Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Houria Woman: Journalist and academic researcher

Nickname: Oumane Houria : Nom

Name: Nymph Prénom : Ouamane

Doctor: With the rank of Professor Lecturer B – University of Mohamed Khider Biskra Algeria

Personal email : ou

Professional email :

WhatsApp phone numbers: 213658244440

Nationality: Algerian Algérien : Nationalité

Country: Algeria


  • Member of the International Federation of Historians of Development, Culture and Social Sciences
  • Member of the Center for Arab History Publishing in Istanbul
  • Member of the International Association of Scientific Researcher in Dubai
  • Member of the Scientific Committee as a reviewer for the International Journal of Wisdom, Khaldouniyah Journal, Tiaret University, Algeria
  • Member of the Scientific Committee as a reviewer for the International Journal of Wisdom, Kartas Journal for Historical and Civilization Studies, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Member of the Scientific Committee as a reviewer in Al-Bahith Journal for Sports and Social Sciences
  • Member of the editorial board of the International Historical Journal, the Court of Historical Orbits, Algeria
  • Member of the American International Academy of Higher Education and Training

Administrative Responsibilities

Master’s Degree in History of a Contemporary Arab Nation 2019-2020 – University of Biskra –

Responsible for the history of the year 2020-2021 – University of Biskra –


1- The baccalaureate certificate, June 2004, with a grade close to good

2- Bachelor of Media and Communication majoring in public relations 2004-2008 Mohamed Khider University of Biskra – Algeria –

3- A second baccalaureate certificate, June 2007 – Algeria –

2- Bachelor’s degree in General History LMD 2008-2011, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – second batch – Algeria –

3- Master of Contemporary History LMD 2011-2013 University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – first in class – Algeria –

4- Ph.D. in the history of the Algerian Liberation Revolution 2013-2018 Djilali Bounaama University – Algeria – very honorable degree

5- Contractual professor with the Department of Humanities, Department of History, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – Algeria – 2013-2018

6- Assistant Professor (B) with the Department of Humanities, Department of History, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – Algeria – 2018-2019

  • Lecturer (B) with the Department of Humanities, Department of History, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – Algeria – 2019-2020
  • Distance training certificate from Mentouri University of Constantine – Algeria –

1- Professional experience in the field of academic specialization

  • 2013/2014 examined the following measures:
  • The history of ancient Morocco – application – (first semester)
  • Historical Research Methodology – Application – (first semester)
  • History of the Algerian Liberation Revolution – Application – (first semester)
  • 2014/2015 metrics studied:
  • Modern History of Morocco – Application – (first semester)
  • General prehistory-application-(first semester)
  • History of the Algerian Liberation Revolution – Application – (first semester)
  • 2015/2016 metrics studied:
  • History of the Algerian Liberation Revolution 1954-1952 – Application – (first semester)
  • History of the Algerian Liberation Revolution 1954-1952 – Application – (second semester)


  • 2017/2018 metrics studied:
  • Modern History of Morocco – Application – (first semester)
  • Algeria’s Cultural History – Application – (first semester)
  • History of the Greeks and Romans – Application – (First Hexagon)
  • History of Civilizations – Application – (first semester)
  • North African Prehistory – Application – (Second Semester)
  • History of Civilizations – Application – (Second Semester)
  • Introduction to Archeology – Application – (Second semester)
  • 2018-2019 correct comparison:
  • History of the Algerian Liberation Revolution 1954-1962 Application (first semester)
  • Trends in Intellectualism in the Contemporary Arab World 1789-1914 Lecture (first semester)
  • Quantitative approaches and how to apply (first semester)
  • Unitary projects in the Arab world, lecture (second semester)
  • Manuscript science lecture (second semester)
  • 2019-2020 correct comparison:
  • Trends in Intellectualism in the Contemporary Arab World 1789-1914 (first semester lecture) + (first semester application)
  • Europe and the Americas in the Contemporary Period Lecture (first semester)
  • Unitary projects in the Arab world ( the second semester lecture) – (the application of the second semester)
  • 2020-2021 correct comparison:
  • Trends in Intellectualism in the Contemporary Arab World 1789-1914 (first semester lecture) + (first semester application)
  • The contemporary history of Algeria (the first hexagonal application)
  • Unitary projects in the Arab world ( the second semester lecture) – (the application of the second semester)

  • 2021-2022 metrics studied:
  • Unitary projects in the Arab world ( the second semester lecture) + (the application of the second semester)
  • A critical study of historical writings (first semester lecture)

2- Completed works and studies

2-1 Scientific activities:

2-1-1 Scientific Publications:

  • An article was published in Issue 25 of the Journal of Human Sciences and Society, University of Mohamed Khider of Biskra, entitled: Algerian solidarity with the uprising of the Moroccan people, the attacks of August 20, 1955.
  • An article was published in Issue 26 of the Journal of Social Sciences, Ammar Thilji University in Laghouat, entitled: The Maghreb Dimension of the Algerian Liberation Revolution through its Basic Charters, the statement of the first of November and the charter of the Soummam Conference August 20, 1956.
  • An article was published in Issue 10 of the Journal of the History of Science, Zayan Ashour University, Djelfa, entitled: The role of the North African star in unifying the common Maghreb political struggle between 1926-1937.
  • An article was published in Issue 05 of the Algerian Historical Journal, Mohamed Boudiaf University of M’sila, entitled : The participation of the Yusuf patriots and their military support for the Algerian liberation revolution 1956-1962
  • An article was published in the 28th issue of Al-Masdar magazine, issued by the National Center for Studies and Research in the National Movement and the Revolution of November 1, 1954, entitled: The Egli Crisis, a French maneuver to create Tunisian economic ambitions in the oil of the Algerian desert.

2-1-2 International Forums:

  • Participation in the International Forum of Prince Abdul Qader in the areas of the children of Nael and those around them with an intervention entitled: The cultural, spiritual and human dimension of Prince Abdul Qader on 16/17 April 2018 in the Rehab of Zayan Ashour University Djelfa – Algeria

2-1-3 National Seminars

  • Participation in the activities of the historical symposium organized on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the outbreak of the liberation revolution (1954-2014) with a lecture entitled Ideology of the Algerian liberation revolution through its basic charters – November 1 statement as a model at the Mujahid Regional Museum on Thursday 30 October 2015.
  • Participation in the activities of the historical symposium organized on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the outbreak of the Liberation Revolution (1954-2014) with a lecture entitled: Maghreb support for the Algerian revolution 1954-1962 at the Hall of Thought and Literature, House of Culture Ahmed Reda Houhou in Biskra on October 29, 2016. In coordination with the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra –
  • Participation in a historical symposium on the occasion of the celebrations commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the outbreak of the glorious liberation revolution, with an intervention entitled: The liberation revolution is a fountain from which generations drink and historians draw from , on 01 November 2017.
  • Participation in the historical symposium for the sixty-third anniversary of the outbreak of the glorious November 54 revolution on the goals and dimensions of the November 54 revolution, held at the Islamic Cultural Center, Biskra branch, with an intervention entitled: The strategy of the National Liberation Army in the face of French colonial plans on: November 02, 2017.
  • Participation in a historical symposium on the occasion of the resistance of Zaatsha on the occasion of the 168th anniversary of the battle of Sidi al-Mazari and the martyrdom of Sheikh Bouziane, with an intervention entitled: Resistance of Zaatsha, crimes of genocide against a defenseless people on November 26, 2017.
  • Participation in the radio symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Sakiet Youssef massacre, February 08, 1958, on February 08, 2018 on the regional radio in Biskra, in coordination with the Regional Museum of the Mujahid Colonel Mohamed Chabani in Biskra.
  • Participation in the historical symposium on the detonation of nuclear bombs in the Algerian desert with the first nuclear test called the blue jerboa Burgan at Mujahid Daou Massoud High School on February 15, 2018.
  • Participation in the historical symposium on the occasion of the National Day of the Martyr, February 18, at the main library for public reading, Mohamed Essami, in the wilaya of Biskra. On February 18, 2018.
  • Participation in the national symposium on the reform and educational activity of the Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars 1931-1954 with an intervention tagged with: The cultural and awareness renaissance in the writings of the pioneers of the Algerian reform movement before 1931, a reading in the contents of Al-Muntaqid newspaper as a model . On 16-April-2018 at the University of Mohamed Khider, Biskra.
  • Participation in the national scientific symposium on the reality of linguistic activity through social networks, with a scientific intervention tagged with: The effectiveness of using the Arabic language in media messages through social networks and its effects on the target audience . Held in cooperation with the laboratory of the Algerian Encyclopedia Facilitated at the University of Batna on April 21, 2018 under the auspices of the Governor of Biskra on: 04/21/2018.

2-1-4 Study Days:

  • Participation in a study day under the title Souk Ahras between the past and the present with an intervention entitled: The strategy of the Algerian revolution in the eastern borders on April 23, 2015, Mohammed Sharif University Assistant Souk Ahras
  • Participation in the school day under the title The image of the Algerian national resistance and the liberation revolution 1830-1962 in the Algerian historical sources with an intervention tagged with: The position of the Algerian state and its foreign relations before 1830 through the writings of Mouloud Kassem Nayet Belkacem, an analytical study on 10/31/2017 Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.
  • Participation in a study day under the title The Heritage and Cities of North Africa through the Ages, with a bilateral intervention tagged with: The urban characteristics of the city of Algiers during the Ottoman era and the transformations that took place after the French occupation , on December 18- 2017, at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.
  • Participation in a study day under the title: Ethics of media work in Algeria in light of the current social reality with: “ Media disinformation and the use of news sources in the Algerian written press, an analytical study on a sample of national news in the daily An-Nahar newspaper. On April 19, 2018, University of Mohamed Khider Biskra.
  • Participation in a study day entitled “The demonstrations of May 8, 1945, a decisive station in the path of the Algerian national movement, with an intervention tagged with:” The position of the Association of Muslim Scholars on the events of May 8, 1945, through the Insights newspaper, on May 8, 2018, at Mohamed Khider University in Biskra.
  • Participation in an international forum under the title of the media and communication phenomenon in the light of the digital environment, with an intervention tagged with : Digitization and its role in preserving historical heritage, “Digitizing the manuscript as a model”, on 14-15 November 2018, at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.
  • Participation in a national symposium entitled “The December 11, 1960 demonstrations, backgrounds and results”, with : “The December 11 demonstrations between the slogans of Algeria are Algerian, Algeria is French and Algeria is Arab and Muslim through Charles de Gaulle’s memoirs”, on – December 11-2018, at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.
  • Participation in the Second National Forum under the title “People of the Southeast in the Face of French Plans 1844-1954” with: “The contribution of the fighter Mohamed Essami to the Algerian national movement, on January 29-30, 2019, at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.
  • Participation in the National Forum under the title of the Algerian Revolution 1954-1962 The path and challenges The destructive movement is defeated with an intervention tagged with: The Law of the Right to Follow the Algerian Revolutionaries across the Tunisian Borders and its Impact on the Liberation Revolution “ An Analytical Study through the Tunisian Archives” dated Thursday October 31, 2019 Mohamed Khider University – Biskra –
  • Participation in the Forum International Conference Readings in international historical intellectual schools, intellectual and analytical studies compared to an intervention tagged with: The French Colonial School and its role in writing the history of Algeria, a critical analytical study on August 20-21 in Istanbul
  • Participation in the First International Conference on Islamic History and Civilization “Scientific, Intellectual and Cultural Life in the Arab World between the Centuries 1-14 AH / 7-20 CE with an intervention tagged with: The manuscript and its role in preserving historical heritage: Algerian manuscripts as a model on 2-3 October 2019 Yarmouk University Department of History Jordan College of Arts
  • Participation in the first international symposium seasoned with: Contemporary quantitative methods and models and their applications in business administration, with an intervention tagged with: The historical development of quantitative schools on December 18, 2019 at Ziane Achour University, Djelfa, Algeria.
  • Participation in the National Forum under the title The Civilization Issue in the Thought of Malik Bennabi: Theses of Change and Renaissance with an intervention tagged with: Women’s freedom and their role in the civilizational renaissance in Malik Bennabi’s thought, on June 16, 2016 at the Algerian National Library in Algiers.
  • Participation in the Sixteenth National Forum of Biskra throughout history under the title of the major battles of the National Liberation Army in Biskra and their echo in popular literature, with an intervention tagged with: Military activity in the Western Zab , on December 21-22, 2019 at the Hall of Thought and Literature, House of Culture Ahmed Reda Houhou, Biskra – Algeria.
  • Participation in the Thirteenth International Forum on the Algerian Revolution under the title of the Liberation Revolution in Emigrants Europe and the Arab World: Representations and Reflections on March 09-10, 2020 with an intervention tagged with: The reality of Algerian migration towards Tunisia and Morocco between voluntary migration and forced asylum 1830-1954 at the University of 20 August 1955 Skikda Algeria.
  • Participation in the National Forum under the title of the military strategy of the Algerian revolution with an intervention tagged with: The victories of the National Liberation Army in the eastern Algerian-Tunisian borders, the Battle of Jabal al-Wasta as a model “ An analytical study through the French archive and oral testimonies on: 15-16 December 2019, Mohamed Boudiaf University of M’sila, Algeria.
  • Participation in the National Forum under the title of the Algerian Revolution 1954-1962 The path and challenges defeat the destructive movement, with an intervention tagged with: The Law of the Right to Follow the Algerian Revolutionaries across the Tunisian Borders and Its Impact on the Liberation Revolution, a study by the Tunisian Archives on October 31, 2019.
  • Participation in the National Forum, the problem of philosophical creativity, an interpretive vision in the contexts of contemporary Arab philosophy, with an intervention tagged : Specialization and the philosophy of contemporary creativity , on November 5, 2019 Mohamed Khider University – Biskra, Algeria

Published books:

  • Participation in the collective writing entitled: Historical Studies Dedicated to the Mujahid, Historian Jamal Qanan
  • Participation in the collective survey entitled: The Algerian Revolution 1954-1962 The path and challenges defeat the destructive movement
  • Participation in the collective writing entitled: The Military Strategy of the Algerian Revolution
  • Participation in the Collective Survey: Educational Schools in Algeria during the French Occupation Period 1830-1962 An Investment Foresight Study, published by the Center for Research in Islamic Sciences and Civilization in Laghouat, Algeria.
  • Other books have not yet been published

3- Certificates of supervision of the master’s notes

  • I supervised the framing of the following memorandum : The Revolutionary Organization in the Sixth State, Fourth Region, 1956-1962, as a model, Specialization: Contemporary History by the student: Habirat Rahma, University of Muhammad Khider – Biskra – 2016-2017
  • She supervised the framing of the following memorandum : The Rif region and its role in the national movement in the Far Maghreb, by student: Morsi Salima, University of Mohamed Khider – Biskra – 2018-2019.
  • Supervising and discussing many university theses in the master’s phase between the year 2017-2021

Professional experience in the field of journalism:

  • Published many articles in many newspapers, daily newspapers and websites

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