University) Beirut, Lebanon. May 16, & 17 2014.

The International Conference On Interdisciplinary in Social Sciences And Humanities Program Of Events. Beirut, Lebanon 23rd -26th April 2014
Conference on “Arab Civil Occupation lies Amongst reality and the Future Exposure “

العمل الإجتماعي العربي بين الواقع والتطلعات, Beirut, Lebanon, Commodore Hotel, 15, and 16th of May 2013

International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE) Bangkok, Thailand from 17 till 19/02/2012
Conference on the Development of higher Education in the Islamic World UNISCO 2011
Academic workshop for the higher ministry of education in Lebanon, UNESCO palace June 27th 2008.
Member of the committee at UNIDO to help unemployment and support innovative ideas locally for new innovators. 2010
UNIDO Training for new Entrepreneurs May, July 2010
Motivational speaker at (Edison Community College of Naples, Florida, American/Latin group and African /American group).
Cultures and their effects on business between two countries
Understanding the relationship between cultures, leadership, and management.
Trainer (Leadership and Organizational Changes) for the Arab Academic as well as for the American Education Institute.
Nourishment of Leadership Yoppee international news, July 2008.
Resistance and the Arab world, AL-Anbaa, August 2006.
Establishment of the American University for Humanities in Jadra, Lebanon 2004.
  1. Thesis:
Thesis Title :MBA Thesis: A comparison between outsourcing and vertical Integration-How and when should they be applied


PhD Thesis: – The influence of the distinct styles of leadership on the morale of the organizational personnel and productivity

Field :Leadership and Management Changes
Abstract (10 lines Max):According to Yukl, (1971), the leadership is the phenomenon in which leader encourages or motivates employees and subordinates in order to influence the attitude or behavior of employees and subordinates so that organizational objectives could be achieved in desired manner. Therefore, the importance of organizational success should also be considered as leadership is responsible for attaining the long-term goals and objectives of organization. This research proposal is associated with the concepts or notions of business management. The topic title is the influence of the distinct styles of leadership on the morale of the organizational personnel and productivity. Therefore, the proposal will determine the relationship between distinct styles of leadership and their effect on employee performance as well as organizational productivity in general. This is because the distinct styles of leadership are found crucial in influencing the organizational and personnel productivity or performance to significant level.


Thesis Link


  1. Published technical reports
Report titleDatePlace of publicationBrief Description
MBA Accreditation (Accepted)2011Open University U.KThis document describes the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Enhancement Strategy.

The Strategy is designed to be benchmarking-aware and the revision process incorporates biannual benchmarking. The specific goals of the strategy are:

1. AOU to be a major user of and contributor to the global literature on how best to teach students at a distance in the Arab Region.

2. AOU to have recognized expertise on a global level on the use of Moodle as the basis for an e-learning system used on a large scale.

3. AOU to be a place of recognized and evidenced best practice on an international level.

4. AOU to be at the hub of a number of collaborative teaching arrangements to alleviate social issues of concern in the Arab Region and perhaps beyond.

MBA Accreditation and Revalidation


2016Open University U.KSame as Above in regard of accreditation
MBA Accreditation and Revalidation (Accepted)2021Open University U.KSame as Above in regard of accreditation
Quality Assurance2011- 2021Arab Open UniversityProvided analytical reports on the progress of academic Modules


  1. Competences
Social Change
Mentor and Negotiator


  1. Professional Memberships and Activities
OrganizationYear of joining


  1. Consulting Activities:
TitleFirmCountryFrom-toBrief Description
Senior ConsultantWe Grow MindsLebanon2000 to presentProject Management and project developer
Senior ConsultantIDELLebanon2000 to presentDevelop training packages

  1. Honors and Awards :
Recognition of achievement at University of Maryland commencement as first graduate in the United States to complete (Mind Extension Program) fully video television correspondence.Year: 1997
Featured in Naples Daily Times for accomplishment rendered at the University of Maryland. USA1987
Recognized by the Open University U.K. of Best Practice for the MBA faculty2019-2020-2021
Awarded twice by the local municipality for academic achievements


  1. Committee Assignments and Administrative Services:
A member of LIBNOR for TC 176 (Quality Management Systems and Quality Assurance) & PC 288 (Quality in Higher Education) 2015
Join the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Shinawatra University. August 15th, 2014
(European Union) Project Tempus ADIP (Alloy Development Inter-correlation Program) (Responsible of creating Teaching Innovation and pedagogical department for academia) for the following years 2013-14-15
Member of Sustainable Development Beirut, Lebanon since December 2011
Member of the Academy of Management Journal since 2011
Member of Nourishment of Humanity Beirut, Lebanon since December 2010
Member of Unity and Membership Beirut, Lebanon since December 2009

  1. Languages (1-5, 1: native, 2: very good, 3: good; 4: fair; 5: poor,

  1. Extra-professional’s activities (community service/ civil society engagement)
1- Have been adorned the order of merit from the ministry of higher education of Jordon (Academic Recognition) 2007
2- Active supporter in lecturing with many recognized professors in management and futurist.
3- Was adorned Twice the Merit of deanship


  1. Accreditation of Certificates:

If your Certificates are accredited from the Directorate General of Higher Education; please write the number or code and the date of the accreditation awarded in the box below:

DegreeCode for accreditationDate
PhD767/ م ع ج/ 2006 April 2 2006
MBA/MSc/MA767/ م ع ج/ 2006April 2 2006
BA/BSC/767/ م ع ج/ 2006April 2 2006