Dr. Awad Abdul Jalil Abu Bakr Muhammad/ Islamic History/ Sudan

Personal data :-

Name: Awad Abdul Jalil Abu Bakr Muhammad

Date of birth: October 21, 1975 AD.

Place of birth: Port Sudan – Red Sea State – Sudan.

Marital Status: Married and father of two daughters, thank God.

Address: Sudan – Red Sea State – Port Sudan – Red Sea University – College of Arts and Humanities – Department of History, PO Box 24.

Mobile: 00966537740937 – 00966536987875 Sudan Mobile: 00249912377607

Email: bokhtt@yahoo.com

Educational stages :-

1/ Al-Thawra West Primary School – Port Sudan 1982-1988 AD.

2/ Port Sudan National Intermediate School 1989-1991 AD.

3 / Red Sea Secondary School 1992-1995 AD.

4/ Gezira University – Faculty of Education Hantoub – Department of Geography and History – Batch 18-1996-2000 AD.

Academic qualifications :-

1/ Doctor of Philosophy in History – Distinction Degree – Specialization in Islamic History – Red Sea University – 2013 AD, ( The Development of the Relations of the Beja Tribes in the Islamic State – from 20 AH/641 AD until 923 AH/1517 AD ) .

2/ MA Islamic History with a very good grade – Red Sea University – 2005 AD ( Kharijit intellectual and revolutionary movements in the Umayyad state ).

3 / Bachelor’s degree with honors second class, first section – College of Education – specialization in geography and history – Gezira University – 2000 AD.

Scientific papers :-

1/ Somalia from Colonization and Partition to the Beginning of Resistance , a scientific paper published in the Journal of Islam in Africa, a semi-annual issue of a university court concerned with Islam and Muslim issues in Africa, issued by the Islamic Call Organization, issue ninth, June 2017, in partnership with Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Center.

2/ History of the Beja Ports in the Era of the Islamic State (11 AH/632AD-656AH/1258AD) , a paper published in the Journal of the Red Sea University – Sudan, 2017, in partnership with Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Center.

3 / The Islamic caliphate after the death of the Prophet ( may God bless him and grant him peace ) , its genesis, development and dispute around it, a paper submitted for publication in the Journal of the International University of Africa – Sudan.

4/ The colonial incursion on the properties of Egypt and the Sublime Porte in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa, in partnership with Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Markaz, submitted for publication to the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Assiut University, Republic of Egypt.

5 / Principality of the Rabi’a tribe in Wadi Al-Allaqi in the land of Beja, a paper submitted to the Journal of the Egyptian Historian, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Egypt.

6/ Migration of Arab tribes from the Arabian Peninsula to the country of Beja in eastern Sudan, a paper ready for publication.

7 / The Great Sedition in the Era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs: Its Causes and Consequences, a paper ready for publication.

8/ History of the Kharijites in the Islamic State (Growth, Creeds, Revolutions), a paper under preparation.

9/ The Chinese Silk Road and its role in supporting Arab-Chinese relations, a paper under preparation.

10/ Morocco’s role in spreading Islam and the Arabic language in West Africa, a paper under preparation.

11/ The history of the spread of the Arabic language in sub-Saharan Africa, a paper under preparation.

12/ The Ottoman Military Campaign on the Emirate of Abu Arish and the Yemeni Coasts, a paper under preparation.

Books :-

1/ A draft book on the history of the Beja tribes and their relationship to the Islamic state.

2/ Contemporary sects and sects (from a historical perspective).

3 / The economic components of the Beja tribes in eastern Sudan and their role in the Arab-Islamic migrations from the Arabian Peninsula.


Training courses :-

the numberCourse nameOrganisersthe placeDate
1Academic Supervision and the Art of Writing Appointments for Academic SupervisorsSudan Open UniversityRed Sea State Center

Port Sudan – Sudan

17-19/2/2009 AD
2Academic advising, mentoring and advisingUniversity Education Development Center, University of Gezira, in cooperation with the Secretariat of Scientific Affairs, Red Sea UniversityPort Sudan – Sudan24-25 January 2011 AD
3Positive thinking principles and foundationsSmart Step Center for Training and Human Resource DevelopmentKhartoum, Sudan14-16 April 2012 AD
4Integrated and balanced growth for people with special needsThe Specialized Center for Communication with the Deaf and Blind at Assiut University, Egypt, in cooperation with the Kindergarten Department – Faculty of Education, Foundation Stage, Red Sea UniversityPort Sudan – Sudan4-7 June 2012 AD
5performance promotion for university professorContinuing Professional Development Center – General Professional Union of Sudanese University and Higher Institutes ProfessorsPort Sudan – SudanDecember 14-20 2013
6Create interactive, professional design content and publish it on the InternetSkills Development Unit, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Najran – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia4/3/1439 AH corresponding to November 22, 2017 AD
7Creative Argumentation: The Mental Challenge in the Lecture Hall.Skills Development Unit, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Najran – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia9/3/1439 AH corresponding to November 27, 2017 AD

Practical experiences :-

1/ Teaching Assistant – Department of History – College of Education, Foundation Stage – Red Sea University – 2003/2005 AD.

2/ Registrar of the College of Applied Sciences – Red Sea University 2003-2005 AD.

3 / Lecturer, Department of History – College of Education, Foundation Stage – Red Sea University – 2005-2013.

4/ Assistant Secretary of Scientific Affairs for Certificates and Examinations – Red Sea University – 2005-2013.

5 / Acting Secretary of Scientific Affairs of the Red Sea University during the periods: –

  • From August 1, 2010 to September 20, 2010.
  • From January 30, 2011 to February 6, 2011.
  • From 30 June 2011 to 2 July 2011.
  • From July 19, 2011 to September 16, 2011.

6 / Assistant Professor, Department of History – College of Arts and Humanities – 2013 AD.

7 / Head of the Department of History – College of Arts and Humanities – 2013 AD until October 2014 AD (now I enjoy an unpaid leave).

8/ Currently working at Najran University – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Deanship of Library Affairs.

Conferences and participations outside the university :-

1/ Chairman of the Facts Committee in the National Education Conference in the Red Sea State 2011.

2/ Participation in a seminar on the Darfur crisis – Department of History – Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Assiut University – Republic of Egypt, January 2011.

3 / Participation in the activities of the History Department at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Assiut University – Republic of Egypt – the academic year 2010-2011.

4/ Head of the recommendations committee in the training workshops for a program for the Eastern Sudan Reconstruction Fund in cooperation with the Red Sea University and the National Development and Reconstruction Corporation, January 2011.

5 / Decision of the Conference on Peace and Tribal Coexistence – Red Sea University in cooperation with the People’s and Community Police 2010.

6 / The owner of the idea of ​​a joint cooperation agreement between the secretariats of scientific affairs of the universities of eastern Sudan (Red Sea – Kassala – Gedaref), which was signed at Gedaref University in 2007.

7 / Conference on Evaluation and Review of Curricula of Faculties and Research Centers of Gedaref University (1st Academic Conference) – Sudan – 2006 AD.

8/ Secretary of Media and Public Relations, Diabetes Care Association in the Red Sea State – two sessions 2004-2005.

9 / Secretary of the Leadership Council of the Naval Scout Group 1996-2002 AD.

10/ Member of the Scout Program for Life – Anti-AIDS Program – 1998-2002 AD.


Public participations and community work :-

1/ Head of the Graduates and Certificates Survey Committee, the second graduation of the Red Sea University, February/March 2014.

2/ Member of the Services Committee at the university’s second graduation, February/March 2014.

3 / Member of all committees of the celebrations of the Red Sea University 2006-2013.

4/ Handbook designer for Red Sea University graduates from the year 2008-2014 AD.

5 / I was responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Red Sea University in the years 2010-2011-2012.

6/ Chairman of the Staff House Committee at the Red Sea University 2012 until now.

7 / Chairman of the Committee on Certificates and Qualification of Graduates in the Graduation of the First Red Sea University in 2008.

8/ Member of the Cultural Committee at the University’s first graduation in 2008.

Courses I taught :

the numberCourse NameSemesterthe collegethe University
1History of society and the Islamic stateThirdEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
2History of Modern Sudan (Turkish and Mahdist)the fourthEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
3ancient sudan historyFifthEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
4History of the Abbasid stateFifthEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
5History of the Ottoman EmpireFifthEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
6History of the continent of Africa until 1800 ADVIEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
7History of the modern and contemporary Arab worldVIEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
8Medieval Sudan’s historyVIEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
9History of the continent of EuropeseventhEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
10The modern and contemporary history of AfricaseventhEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
11History of the spread of Islam in South and Southeast AsiaVIIIEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
12History of the national movement in SudanVIIIEducation – the foundation stageThe Red Sea
13History of ancient civilizationsthe firstEducationThe Red Sea
14ancient sudan historySecondEducationThe Red Sea
15thHistory of the Rightly-Guided CaliphsSecondEducationThe Red Sea
16The concept and philosophy of historyThirdEducationThe Red Sea
17History of the Umayyad CaliphateThirdEducationThe Red Sea
the numberCourse NameSemesterthe collegethe University
18Medieval Sudan’s historythe fourthEducationThe Red Sea
19Medieval history of Europethe fourthEducationThe Red Sea
20History and civilization of eastern Sudanthe fourthEducationThe Red Sea
21History of the first Abbasid eraFifthEducationThe Red Sea
22History of Modern Sudan-1 (Turkish and Mahdist)FifthEducationThe Red Sea
23American historyFifthEducationThe Red Sea
24Medieval history of AfricaFifthEducationThe Red Sea
25History of the second Abbasid eraVIEducationThe Red Sea
26History of AndalusiaVIEducationThe Red Sea
27The History of Modern Sudan-2 (The Condominium and the National Movement)VIEducationThe Red Sea
28History of the Ottoman EmpireseventhEducationThe Red Sea
29The history of relations between the East and the MaghrebseventhEducationThe Red Sea
30History of the Modern and Contemporary Middle EastseventhEducationThe Red Sea
31Historical research methodseventhEducationThe Red Sea
32Modern and Contemporary African HistoryVIIIEducationThe Red Sea
33The history of the spread of Islam in South and East AsiaVIIIEducationThe Red Sea
34Graduation researchVIIIEducationThe Red Sea
35History of the Abbasid stateFifthEducationlazy
36History of North and West AfricaseventhEducationlazy
37ancient sudan historythe fourthEducationSudan Open
38History of the Umayyad and Abbasid statesthe fourthEducationSudan Open
39Medieval Sudan’s historyFifthEducationSudan Open
40History of the spread of Islam in South and Southeast AsiaVIEducationSudan Open
41History of AndalusiaVIEducationSudan Open
42modern history of sudanVIEducationSudan Open
43The concept and philosophy of historyVIEducationSudan Open
44Sudanese Studies (University Requirement)1st + 2ndMedicine and health sciencesThe Red Sea
45Sudanese Studies (University Requirement)1st + 3rdgeologyThe Red Sea
46Courses of Islamic history and Islamic civilizationMultiple classesArts and HumanitiesThe Red Sea
47Sudan History Courses (Ancient + Medieval + Modern)Multiple classesArts and HumanitiesThe Red Sea
48World History Courses (Europe + Africa + Asia)

Multiple classes

Arts and HumanitiesThe Red Sea